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my hometown is dying

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Ghost it's actually one of the worst which is why nobody wants to live there

    You’ve never even been here either
  2. #22
    Ghost Black Hole
    Most people haven't and specifically avoid it for their entire lives. Asian tourists go to actual interesting places where they can take cool pictures, not fucking Indiana.

    that's just a place for people that are born there and didn't leave.
  3. #23
    Originally posted by Ghost Most people haven't and specifically avoid it for their entire lives. Asian tourists go to actual interesting places where they can take cool pictures, not fucking Indiana.

    that's just a place for people that are born there and didn't leave.

    Dumb white trash crackhead mouthing off about something he has no knowledge of.

    We get plenty of visitors, a Saudi prince actually happened to go to Conner prairie which is pretty neat.
    It’s just not a flashy bubblegum attraction state for retards like you with short attention spans and a lack of appreciation for beauty and subtlety.
  4. #24
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump What killed the forestry industry? Automation?

    Recycling wood and paper?
  5. #25
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by 自殺少女 It’s actually a very nice place.
    One of the best states

    I was looking up great great great relatives and that was the state one of them was born in. moved around between that, ohio and Iowa and Il as well.

    Another was born in New Jersey and grew up there. Maybe I'm related to the late sploo
  6. #26
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by netstat i haven't studied the issue enough to give a proper answer, but some combination of provincial forestry regulations and the 2008 recession hitting it particularly hard is the consensus amongst more informed people i have discussed it with
    A recession should not stop the logging industry, lumber is always in high demand.

    Originally posted by Sudo forestry is killed here because of public ownership and monopoly rights on crown land. There are only certain places to legally chop and fewer to refine and the government has their hand in every transaction. When resources are isolated logistics and regulation make it unfeasible
    You live in faggotville, also lnown as canada. Doesnt surprise me
  7. #27
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    it amazes me that trees just keep growing. before the 8 billion people needed them for houses to build, there existed only so much. then humans farmed them like animals and fish and there are species spread all over the world and the ones that are used for building have also increased. regardless of the talk about South America like Brazil's rain forest being clear cut there are still more trees today than there was 100-200-500 years back and so on. even if clear cut "Steralizes" the ground, you can plant trees and get them going again. it takes a while to get the delicate ecological back in order but once there is ivy and other underlying gree to keep the water content from evaporating.

    trees only take 20-30 years (pines used for framing houses) to grow to the size to be used for cutting and building. but if you clear cut them for other crops or to build cities and concrete. you will never be able to save the water content and less drinking water will be available. not to mention fresh oxygen
  8. #28
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by 自殺少女 a Saudi prince actually happened to go to Conner prairie which is pretty neat.

    That's not even remotely interesting in the slightest. How fucking small town small world small brain and bored and dull do you have to be to think that is even worth mentioning?

    Sheeeeeesh. You really come off as a person that has never even left their home town.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #29
    Nile bump
    Isn't there like a bajillion Saudi princes anyway? Habib probably got lost or was trying to find ur mom so he could shit in her chest.
  10. #30
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by 自殺少女 We get plenty of visitors, a person that graduated college actually happened to visit my town and stop to ask for directions, it was pretty neat
  11. #31
    Originally posted by Nile Isn't there like a bajillion Saudi princes anyway? Habib probably got lost or was trying to find ur mom so he could shit in her chest.

    That's like Nigeria...they all claim to be fucking princes...I had 11 working for me at Compaq and 8 of them claimed to be princes and chief's sons.

    I'd ask them if they were princes what were they doing working for me for $10hr...fucking lol.
  12. #32
    Ghost Black Hole
    The way african governments work is they create a new department and minitry for everything like they will have an entire budget dedicated to street lights and give them millions of dollars to build a few in the capital and then they steal the rest of the money and coffin dance on the haters

    So when the shit collapses there are hundreds of dudes that were deputy minister of the interior department manager assistant of street lights.

    it's just like what happened to the Iraq military except they all became terrorists instead of immigrant workers.

  13. #33
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    a Saudi Prince. Hiki, Do you know how many Saudi Prince there are? everyone in the Wahabi religion is family and is royalty (or just about). there are so many fucking wealthy people in that country.
  14. #34
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by 自殺少女 We get plenty of visitors, a bird flying south for the winter actually happened to visit my town and stopped to eat some bread on the side of the road, it was pretty neat
  15. #35
    Nile bump
    Hikis home town suffered an economic collapse when the greyhound station closed.
  16. #36
    Originally posted by Ajax Not talking about the geographical “where”

    geographical where is the mother where of all wheres.
  17. #37
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    its strange to go to a town you grew up in. see people walking on the street you knew nearly every day. from one to dozens even. say hi. especially if a few years went by. now, nothing. different people all together. I know people who live there but dont feel comfortable enough to go knock on their door and say hi or probably recognize them now.

    things are changing. Its funny how Victorian Homes are cherrished in San Francisco as Brownstones are on the East Coast. We call them Painte Ladies. with like 4-5 different paint colors on different trims. yet people in the UK dont care. that was one period to them. and many seemed to like the eclected art deco

    and now people coming from Asia or Middle east couldnt give a shit. "Its an old house, cost to much to fix up, want to tear it down and build a Chinese Estate style house (which many look like collonial homes with pillars. others are just Modern Deco.)

    or they want to build some large middle eastern monster home.

    I believe that there was once a historical society which doesnt seem to exist or doesnt have the power to protect 100 year old buildings that are left. because it's not an Anglo Society anymore or Spanish Collonial. those are getting removed as well
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. #38
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready and now people coming from Asia or Middle east couldnt give a shit.

    It's not their culture, it's not their history, why should they give a shit? Why are boomers so retarded?

    It's like in Full Metal Jacket - "inside every gook is an umerican dying to get out." They actually believe that.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #39
    Ghost Black Hole
    in my home town everyone used to do crack but now they do meth instead
  20. #40
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump It's not their culture, it's not their history, why should they give a shit? Why are boomers so retarded?

    It's like in Full Metal Jacket - "inside every gook is an umerican dying to get out." They actually believe that.

    Dont say gook you piece of shit. Asians in the US are just as American (as in not first Generation)

    Most of the dont have problems driving. its not their "Slanted Eyes" that does this. Its the driving culture in most asian countries that are different than ours. and with this retarded libral "everything is a race card" (which might be part true) is also the reason to go full on lax and not point it out.
    American born asians should tell first generation asians "look asshole, you have to learn to drive like you were taught how to drive her from day one"

    fucking using no ass turn signals and just drifting in half lanes on the highway for long periods. and not looking while changing lanes as if "anything behind me is their fault" (which might be the fucking law in China or other asian countries) instead of remembering "Left lane has the right away and you yeild to them"
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