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Ellen page has removed her boobs

  1. #81
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Well they came close in the 80s didn't they..but that one russian dude refused to press the button because he thought it was a false alert, so he went home instead and drank vodka…saving the world one glass at a time.

    I think there were a couple of incidents like that, one during the Cuban missile crisis and another in the late 90s early 00s?

    ETA: 3rd time lucky perhaps…

    those rumours were in fact verified. we heard about this in the 1980s. which was probably the reason for all of those made for tv films back then. The Day After, Threads and a bunch of others.

    3 times an accidental launch occurred and there is apparently a self destruct code (at least on the Russian side) in case of accidental launch.

    1983 I believe had 2 of them. according to the guy in Ghost video teaching the class, Americans probably dont have that feature -_-
  2. #82
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Oh and there was a story in which one launch in Russia had a sudden UFO sighting and witness said a laser destroyed the missile coming out of the silo.

    1986 or something like this. 1986 had shitloads of UFO sightings. Ohio police chased one group of UFO and another Ohio incident in 1960s and there was the 1951 UFO toying with US airforce over Washington DC. someone with a 8mm camera shot footage of it.

    though the recent UFO release footage of the green triangles seen recently is said to be just a iris set open, it wasnt commercial aircraft and they were unknown aerial crafts.
  3. #83
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    why just why? referring to topic title.
  4. #84
    Ghost Black Hole
    why not?
  5. #85
    lllll Houston
    I always thought she was good looking and wanted to fuck her.

    But apparently she thinks she’s gross and hates herself. Lol

    Celebrities... mental illness, but with money.

    Don’t care to now.
  6. #86
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Originally posted by Ghost i meant elliot

    Boys dont cry.
  7. #87
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by lllll But apparently she thinks she’s gross and hates herself. Lol

    He seems happy to me, you're the one that wants to fuck a dude
  8. #88
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    EU, NATO,.. all that is nice but, one simple move by PiS and Duda made Poland safe and preserved Poland on the path of prosperity. Only that move. Its arming Serbia from Russia via Poland`s air space. Quick respond to one visit of Serbian president to Poland.

    So Poland don`t worry about refugees, pressures from EU, Germany, green movements, Black lives matter, etc. Who can force Poland on anything? Absolutely nobody. Poland is Slavic civilization. That is the bottom line. Poland is Slavic civilization. So Poland only think how to milk EU more, or to say how to retrieve that what western Europe looted from Poland historically. NATO? NATO is alright as long as USA understand Poland`s position. In turn, that is even good to NATO.
  9. #89
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Good news for people who love Poland, bad news for traitors and boot-lickers
    According to the latest Sondaż PiS/United Right is up the polls, PO down and Left stable.
    Leaders of United Right, Kaczynski, Ziobro and Gowin met to discuss their diferences,after meeting Gowin says he sees no reason for early elections and the parties will work together constructively to move Poland forward. haha lucky con357 did not want to take my bet about early elections, what a ignorant fraud.

    Lewica has sought a meeting with Morawiecki to discuss the EU rebuilding fund with a view of supporting it. Zandberg said the goverment should publisize what it will do with the money and wants money for public housing and to give to viovodships and councils.

    PO traitors are still trying to convince us that voting against redevelopment fund is somehow good for Poland. They are angry at left for betraying them.
  10. #90
    lllll Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost He seems happy to me, you're the one that wants to fuck a dude

  11. #91
    Bradley Florida Man
    can't imagine having sex with a dude with a pussy ,that's just really fuckin gay IMO
  12. #92
    Bradley Florida Man
    come fuck this fat trucker dyke - anyone

    no - everyone
  13. #93
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Boys dont cry.

    I cry three to four times a month and not like i'm some indian seeing someone litter with solumn tears running down my unemotional face

    like I sob, and cry, and pace and sob and it's pretty shitty.

    Last three times were Bill Krozby dying, my tranny ex having a little kid mind and being so ANGRY, and then White Cassi dying abuot a month ago.

    But im some old gay guy who cries over his dead friends and lonliness. this is stereotypical but fits me.

    I don't do it around others because it makes straight men rally really really uncomfortable and makese my roommate cry and hold me cuz i look like a fuckin mess

    You got a gay gangster crying in thee living rooom cuz some girl he drinks with OD'ed in a gas station bathroom. Yes, that is what my roommate came home to with me crying looking at photos of cassi.

  14. #94
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Boys dont cry.

    they will once they find out what they have consented to was called.
  15. #95
    Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Remove keboob
  16. #96
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    again why?
  17. #97
    Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Because cancer tit can strike at any moment
  18. #98
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I wonder where they are right at this moment.
  19. #99
    Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat again why?

    Shoulda asked in 2013 when Angelina Jolie did it and this was actually news, boomer.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat So Poland only think how to milk EU more, or to say how to retrieve that what western Europe looted from Poland historically.

    the same thing poland did to the USSR, how did that work out for you? poland has always just been a parasite state who shouldve been relinquished to the EU right after WWII was won, let fucking europe pay for it.
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