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THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's

  1. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Business Insider
    Republicans are putting America's democracy in mortal danger, more than 100 scholars warn (John Haltiwanger)

    Over 100 democracy scholars warned that the GOP is putting US democracy in mortal danger.

    The scholars excoriated Republicans for rejecting the 2020 election results.

    They also criticized GOP-led efforts across the country to restrict voting access.

    Republican efforts to restrict voting across the US are posing an existential threat to democracy in the US, over 100 scholars of democracy warned in a new statement released by the New America think tank on Tuesday.

    "We, the undersigned, are scholars of democracy who have watched the recent deterioration of US elections and liberal democracy with growing alarm," the statement said. "Specifically, we have watched with deep concern as Republican-led state legislatures across the country have in recent months proposed or implemented what we consider radical changes to core electoral procedures in response to unproven and intentionally destructive allegations of a stolen election."

    The scholars said that the GOP-led initiatives "are transforming several states into political systems that no longer meet the minimum conditions for free and fair elections."

    "Our entire democracy is now at risk," the scholars said. "History will judge what we do at this moment."

    The professors, deans, and other scholars who signed the statement come from a range of universities and institutions across the US, including Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, Duke, and Stanford.

    Over the past few years, and particularly since the fatal insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6, top scholars have repeatedly said that the GOP has morphed into a fundamentally antidemocratic party determined to win elections by any means.

    Republican efforts to whitewash the events of January 6 and shield former President Donald Trump from blame for the riot have increased alarm in this regard. Trump provoked the deadly insurrection and was impeached as a result, but Republican leaders have continued to kowtow to the former president.

    "Elected Republican leaders have had numerous opportunities to repudiate Trump and his 'Stop the Steal' crusade, which led to the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6," the scholars said in the new statement. "Each time, they have sidestepped the truth and enabled the lie to spread."

    Top Republicans across the US have refused to accept the results of the 2020 election, perpetuating the false notion that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win. There's no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, and voter fraud is extraordinarily rare in the US more generally.

    Meanwhile, Republican-led legislatures nationwide have taken steps to make it harder to vote. At least 14 states enacted 22 new laws that restrict access to the vote between January 1 and mid-May, a tracker from Brennan Center for Justice showed.

    The democracy scholars in the new statement on Tuesday condemned Republicans for rejecting the 2020 election results and for continuing to push for antidemocratic laws.

    "These actions call into question whether the United States will remain a democracy," they said, referring to these recent actions as "a betrayal of our precious democratic heritage."

    The scholars urged Congress to suspend the filibuster - and do whatever else is necessary - to pass national voting and election-administration standards that would guarantee "the vote to all Americans equally, and prevent state legislatures from manipulating the rules in order to manufacture the result they want."
  2. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    bla bla bla commie nigger bitch
  3. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Republicans Are Outlining Their Strategy to Steal Future Elections in Plain Sight
    Jack Holmes

    Vice President Kamala Harris made the grave mistake this past weekend of acknowledging Americans value Memorial Day partly because it involves a day off from work, which earned her some vitriol from the same people waging a sustained assault on American democracy. That those we honor on Memorial Day fought to safeguard more than the flag and the song does not seem to register to these people as a trigger for them to feel ashamed, because genuine democracy is not an essential feature of the American experiment in their eyes. This country rightfully belongs to them and their fellow travelers, and if sacrifices must be made to maintain that illusion—and keep the country out of the Wrong People's hands—they'll be made. Along the way, we'll be subjected to a rolling river of bad-faith b******* while the foundations of this whole thing steadily erode.

    Because nothing says "honoring the fallen" like calling for a military coup. That's what we got from General Jack D. Ripper at a QAnon conference in Texas on Memorial Day Monday. One of the loony toons in attendance asked the following of former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn—who has, in the time since, become a felon and pledged allegiance to the cult: "I want to know why what happened in Minamar can't happen here?" By this, the American Patriot meant, "Myanmar," and the military coup that took place there. By this, he meant there should be a military coup to reinstall Donald Trump as president. To this, ex-General Flynn replied: "No reason, I mean, it should happen here. No reason. That's right." It seems Flynn quickly realized that's not right, or at least you shouldn't say that's right in public. He's since denied endorsing a Myanmar-style military coup, despite the whole video thing, and the fact that a coming coup has become a major tenet of QAnonism over the last few months, along with the idea all their political opponents are pedophiles who should be rounded up and executed.

    This little gem has also, according to the New York Times'Maggie Haberman, entered the addled mind of the former president. He thinks he'll be back in the Oval Office by August, or at least he keeps saying that to people. That timeline might be based more in Trump's desperation to avoid prosecution for decades of Totally Above-Board Business Practices than actual belief, but it's not hard to see where this is going. Republicans will never accept another national election if they don't like the result. This is what happened in 2020, of course: they didn't like that Trump lost, so he and his followers almost instantly gravitated towards the legitimately insane claim that there was widespread fraud that cost him the election. They have never produced evidence of this at any point, but they are using the Questions and Concerns they themselves ginned up as justification not just for the delusional "audits" in Arizona and elsewhere, but also for more restrictive voting laws. People are concerned about Irregularities based on our shadowy talk of Irregularities, so the only solution is for us to make it harder to vote.

    But it's not just the voter suppression. Republican state legislatures are also seizing control of election-certification procedures so that they will not fail Mr. Trump next time like they did in 2020. The then-president's final attempt to steal the election centered on getting states, then Congress, to refuse to certify the election results based on nonsense allegations of fraud. This was the underlying theme of January 6: the mob that came to the capital that day at Trump's beckoning, then marched to the Capitol at Trump's direction, was tasked with stopping the certification. That's why they were chanting for Mike Pence—and eventually, chanting they wanted to hang him. Trump had pumped them full of b******* about how Pence could somehow stop the certification.

    For unlimited access to Esquire's political coverage, including an exclusive weekly newsletter from Charles P. Pierce, you can join Esquire Select here.

    And so this is how they see it playing out in future elections. They're not trying to hide it. It's not subtle. They are doing all the stuff Trump begged them to do to keep him in power in contravention of the will of the people. First, they'll try to stop people from voting. But if that doesn't work, they'll try to throw out the election results on the basis of "fraud." And the task will be made easier by the fact that in a bunch of states, practitioners of the Big Lie are running for state-level positions that are in charge of administering elections and/or certifying them. The mechanisms of electoral democracy will deliver the right outcomes, or they will be remade to deliver those outcomes. And undergirding it all will be an outright assault on reality itself. You need the window dressing of the "fraud" claims to justify the vandalization of democratic institutions, but there's also an almost primal force at work here, where any defeat for The Movement represents an attack on The America You Know and Love, a theft of the nation itself by Others and undesirables. Their votes are fraudulent because They are casting them.

    And there is no lie that goes too far. Another development from this weekend, in addition to Kamala Harris's grave insult to the fallen and Michael Flynn's patriotic exuberance, was that an attorney for the D.C. police admitted for the first time, in court, that tear gas was used to clear protesters away from Lafayette Park so Trump could hold up a Bible in front of a church. That ham-handed proto-fascist gesture happened one year ago today, and Trump and his minions spent the ensuing weeks and months slinging b******* about whether it was tear gas. They lied, they will lie again, and they'll happily turn to force to achieve their political ends if democracy fails to produce them. And all the while, the United States Senate flounders, unable or unwilling to grasp that free elections are on the chopping block. We often overestimate the gravity of the times we live in, but this is not an example thereof. It's all up for grabs now.
  4. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Yes, democracy *really* is in danger
    Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

    There's a natural human tendency to assume that politicians (and people more generally) exaggerate -- especially when it comes to how bad things are at any given time. We are all prisoners of the current moment.

    For example, when politicians decry the bitter partisanship in the Congress, students of history note that Sen. Charles Sumner was beaten by Rep. Preston Brooks with a cane on the floor of the Senate in 1856. Which, well, yeah.

    So when President Joe Biden, in remarks at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day, said that "democracy itself is in peril, here at home and around the world" the natural reaction among many people is an eyeroll. Democracy in peril? In the United States? Really?

    Yes, really. Consider where we are as a country:

    * Senate Republicans just put the kibosh on a bipartisan commission that would have investigated the violent insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6.

    * Former President Donald Trump continues to refuse to concede defeat in the 2020 election. "Massive numbers of dead people 'voted' in the 2020 presidential election, far greater than anyone has known or seen before," Trump said in a statement late last week. (Side note: There's very little evidence of dead people casting ballots in elections.) Trump's lies are working; a majority of Republicans (53%) said he was the "true" president in a Reuters/Ipsos poll released last week.

    * Texas Republicans spent the weekend attempting to pass one of the most restrictive voting laws in the country. While Democrats used parliamentary tactics to delay a vote on the package, a special session is likely as Gov. Greg Abbott (R) tries to get the legislation into law. Texas is far from an isolated case; 14 states have passed laws making it harder to vote since the 2020 election and dozens more bills are moving through state legislatures around the country.

    Add it all up and you get this: We are a country in which basic facts -- like who won the election -- are in dispute. Partisanship is so severe that a bipartisan compromise to create a commission to study one of the darkest days in American history is voted down. And efforts are everywhere to restrict how and why people can cast ballots in future elections.

    The Point: Americans tend to believe that democracy is too powerful an idea to fall into disrepair. The last four years, however, have proven how tenuous a hold democracy has on the public. And that if we don't fight for truth, fairness and facts, we are in danger of losing them forever.

  5. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]

  6. A three-star general officer in the United States Army, Marine Corps and Air Force, telling you directly there was massive fraud in the 2020 election and that Trump will return. Think about that.
  7. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit


    Gain back month


    The Daily Beast
    Jimmy Kimmel Drags ‘Insane’ Trump for Thinking He’ll Be Reinstated as President
    William Vaillancourt

    Jimmy Kimmel on Tuesday mocked both ex-President Donald Trump for believing a false theory that he will once again become commander-in-chief in August, as well as Trump’s disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn for calling for a military-style coup in the U.S.

    At a QAnon conference over the weekend in Dallas, Flynn was asked why the events in Myanmar couldn’t happen in the U.S., to which he responded that “it should happen here.”

    “Keep in mind,” Kimmel said of Flynn, “the man on stage answering this question is a former general and national security adviser.”

    Flynn later attempted to walk back his remark, writing on Telegram, “There is NO reason whatsoever for any coup in America, and I do not and have not at any time called for any action of that sort.”

    “Except for this weekend when you did it on video,” Kimmel said to “General Lies-enhower,” as he called him, “and the times when you did it leading up to January 6.”

    “Maybe that’s the Bill Gates microchip making him say that,” Kimmel joked, a reference to a false conspiracy theory about the COVID-19 vaccine.

    “Maybe there should be a coup down at ‘Myan-Mar-a-Lago,’” the late-night host added, segueing into how Trump is apparently believing the nonsense that his cronies like MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell have been spreading.

    New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman reported that Trump "has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August.”

    “It’s so completely insane and dumb, it just has to be true,” Kimmel said. “We’ll know for sure once we hear [Trump] deny it.”
  8. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by stl1 Jimmy Kimmel on Tuesday mocked both ex-President Donald Trump for believing a false theory that he will once again become commander-in-chief in August, as well as Trump’s disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn for calling for a military-style coup in the U.S.

    At a QAnon conference over the weekend in Dallas, Flynn was asked why the events in Myanmar couldn’t happen in the U.S., to which he responded that “it should happen here.”

    The fact that you can deduce nothing wrong with this sort of writing speaks volumes.
  9. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
  10. Donald Trump Black Hole
    stl1 thinks a qanon conference occured.
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Here's a free one:

    The Burmese military overthrew the government because they felt that the government was not serving the interests of the people.

    One of the key reasons for this was that the government was blocking Chinese BRI projects on the behalf of the general west for no direct benefit even though the BRI would've been a huge boon to their economy.

    With this information, do you know see what he might've been talking about in his own hamfisted way?
  12. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra Here's a free one:

    The Burmese military overthrew the government because they felt that the government was not serving the interests of the people.

    One of the key reasons for this was that the government was blocking Chinese BRI projects on the behalf of the general west for no direct benefit even though the BRI would've been a huge boon to their economy.

    With this information, do you know see what he might've been talking about in his own hamfisted way?

    Aung San Sung Su Chi is a LITERAL SAINT OF DEMOCRACY!

    I learned it in school.
  13. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
  14. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by POLECAT

    It's a big jedi fake.

    Great thing about is it means what else are big jedi fakes?
  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    not so much a lie as it's blown out of proportion

    it was a race riot, not a massacre, it's dishonest to imply that it was one-sided
  16. Donald Trump Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 They're the party of white people scared to death of no longer being the majority. Plain and simple.

    Why? Does America treat minorites poorly or something?
  18. Explosive audit revelations coming out showing confirmed network traces of the Democrats linking in China, Russia, Germany and Canada (all communist regimes) to remotely flip votes to Biden on the tabulation machines. That's full-blown treason, punishable by the death penalty.
  19. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
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