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Poise & Grooming for Big Media

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    How come everything recently is large groups of people positioned (Often in a bowling pin pattern) for the news next to a pinnacle style business or emblem style sign that 20 feet high or more

    Like this company that CBS This Morning just did. more and more I see this. or the President and his Staff poised in such an obvious and stiff pattern of perfection. instead of just asking them all to stop for a moment for a pic op.

    it's so staged. it's like a bow and curtsy moment at the end of a play. I am noticing more since the Pandemic (usually with masks) and in the last week they're doing it without masks, looking like Models at a fashion show. Like a human form of a car show. everything all waxed and sparkly under the show lights.

    the pause for camera shots by politicians should be rare and earned. in the 40s or 50s you only saw this when a war came to an end or some other victory event. otherwise the media had to play the media circus game of getting close and snapping shots. the media had their job and the politicians had their jobs. the two were separated (with the exception of the candidate game of kissing babies.

    people at home are just in a daze and dazzled by this.

    I have nothing else to bitch out as of yet

    everything seems rigged.
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