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quick mix reeady is not paul wozny the convicted pedophiile

  1. #1
    Bradley Florida Man

    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Im not sure I want to hang out on here anymore. shits all fucked up and shit and I have a future of got damn responsibilities to do and I still have no seen one dollar of my tax returns nor my stimulas has come. nor my Unemployment. why is it taking so got damn long when Mr Biden wrote me personaly and said I would get 2000 from the Stimulas. 1400 and another 600 on top of my IRS refund not paid from 2020 yet. was supposed to be in my account April 5th or some shit.

    where the fucking hell is my Money. its over a month late. fucking bloody hell

    i just baet thete "King of all Trolls" by scaring him so badly with my trollin and playin oon his fears and makin funny shitty up
    u sir suck at trolling and are a failure and a tired burnt out husk of a troll if u ever were one

    worry about diabetes not being the King of Trolls weak nigga from the 90s
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