Originally posted by aldra
guns are overrated
This is the cause of the 444 days of siege that got Ronald Reagan elected (and started the contra afair for years to come).
this man who directed this film still directs movies to this day in Iran. this puzzles me because, One would think the Radicalist in Iran who started this fire (or suspected of) that had started the revolution to push the Shaw of Iran out of power (which basicly was because the Shaw was sick and came to the USA to get treatement, and the USA refused to send him back) this man was never captured regarding his movie seen relating to the "White Revolution" which the radicalist hated. how come this director contrinued to live so free. it makes me wonder about the facts in Iran were stired up with propaganda.
Iran used to be a Free and Westernize like culture up until 1979 when all hell broke lose. many of those Iranians chained themselves to the Golen Gate Bridge. this set off Anti Iranian an Anti Muslim, Hate in the US.
Micky Mouse: "Hey Iran" with him showing his middle finger Fuck You Gesture. was a popular t-shirt in the day (or poster)
to this
this isnt "Our Culture" this is forced ideology. if you chose to be radicalized then thats Your culture not "Our Culture"