2021-05-01 at 8:52 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
i can see an accidentwl death if you mis things like certaind rugs or pills with alcohol without knowing it.
2021-05-01 at 9:09 PM UTC
I guess we'll never see the Krozdog Mobile now.
2021-05-04 at 6:38 AM UTC
So After 5/8 can we just speak about doug once every now and then like we do with Malice or Sploo
now it's kind of defeating the purpose of sending our Last Goodbyes and Wishes and move on like you would with anyone
2021-05-04 at 6:41 AM UTC
As a matter of fact, let all of the Doug specific threads roll off the front pages and just do your hook up on 5/8 at that chat site.
something new will happen irw
some big ass fucking Earthquake (I hope Seattle over California somewhere and let the Antifa deal with it)
or War will come. seems Biden kind of ignored Russia and the whole Ukraine thing seems put off for now.
something will happen to occupy front page news