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THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by POLECAT I already passed on 3 houses to paint cuz they had biden signs or BLM signs in there yard when I got there.
    I will not work for commies.

    wtf??? you can copy the keys they give you and break in later and take their TV and copper pipes. just gimme the key and address ill do it myself
  2. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
  3. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Colorado Democrat says he's tired of GOP playing games on Capitol riot
    By David Cohen

    Rep. Jason Crow said Sunday he was tired of "playing whack-a-mole" with Republicans on the Hill.

    In discussing the Senate's rejection of a bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, the Colorado Democrat said he was frustrated by Republicans moving the goal posts whenever Democrats made concessions.

    "I'm sick of playing the game of whack-a-mole with GOP members in Congress. Every time we address one of their concerns, another one pops up," Crow said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

    Republicans led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked the proposal last week; the vote was 54-35 in favor of the commission, leaving it six votes short of the total needed to end a filibuster. Among those 11 senators who didn't vote, at least three were believed to be in favor of the commission.

    "We think there were a couple more people who would have voted had they been present," Crow told host Chuck Todd. "The question is can we get those three or four additional votes or are we going to have to take up a select committee on the House side or some kind of House and Senate combined committee and do this ourselves? I don't know."

    Crow said it was essential for the Jan. 6 attack to be investigated more thoroughly. "What we really need to know is what was Donald Trump doing in the hours before the riot?" he said. "During the riot, what was he talking to or telling his advisers? What happened with that discussion with [House Minority Leader] Kevin McCarthy?"

    Crow said only "a bipartisan commission or a select committee with subpoena power" is likely to be able to get those types of answers.

    McConnell has said it is time to move past the events of the day for the sake of healing, though other Republicans have taken their objections to a commission further. Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) recently compared the events of that day to "a normal tourist visit," and Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) called those who were there that day "peaceful patriots."

    Crow has much less-benign views of that day.

    "I made the call to my wife, told her I loved her. I didn't know whether I would be able to make it out of that chamber like dozens or other members, like journalists, police officers there," he said.
  4. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
  5. With a second audit following the first audit, the results will be indisputable.

    tick.. tock..
  6. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by POLECAT i dont approve of you doing lefty edits to my post's just to fit ur adgenda


  7. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by stl1 WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR CAPS LOCK PROMISE?


  8. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit


    Giggle (and snort and chuckle)


    Business Insider
    Trump is frustrated about his mounting legal fees as probes into Trump Organization heat up, report says (Sophia Ankel)

    Trump is frustrated with the mounting legal fees amid probes into his business, the Daily Beast reported.

    According to one source, Trump has described the legal fees as "such pain in the ass."

    Close advisors have reassured the ex-president that he won't be indicted.

    Former President Donald Trump is frustrated over mounting legal bills amid two ongoing New York investigations into his business, according to a report by the Daily Beast.

    Earlier this month, The New York attorney general's office announced that it was conducting a criminal probe into the Trump Organization's finances and whether they violated state laws. Another civil case launched by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office has been ongoing.

    The former president is reportedly frustrated with the investigations because of the possible legal peril they bring and the financial costs attached to them.

    One source told the Daily Beast that Trump has complained that the legal bills are becoming "such a pain in the ass." The former president is reportedly also worried that investigators could drag the case out for years.

    Close advisors and Trump's legal team have reassured the ex-president that they don't believe he will actually be indicted, two people familiar with the situation told the Daily Beast.

    "I told him that he has nothing to worry about," one advisor said.

    Trump has been very vocal about his feelings toward the New York probes.

    After Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Jr. announced this week that he had convened a grand jury to consider evidence on the case, Trump claimed the probe was a "continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American History."

    "It began the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, and it's never stopped," Trump said in a press release.

    On top of this, Trump is still at loggerheads with former attorney Rudy Giuliani, whose legal team continues to call on the former president to pay for his efforts around the election.

    According to New York Times, Trump has still not paid Giuliani for his work and instructed his aides not to pay the legal fees because he was upset that Giuliani had not done more to push back against his second impeachment that month.

    Michael Cohen, Trump's former onetime personal attorney, told Insider that the ex-president should expect yet more bad news.

    "As more documents are reviewed by the NYAG and NYDA, it appears that the troubles for Donald Trump just keep on coming," he said. "Soon enough, Donald and associates will be held responsible for their actions."
  9. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
  10. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    If you read more, you would be a better speller.

    And more knowledgeable!
  11. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit

    All Republicans

    Grow a spine


    Business Insider
    Former GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock: If Trump went missing, not many Republicans would be 'in the search party' (John L. Dorman)

    Barbara Comstock said not many Republicans would be "in the search party" if Trump went missing.

    The former congresswoman is a staunch supporter of a commission to probe the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

    She said that Republicans want to distance themselves from Trump, but "he's not going to go away."

    Former GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock of Virginia on Sunday said that if former President Donald Trump went missing, not many Republicans would be "in the search party."

    Comstock made the statement during an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," where she discussed the Senate's rejection of a bill that would have set up an independent commission to investigate the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

    The bill to authorize the commission, H.R. 3233, was crafted through a bipartisan deal led by Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, and GOP Rep. John Katko of New York, the panel's ranking member.

    Last month, the House bill passed in 252-175 votes, with 35 Republicans joining Democrats to support the legislation.

    Last Friday, a motion to advance the bill in the Senate was defeated in a 54-35 vote, receiving the support of all present Democrats and six Republicans but failing to meet the 60-vote threshold to overcome the filibuster.

    Before the Senate vote, Comstock went to Capitol Hill with the family of fallen Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, along with Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and DC Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone, in order to meet with Republican senators and convince them to support the legislation.

    Host Chuck Todd pointed out GOP Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana's argument that an independent commission would have more credibility than a legislative panel hand-picked by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California.

    Todd said that if GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky was in the same position, he would have opted for a congressional commission.

    "Well, that was exactly the argument that we were making to the senators," Comstock said.

    She added: "I understand Republicans want to get away from Donald Trump. I mean, if Donald Trump disappeared tomorrow, I don't think you'd have many Republicans in the search party. Maybe a few prosecutors, but not Republicans."

    Comstock said that although Trump isn't in the rear-view mirror with most Republicans, an independent commission needs to happen.

    "They want to get away from him, but the problem is he's not going to go away," she said. "But this is not about Democrats or Republicans. It's about the country and it's about getting to the truth, and it's about protecting the Capitol, the people who work there, and also making sure this never happens again."
  12. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
  13. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Next time try

  14. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Originally posted by stl1 Making

    All Republicans

    Grow a spine

    Grow a spine and lose!
    Man up and give us whatever we want!
    You did what you had to to win? How cowardly of you!

    The lies and the bullshit is getting tiresome.
  16. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    The Republicans are the ones trying every trick in the book to win. They are trying to make it harder for "others" to vote by enacting new Jim Crow voting laws that inhibit "others" from voting. They are the ones gerrymandering voting districts to win. I'd trust a Republican as far as I could throw your fat ass.

    Nobody give Donny's fat ass a water or food while he's in line to vote as it may now be illegal.

    I joke. Convicted felons (as you will soon be) aren't allowed to vote.
  17. Democrats very often confuse their personal opinions and their personal feelings with facts.
  18. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
  19. Pretty obvious there is going to be a cascade of audits, with backup audits and third-party investigations and affidavits to confirm. And Trump won't be around to point the finger at this time. Nobody to blame but themselves, for the entire world to see. All hell is about to break loose.
  20. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Zoonotics was an older form to research contagious viruses or bacteria from cross contamination

    They stated it wasnt chopped (modified?) In a lab.

    This is the kind of shit that makes me want to sleep. You have to see things pleasantly and find a fuck friend who sees through the same shade of roses
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