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THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's

  1. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Associated Press
    Judge agrees to appoint 'special master' in Giuliani case
    By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press

    NEW YORK (AP) — A judge said Friday that he will appoint a “special master” to protect attorney-client privilege during a review of materials seized from Rudolph Giuliani and another lawyer who have represented former President Donald Trump.

    U.S. District Judge J. Paul Oetken directed Manhattan prosecutors and attorneys for Giuliani and Washington lawyer Victoria Toensing to submit possible candidates next week for the position.

    The judge rejected efforts by Giuliani and Toensing to force prosecutors to divulge more about why they seized electronic devices on April 28. Prosecutors made the unusual request for the appointment of a lawyer or “special master” to protect attorney-client privilege the day after the raids, citing the need to make it clear that materials were reviewed appropriately.

    Prosecutors are examining Giuliani’s interactions with Ukrainian figures and whether he violated a law governing lobbying on behalf of foreign countries or entities made the request for a “special master” almost immediately after the raids.

    Prosecutors later revealed that the FBI has successfully downloaded 11 devices belonging to Giuliani and returned them to him. They said seven more devices belonging to Giuliani and his business cannot be fully accessed without a passcode and will require more time to unlock.

    They said some of the devices that have not yet been unlocked belong to “certain employees” at Giuliani's firm, Giuliani Partners LLC.

    Giuliani, a Republican and former mayor of New York City, has not been charged with a crime. He has said all of his activities in Ukraine were conducted on behalf of Trump. At the time, Giuliani was leading a campaign to press Ukraine for an investigation into Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, before Biden was elected president.

    Toensing's law firm said after the searches that she was told she was not a target of the investigation. Investigators took a single phone belonging to her. Toensing is a former federal prosecutor and close ally of Giuliani and Trump.

    Earlier this week, a lawyer in a Manhattan prosecution of two former Giuliani associates accidentally revealed that U.S. prosecutors in 2019 sought the electronic messages of two ex-Ukrainian government officials and a Ukrainian businessman as part of their probe of Giuliani’s dealings in that country.

    The lawyer also revealed that prosecutors had obtained “historical and prospective cell site information” related to Giuliani and Toensing.

    Prosecutors have said they obtained email and Apple iCloud accounts of Giuliani and Toensing in 2019.

    Lawyers for Giuliani have challenged the April raids on the grounds that anything gathered from the 2019 search warrants was illegally obtained because investigators improperly intruded on private communications with the president during their secret inquiry.
  2. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit


    Glad to have voted Democrat


    Donald Trump's Forlorn Scrutiny of 2020 Election Could Lead to GOP Sorrow in 2022
    Jacob Jarvis

    Former President Donald Trump won't move on from his 2020 defeat to President Joe Biden—and this focus on the past could hurt the Republican Party's electoral chances in the future.

    He continues to question 2020 election results, which poses potential issues for the Republican Party in future elections.

    There is so far no evidence presented to suggest electoral fraud or irregularities on a scale that could have changed the outcome. However, Trump and his supporters keep pushing for repeated examinations of the ballots.

    A controversial audit of votes is taking place in Arizona's Maricopa County at the behest of state Republicans, an effort Trump strongly supports. Trump has touted that there are "more to follow" and his allies have hinted the same.

    In a recent statement, Trump bemoaned Republican leaders for not "doing anything about what went on in the 2020 Election."

    While this ongoing Trump-led anger could rally those within the GOP who remain aligned with him, his continued and relentless 2020 focus also brings risks to the GOP at the next election.

    "The Republican party is heading into the midterms with a new loyalty test that members must pass: To stay in good standing in the party, they need to lie and say that Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election," Brian Klaas, associate professor in global politics at University College London, told Newsweek. "That creates two electoral risks for the party."

    The first, Klass said, is that Republican lawmakers who tell the truth about the 2020 election are more vulnerable to primary challenges from those who endorse Trump's baseless claims, which will "drive the party further right."

    "As the party continues to lurch toward greater extremism and conspiracy theory peddling, it could close off some winnable swing seats for the party as the candidates selected in primaries are too extreme for their districts," Klass said.

    A second substantial risk is that some of those most devoted to Trump may call for boycotts of electoral contests they perceive as rigged.

    "Few will likely heed those calls, but even marginal boycotts—of, say, a percentage or two of the Republican base—could have a profound impact on closely contested elections," Klass said.

    The political scientist concluded that the approach to Trump's claims within the GOP could lead to the party limiting its appeal.

    "The real problem, though, is that the GOP has established a dynamic in which party members who tell the truth (and say that Biden won) are punished while those who lie (and say that Trump won) are rewarded," Klaas said.

    "That's a recipe for electoral extremism, and it's one that could continue to solidify a shrinking Republican base that excites the diehards, but alienates everyone else."

    William Howell, a professor in politics at the University of Chicago and chair of its department of political science, told Newsweek he expects the continued discussion over 2020's validity to have a range of political repercussions.

    One could be a hardening of beliefs for some Republicans, while others may become disengaged from politics. "I expect this narrative to have multiple effects, not just one—and that some of these effects will push in opposite directions," Howell said,

    "The narrative will lead some Republicans to withdraw from politics under the belief that everything is rigged (and rigged against them).

    "Other Republicans, meanwhile, will view this narrative as additional reason to remain engaged in a fight for the future of our country.

    "The lies and falsehoods that undergird this narrative, meanwhile, will likely increase overall turnout among Democrats, who view the Republican Party's descent into populist demagoguery with a mix of horror and alarm."

    The net impact on the 2022 or 2024 elections is hard to assess this far out, Howell said, though he added that "the one clear beneficiary of its perpetuation is Donald Trump himself."

    "For as long as significant portions of the Republican base buy into it, Trump's influence over the party is assured," Howell said.

    David Andersen, assistant professor in U.S. politics at Durham University, told Newsweek he thinks the continued contesting of 2020 could motivate Democratic voters.

    "It might continue to enrage Democratic supporters, mobilizing them to turn out in 2022," Andersen said.

    "By 2022 the Democrats will have to transition from running on their policy ideas (which they should have passed by then) and will have to focus on painting the Republican Party as obstructionists or dangers to America if allowed back into power.

    "The continued focus on 2020 election fraud (or lack thereof) might help that."

    Andersen suggested the GOP "has become a reality TV show that fights against some unseen enemy on a daily basis."

    "They have a core fan-base that they are desperate to keep tuning in for more but they are running out of plot ideas," he said.

    "The stories they keep telling, like that the 2020 election was stolen, run the risk of alienating potential supporters and mobilizing opponents, which is going to make it harder for the GOP to grow.

    "With TV shows, when this happens they try to re-excite the audience by making the enemies bigger, badder and often a betrayal of what we thought was a valued ally.

    "I am sure the GOP will continue pushing for recounts across the U.S., will 'discover' fraud, and then will contest any surprising losses in 2022 in a similar way."

    Richard Johnson, a lecturer in U.S politics and policy at Queen Mary University of London, told Newsweek he also believes the push against 2020 results could suppress the GOP vote in future elections.

    "I'm not sure that running down faith in the voting system is good politics for Republicans long-term," Johnson said.

    "If people think that their vote is not going to count (because 'corrupt' officials will throw them out, or whatever the conspiracy of the day is), why would they bother casting their ballot?"

    Johnson suggested this lack of faith might have been one contributing factor in Republican defeats in Georgia's Senate runoffs.

    In 2022, 34 Senate seats will be up for election as will every seat in the House of Representatives.

    Trump says he is focused on helping the GOP in these elections, and so he will likely postpone his 2024 decision until after the votes.

    But Trump has also said he would back primary challengers more aligned to his views, and heavily criticized current lawmakers who have opposed him.

    Trump's delay in confirming his intentions for the 2024 presidential election cements his influence over the party, as Newsweek previously reported.
  3. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Where is the "Report This Post" option?

    Yung Blood
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  4. Doesn't matter if they get a third party to break the law for them and read privileged client/attorney communications, it's still a crime and a violation of the Constitution and the United States Code.
  5. Originally posted by stl1 Where is the "Report This Post" option?

    The internet police got defunded.
  6. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Trump and Rudy can file all the petitions they desire...from their jail cells.

    I'm sure they'll all get laughed out of court like the clown show they put on in their 60 dismissed whiny "But...they stole the election from me!" lawsuits.
  7. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
  8. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    My fucking ears are bleeding!!!

    I've resisted watching Skunk's videos so long but finally broke down and watched this one as long as I could before stopping to prevent myself from going brain dead.

    My god, the bitch just babbles on and on and never has a point. She does manage a few trigger words to agitate the weak-minded.

    My posts have a point. Your posts are merely fodder for idiots.

    Have I made my point clearly enough?
  9. Originally posted by stl1 My posts have a point. Your posts are merely fodder for idiots.

    Your posts are neo-liberal elite propaganda. No one denies the elegance or the evil of the stuff you post.
  10. 2016: Stormy. We got him now, folks.
    2017: Tax returns. We got him now, folks.
    2018: RUSSIA. We got him now, folks.
    2019: Impeach 45! We got him now, folks.
    2020: Ukraine. We got him now, folks.
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by POLECAT

    cool logo
  12. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Add me on MySpace niggasd.

    Im told its the teen version of Facebook. Also doesnt Zuckerburg own it?

    I would join it but its not for old people. Yahoo is the original but then shut it down. Maybe zuck bought that as well
  13. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Yahoo chat was fun. Their video stream were clunky back around late90s-2005 but it was a good audio chat site before sexbots took control.
  14. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by stl1 My fucking ears are bleeding!!!

    I've resisted watching Skunk's videos so long but finally broke down and watched this one as long as I could before stopping to prevent myself from going brain dead.

    My god, the bitch just babbles on and on and never has a point. She does manage a few trigger words to agitate the weak-minded.

    My posts have a point. Your posts are merely fodder for idiots.

    Have I made my point clearly enough?

    sounds like you watched Tore says cuz she does go on all day long and she does chop it up but if you knew what she was saying and had watched her for months and seen her shit come true you may feel differently about her babble rabble
  15. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Your posts are neo-liberal elite propaganda. No one denies the elegance or the evil of the stuff you post.

    Nobody seems to be able to refute the truths that I post.
  16. Originally posted by stl1 Nobody seems to be able to refute the truths that I post.

    You mean the mainstream media news articles?
  17. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 2016: Stormy. We got him now, folks.
    2017: Tax returns. We got him now, folks.
    2018: RUSSIA. We got him now, folks.
    2019: Impeach 45! We got him now, folks.
    2020: Ukraine. We got him now, folks.

    Trump voted out of office and Biden in charge.

    We got him now, folks!

    The stupid Republicans just guaranteed it by voting against a bipartisan committee THAT ACQUIESCED TO ALL THE REPUBLICAN DEMANDS ensuring Nancy Pelosi will be able to set up her own partisan committee to give Trump his colonoscopy for his actions surrounding Jan. %th.
  18. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by POLECAT sounds like you watched Tore says cuz she does go on all day long and she does chop it up but if you knew what she was saying and had watched her for months and seen her shit come true you may feel differently about her babble rabble

    Oh well shit all makes sense to me now.

  19. Chucking Yung Blood
    Originally posted by stl1 Trump voted out of office and Biden in charge.

    We got him now, folks!

    The stupid Republicans just guaranteed it by voting against a bipartisan committee THAT ACQUIESCED TO ALL THE REPUBLICAN DEMANDS ensuring Nancy Pelosi will be able to set up her own partisan committee to give Trump his colonoscopy for his actions surrounding Jan. %th.

    They blocked it because it's a huge waste of time. I don't want my tax dollars going to that. People are dying it's a pandemic so can we worry about that before we play the blame game?
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