A bunch of short chapters, one for each leh epic tip/trick.
Set the Tabletherers some very important things you must do if you dont want to be a loser;
1. Decide exactly what you want
3. set a deadline, and sub-deadlines if necessary
4. list everything you can think of to achieve your goal
5. organize the list into a plan
6. take action on your plan IMMEDIATELY
7. resolve to do something, every single day, that moves you toward your goal
Plan every day in advanceMake your list for the following day, the night before. Also you should have a master-list which contains everything important that you want to accomplish anytime ever. A monthly list , a weekly list which you make an entire week ahead, and the daily list which you will make the night before.
Apply the 80/20 rule to everythingits called the Pareto principal which states that 20% of ___ is responsible for 80% of ____ etc
like 20% of NIS posters are responsible for 80% of the bullshit crap posts that no one wants to read
A part of your mind loves to be busy working on significant tasks that can really make a difference. Your job is to feed this part of your mind continually.
Consider the ConsequencesLosers try to escape from their fears and drudgery with activites that are tension-relieving. Winners are motivated by their desires toward activities that are goal achieving.
-Denis Waitley
The Law of Forced Efficiency: "There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing"
Three questions for max productivity;* What are my highest-value activities ?
* What can I, and only I do, that if done well, will make a real difference? -Peter Drucker
* What is the most valuable use of my time right now?
The things that matter the most must nevere be at the mercy of the things that matter the least.
-Geothe ( lol who dat? )
Ch. 5
Practice Creative ProcrastinationThis chapter teaches you how you only have a certain ammount of time, so you gotta do procrastination on SOMETHING, which should be the things which matter least.
Ch. 6
Use the ABCDE Method ContinuallyThe first law of success is concentration - to bend all the energies to one point and to go directly to that point, looking neither to the right nor to the left.
-William Mathews
On your list of everything you are to do for the day you place an a,b,c,d,or e next to it.
A: Must do and will have srs positive or negative consequences
B: "should" vs "must" of an A type task. Mild consequence. never do these when you have an A-task unfinished
C: "Would be nice" no real consequences if you do or dont do this. example is calling a friend or having coffee with a coworker
D: something you can delegate. ALWAYS DELEGATE EVERYTHING THAT SOMEONE ELSE CAN DO that way you get extra time to focus on your A-type tasks
E: Something you can eliminate and makes no real difference if you do it. This stuff is a time-waste.
Ch. 7
Focus on Key Result AreasManagement & Sales "Big Seven"
* Planning
* Supervising
* Measuring
* Reporting
* Prospecting
*Building rapport & trust
*Identifying needs
*Presenting persuasively
*Answering Objections
* Closing the sale
* Getting re-sales and referalls
Ch. 8
Applying the Law of ThreeI din't take any notes on this chapter , i think its back to the preeto principal where they say that the three most important things you do represent 80% of something or other.
Ch. 9
Prepare Thouroughly Before you BeginCh. 10
Take it one oil Barrel at a timeHe tells this story how in the sahara desert the Brits used to have some claim to an area and they left and now there are no services/fuel for like 500 miles AND alot of people die out there and get lost. Well it turns out they put black 55gal drums ever so often. These drums were spaced that you could always see two: the one near you and one will appear out on the horizon. And you just have to go to the next barrel. even if you cant see the big picture at the moment you just go to the next barrel dude. and once you are there it will become clear where you must go next ( to the next barrel )
Upgrade your key skillsContinuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field
Three Steps to Mastery;* Read in your field for at least one hour every day
* Take every course and seminar available on the key skills that can help you.
( Dedicate you'reself to becoming one of the most knowledgeable and competent people in you're field )
* Listen to audio programs in you're car ( it adds up to a lot )
Ch. 12
Identify You're Key Constraints "What one thing limits the speed at which you can accomplish your task?"
Ch. 13
Put the Pressure on You'reselfThe world is full of people who are waiting for someone to come along and motivate them to be the kind of people they wish they could be. The problem is that no one is coming to the rescue.
Ch. 14
Motivate You'reself into ActionThe last of the human freedoms is to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances
-Viktor Frankls
Man's Search for MeaningThe whole trick is optimism, heres some tips given;
* Look for the Good
* Seek the valuable lessons in every setback or difficulty
* Look for the solution to every problem
* Think & talk continually about you're goals
Resolve to make progress, rather than excuses
Ch. 15
Technology is a Terrible MasterTechnology becomes the enemy when we give in to an obsessive need to communicate continually
Just because somebody sends me an e-mail, it does not mean that they own a piece of my life.
Ch. 16
Technology is a Wonderful ServantTechnology is just a tool.
-Melinda Gates
Ch. 17
Focus You're AttentionI have no notes for this chapter I think its about putting all you're energy to you're top most important thing that makes the biggest difference.
Ch. 18
Slice and Dice the TaskUse either the Salami or Swiss Cheese method.
Salami Slice Method;
Break the task into slices that represent each thing that must be done and sit down and accomplish one slice worth at a time.
Swiss Cheese Method;
Attack the task for a specific amount of time, and you will punch a hole in it like some swiss.
Ch. 19
Create Large Chunks of TimeUse a time planner. Schedule large blocks of time where you will work on your top tasks. People will be impressed at your busy schedule and less likely to waste your time in stupid meetings etc. Take advantage of travel time on da airplane.
Ch. 20
Develop a Sense of UrgencyLight a fire under you're own ass. You want to get into the mental state of "Flow" which is THE HIGHEST HUMAN STATE OF PERFORMANCE AND PRODUCTIVITY. It's where you " actually function on a higher plane of clarity, creativity, and competence."
enter the ZONE.
"If you feel youreself slowing down or becoming distracted by low-value activities, repeat to you'reself the words " Back to work, back to work! " over and over and over
Chapter 21: Single Handle Every Task
… once you begin, keep working at the task without diversion or distraction until the job is 100% complete
This is the most important thing you can do to become a highly effective / productive person they say.
then, "you become the master of you're own destiny"..