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Free Assange Tour - Chicago - tomorrow

  1. #1
    FreeAssange Houston [our argentine adverbial dick]
    The father and brother of award-winning Australian journalist Julian Assange are on a nationwide tour of the United States calling on the U.S. government to drop its prosecution and finally let Julian come home.

    Next stop: Chicago, June 17th
    Rally at 625 N. Michigan Ave, 4:30pm

    Everything that sucks about our government and the alien vermin who have taken control of it is wrapped up in the incarceration of Julian Assange, who continues to suffer IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT - a torture so brutal people go permanently insane from it. Just think about that.

    It should not be a crime to expose a crime. IT SHOULD NOT BE A CRIME TO EXPOSE A CRIME.

    Here is a 27 sec video of Israel's poodle committing a war crime. This is the video he released that really frosted their tiny 'nads.

    Here's an article detailing the 17 major prosecutorial abuses our overlords have committed so far.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Originally posted by FreeAssange

    It's OK, they probably didn't respect Israels right to exist.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    FreeAssange Houston [our argentine adverbial dick]
    I tried to organize a "feeder tour" to meet up with Assange's father and brother on June 21 in Minneapolis and so I was posting stuff on Reddit about it and was stunned at how callous and ignorant and short-sighted and gullible our people are. I got nothing but down votes and people saying shit like "Julian Assange has zero credibility as a journalist" which is literally parroting the New York Times. So fucking stupid. Look at the evidence, for crying out loud. That's a completely illegal war crime, done in our name, that our government is hiding from us, and an Australian citizen publishes exactly what the American press should be uncovering, and does it for free so WE could be informed, exactly the role the press is supposed to play under a system of self-government--and these fools come out and with their faggoty little "he has no credibility as a journalist" WTF

    Because our people are too stupid to see this for what it is, rise up, and put a stop to it, it is only a matter of time before the same vermin are doing the same thing to us while we are standing and talking in civilian clothes on a street in our own country. I hope the Reddit faggots are the first to die.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    Julian Assange lost all credibility when he smeared feces all over the walls in the Ecuadorian Embassy, let the filthy animal rot.
  5. #5
    FreeAssange Houston [our argentine adverbial dick]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Julian Assange lost all credibility when he smeared feces all over the walls in the Ecuadorian Embassy, let the filthy animal rot.

    First of all, if you haven't figured out by now the Mossad/Soros/New York Times shit, in addition to being your masters, are liars. Secondly, he was forced to hole up in a foreign embassy for fear the US would try to extradite him, which, of course, is exactly what they did. There are no charges against him, and never have been, except a violation of a bailiff appearance in Sweden--a crime that usually isn't even prosecuted, let alone by a foreign country, and CERTAINLY doesn't merit ten years of solitary confinement.

    Then, after years of being unable to leave, Ecuador voted in a new president, who was much more compliant with the US wishes--i.e., dirtier, and the US found a few billion dollars to "invest" in Ecuador and suddenly they are telling Assange has to leave, but Assange knows that he can't leave. So Ecuador started trying to force him to leave (without looking too bad and it had nothing to do with Uncle Sam's billions) so they turned off his internet and otherwise make his life hell.

    Ever been in jail, Jiggy? Ever spent time in the hole? Even if it is true that he smeared feces, that is by far the least important aspect of this story. Only an over-sensitive mamma's boy cocksucking twat would think someone deserved life in prison under solitary confinement for protesting his treatment via the only means he had. Stupid fuck.
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by FreeAssange I tried to organize a "feeder tour" to meet up with Assange's father and brother on June 21 in Minneapolis and so I was posting stuff on Reddit about it and was stunned at how callous and ignorant and short-sighted and gullible our people are. I got nothing but down votes and people saying shit like "Julian Assange has zero credibility as a journalist" which is literally parroting the New York Times. So fucking stupid. Look at the evidence, for crying out loud. That's a completely illegal war crime, done in our name, that our government is hiding from us, and an Australian citizen publishes exactly what the American press should be uncovering, and does it for free so WE could be informed, exactly the role the press is supposed to play under a system of self-government–and these fools come out and with their faggoty little "he has no credibility as a journalist" WTF

    Because our people are too stupid to see this for what it is, rise up, and put a stop to it, it is only a matter of time before the same vermin are doing the same thing to us while we are standing and talking in civilian clothes on a street in our own country. I hope the Reddit faggots are the first to die.

    Being on Reddit was your first mistake.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    Originally posted by FreeAssange First of all, if you haven't figured out by now the Mossad/Soros/New York Times shit, in addition to being your masters, are liars.

    Everyone lies you dumb fuck, a cursory glance at him when they dragged him out of the embassy though...he just looks like someone who would smear shit all over the walls.

    Looks like a fucking goblin, kill it.

    Ecuador’s president Lenin Moreno said he made the decision to evict Assange from the embassy after “repeated violations to international conventions and daily-life protocols”, and he later called the Australian native a “spoiled brat” who treated his hosts with disrespect.
  8. #8
    FreeAssange Houston [our argentine adverbial dick]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    He published evidence of war crimes, you sniveling Hebrew cockroach.
  9. #9
    Originally posted by FreeAssange He published evidence of war crimes, you sniveling Hebrew cockroach.

    ...yeah, every country/gov in the world is guilty of that too...quelle surprise you naive flake.

    The filthy dog needs to be put to death not for his revelations but simply for being a filthy animal.
  10. #10
    FreeAssange Houston [our argentine adverbial dick]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson …yeah, every country/gov in the world is guilty of that too…quelle surprise you naive flake.

    The filthy dog needs to be put to death not for his revelations but simply for being a filthy animal.

    Really, you intellectual midget? Every country? And all the time, too, I'll bet. Every country, all the time, and only once in--how many years? 20? 30? does someone publish evidence of all these war crimes happening everywhere constantly. Guess you know more about the secret workings of the world's governments than I, but having it published is so rare that Israel's poodle went absolutely ape shit bananas and is acting on the world stage like a fucking bully--just like Israel acts, come to think of it.
  11. #11
    Originally posted by FreeAssange Really, you intellectual midget? Every country? And all the time, too, I'll bet. Every country, all the time, and only once in–how many years? 20? 30? does someone publish evidence of all these war crimes happening everywhere constantly. Guess you know more about the secret workings of the world's governments than I, but having it published is so rare that Israel's poodle went absolutely ape shit bananas and is acting on the world stage like a fucking bully–just like Israel acts, come to think of it.

    Yes, every country is/has been guilty of war crimes...not really a secret either.

    Wake up and smell the flowers.
  12. #12
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Man he was in serious trouble back in the 1980s or early 90s with BBS

    This is what the System has done, it has made us get to the point where now we ask ourself "Is it worth saying shit" because you have got to weigh it down to the micro sense of things.

    He fucked up because he should have vetted what he released and or at least waited a few weeks. the reason was he put troops at risk for their locations. however he had the right as a war concordant (with a press pass or not) to tell the news. Independently. so had he chilled a few weeks he wouldn't be in trouble. and its not just this video. it was a shitload of documents very fresh he obtained telling the enemy where Ally troops were.

    other then that, I think he's just a Deep State Stooge, keeping us busy with made up shit. then its made up they're gonna rape him with years of prison. does he deserve this? He's not a Rosenburg giving the Russian Nuke info. Or is he?
  13. #13
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Also I just bought a brand new Aloha Shirt. it's kind of a pastel blue green (teal?) with patterns of sea life on the side running down the rib cage area from the shoulder to the side of my waist
  14. #14
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    they should at least allow a barely legal eurasian gal to blow and ride him.
  15. #15
    Free bucket of shit for everyone who wants to paint their walls with feces in support of Assange
  16. #16
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    He will eat da poopoo
  17. #17
    FreeAssange Houston [our argentine adverbial dick]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Free bucket of shit for everyone who wants to paint their walls with feces in support of Assange

    Men of honor, men who live by principles instead of snuffling around in the slop to get as fat as possible, a planet of soulless, grasping crap-gatherers willing to spend their whole lives gathering crap so that their pile of crap is the biggest, willing to betray friends, neglect their kids, forego love, sell out their people all for that pile of crap, big heaping shiny piles of scrapple for Mr. and Mrs Pigface. How could they honor someone like Julian Assange? A hero and a martyr, you chaff, put your snout back in the filth where you shine.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. #18
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Well I like him, I think he's a righteous dude.

  19. #19
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    how to get put on a watchlist tour featuring your local fbi field agents
  20. #20
    Originally posted by FreeAssange Men of honor, men who live by principles instead of snuffling around in the slop to get as fat as possible, a planet of soulless, grasping crap-gatherers willing to spend their whole lives gathering crap so that their pile of crap is the biggest, willing to betray friends, neglect their kids, forego love, sell out their people all for that pile of crap, big heaping shiny piles of scrapple for Mr. and Mrs Pigface. How could they honor someone like Julian Assange? A hero and a martyr, you chaff, put your snout back in the filth where you shine.

    He coated the walls of his living space in his own feces.
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