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A cat gave me a blowjob

  1. #1
    HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    So I had a lucid dream

    I was at my grandparents house with a hail storm outside
    I ran outside to feel the hail and suddenly i blacked out and then came to and I was semi lucid
    I walked over to this two story house and knocked on the door and when they answered I opened it only to find another door, opened that and another and another until eventually I saw the steps and walked inside
    I took a lighter and started setting their furniture on fire
    In the living room I sat down and turned on the tv, the channels were really weird but cool and I tried to find a child porn channel but none of the channels were pornographic
    I whiped my dick out had a semi visible cat lick my penis
  2. #2
    CandyRein Black Hole
  3. #3
    Ghost Black Hole
    a cat!
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