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THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's

  1. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    still subscribed but haven't listened to him in a while
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by stl1 I'LL DRINK TO THAT!

    The Guardian
    Ex-Trump adviser mocked for claiming Biden pushing ‘plant-based beer’
    Martin Pengelly

    Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer has joined a flood of social media users gleefully trolling Larry Kudlow after the former economic adviser to Donald Trump complained that Joe Biden wanted Americans to drink “plant-based beer”.

    Kudlow made the indignant claim on his Fox Business show on Friday, saying Biden’s climate policies and attempt to slash emissions would force Americans to “stop eating meat, stop eating poultry and fish, seafood, eggs, dairy and animal-based fats”.

    “OK, got that? No burgers on 4 July. No steaks on the barbecue … So get ready. You can throw back a plant-based beer with your grilled Brussels sprouts and wave your American flag.”

    Beer is typically made from grains, hops and yeast – not steak, sausages or chops.

    “So this seems to be the latest rightwing attempt to smear Bidenomics,” he wrote on Saturday. “There is, of course, nothing about eliminating meat in Biden’s plans; so this is like the imaginary mobs that burned our cities to the ground.

    “If you read what Kudlow actually said, he’s cagey – doesn’t say that Biden proposed this, only that some people say this is what would happen. But Fox viewers won’t notice, which is the intention.

    “This is what rightwing politics is down to. It’s all false claims about evil liberals, which the base is expected to believe because it’s primed to believe in liberal villainy. They’re not even trying to engage on actual issues.”

    But on Sunday night Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader in the Senate, chose a more sarcastic path.

    “Excited to be watching the Oscars with an ice cold plant-based beer,” he tweeted. “Thanks Joe Biden.”

    Larry Kudlow is a dumb sack of shit who shouldn't have had a public sector job. Also an unrepentant one of the "chosen people"
  4. Originally posted by Sudo Larry Kudlow is a dumb sack of shit who shouldn't have had a public sector job. Also an unrepentant one of the "chosen people"

    That debate is pure Finkel think - literally a bunch of jedis pretending to argue over burgers to rile up the dumbass 'murricans.

    "Moishe will take your burger away goy"
  5. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    We'll keep auditing until it comes out in Trump's favor regardless of how many times it takes! Forget that Trump never got a 50% approval rating...HE WON ANYWAY, DAMMIT ! ! !

    Arizona secretary of state on GOP election audit: 'This seems like such a farce'
    By Caroline Kelly, CNN

    Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs on Monday criticized the ongoing Republican election audit of the 2020 ballots from Arizona's largest county as a political stunt, calling it a "farce" and saying it should end.

    "A group of Republicans are continuing to try to appease their base who refuse to accept that ... Trump lost Arizona and that he's not the president anymore," Hobbs told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "Cuomo Prime Time."

    Last week, Maricopa County handed over nearly 2.1 million ballots and nearly 400 tabulation machines to the state Senate after Republican lawmakers subpoenaed the materials and a judge ruled that county officials had to comply. In a last-ditch effort to block the controversial audit, the Arizona Democratic Party and the lone Democrat serving on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, which oversees elections, sued to halt the count Thursday evening. A judge agreed to briefly pause the audit after a Friday hearing, but Democrats declined to provide the required $1 million bond, so the audit continued.

    After hearing from Arizonans troubled by the endeavor, Hobbs said, her office has been working "with a lawsuit that's been filed to try to address the security's concerns at a minimum, but at this point, this seems like such a farce that it would be a good idea to stop it."

    The review, which is being overseen by a company whose chief executive supported former President Donald Trump and shared election conspiracy theories in since-deleted tweets, will be broadcast live by the right-wing One American News Network.

    The audit's GOP organizers have been cagey about who will do the ballot counting and whether the teams will be bipartisan. They have ignored requests from election integrity groups to allow nonpartisan election administration experts to observe the process. And journalists who want to report on the endeavor are allowed to do so only if they agree to participate as election observers, and will be barred from taking notes or video.

    "We have so many concerns about this exercise," Hobbs said Monday. "I kind of don't want to call it an audit. I think that's an insult to professional auditors everywhere because they're making this stuff up as they go along."

    She added, "I think there was a high level of expectation that whoever had their hands on the ballots and the equipment would adhere to some level of security measures and transparency, and that clearly has not happened."

    The partisan audit, which could stretch for roughly two months, comes after county election officials conducted two audits and found no evidence of widespread voter fraud and other issues. Hobbs already certified the election results showing that President Joe Biden narrowly won the state. But the latest review highlights how many Republicans continue to cling to Trump's unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud in 2020 -- falsehoods that continue to roil the GOP.
  6. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    "No reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact"

    Sidney Powell, Facing Legal Sanctions, Says Trump Election Fraud Claims Just Her 'Opinion'
    Christina Zhao

    After seeking to overturn the 2020 election results, former Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell now claims that the voter fraud allegations were just her "opinion" and not facts in the eyes of the law.

    In a Michigan lawsuit filed after the November election, Powell alleged that widespread voter fraud ensured that President Joe Biden won against former President Donald Trump in the state and others. Powell asked a court to force Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to give Trump the state's electoral college votes, but U.S. District Judge Linda Parker refused.

    Michigan officials have accused Powell of knowingly filing false allegations in an effort to overturn the election and undermine people's confidence in the process, according to the Detroit Free Press.

    Earlier this month, Attorney General Dana Nessel, who's seeking to sanction Powell, asked a federal judge to consider Powell's strategy in a $1.3 billion Dominion defamation suit in deciding the state's push to sanction her.

    In a Friday court filing, Powell's defense attorney Stefanie Lambert Junttila argued that "based on case law, Ms. Powell's statements are not legally considered 'fact.' Rather, by placing her statements in the broad and specific context of political debate, there are legally considered 'opinion.'"

    "No reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact," Junttila wrote, in reference to Powell's election fraud remarks. "Powell's statements would not be actionable for defamation because she disclosed the underlying facts supporting her statements, and her statements were legally opinion."

    As part of the sanctions, Nessel wants Powell to pay the state more than $11,000 in legal fees.

    In a recently filed brief, Nessel said Powell's strategy in the Dominion lawsuit could be enough to justify the sanctions.

    "Faced with the specter of more than $1.3 billion in damages in the Dominion action, Ms. Powell has adopted a new litigation strategy to evade Dominion's defamation claim: the truth," Nessel wrote. "Whether that strategy will be advantageous in the Dominion action remains to be seen, but it strongly underscores why sanctions and attorneys' fees are appropriate here."

    In Powell's Friday court filing, Junttila argued that Whitmer and Nessel "have actually engaged in the very same conduct they try to condemn."

    "They pathetically believe that such malicious and unethical conduct will bolster their political careers," she wrote. "This Court should not be misguided by [Whitmer and Nessel's] continued frenzy of frivolous and repetitive filings, even though, sadly enough, they are brought by the highest officers in the state."
  7. Originally posted by stl1 We'll keep auditing

    The only people afraid of an audit are those with something to hide.
  8. Originally posted by stl1 We'll keep auditing until it comes out in Trump's favor regardless of how many times it takes! Forget that Trump never got a 50% approval rating…HE WON ANYWAY, DAMMIT ! ! !

    Arizona secretary of state on GOP election audit: 'This seems like such a farce'
    By Caroline Kelly, CNN

    Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs on Monday criticized the ongoing Republican election audit of the 2020 ballots from Arizona's largest county as a political stunt, calling it a "farce" and saying it should end.

    "A group of Republicans are continuing to try to appease their base who refuse to accept that … Trump lost Arizona and that he's not the president anymore," Hobbs told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "Cuomo Prime Time."

    Last week, Maricopa County handed over nearly 2.1 million ballots and nearly 400 tabulation machines to the state Senate after Republican lawmakers subpoenaed the materials and a judge ruled that county officials had to comply. In a last-ditch effort to block the controversial audit, the Arizona Democratic Party and the lone Democrat serving on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, which oversees elections, sued to halt the count Thursday evening. A judge agreed to briefly pause the audit after a Friday hearing, but Democrats declined to provide the required $1 million bond, so the audit continued.

    After hearing from Arizonans troubled by the endeavor, Hobbs said, her office has been working "with a lawsuit that's been filed to try to address the security's concerns at a minimum, but at this point, this seems like such a farce that it would be a good idea to stop it."

    The review, which is being overseen by a company whose chief executive supported former President Donald Trump and shared election conspiracy theories in since-deleted tweets, will be broadcast live by the right-wing One American News Network.

    The audit's GOP organizers have been cagey about who will do the ballot counting and whether the teams will be bipartisan. They have ignored requests from election integrity groups to allow nonpartisan election administration experts to observe the process. And journalists who want to report on the endeavor are allowed to do so only if they agree to participate as election observers, and will be barred from taking notes or video.

    "We have so many concerns about this exercise," Hobbs said Monday. "I kind of don't want to call it an audit. I think that's an insult to professional auditors everywhere because they're making this stuff up as they go along."

    She added, "I think there was a high level of expectation that whoever had their hands on the ballots and the equipment would adhere to some level of security measures and transparency, and that clearly has not happened."

    The partisan audit, which could stretch for roughly two months, comes after county election officials conducted two audits and found no evidence of widespread voter fraud and other issues. Hobbs already certified the election results showing that President Joe Biden narrowly won the state. But the latest review highlights how many Republicans continue to cling to Trump's unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud in 2020 – falsehoods that continue to roil the GOP.

    Wow... they must have a lot to hide.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Wow… they must have a lot to hide.

    Imagine being afraid of a little external audit of your systems.

    That's how you know that they all know.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Originally posted by Donald Trump Imagine being afraid of a little external audit of your systems.

    That's how you know that they all know.

    They're so afraid of their fraud being found out they've now taken out the judge presiding over the audit in Maricopa County and put in a Democrat-appointed judge instead.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ They're so afraid of their fraud being found out they've now taken out the judge presiding over the audit in Maricopa County and put in a Democrat-appointed judge instead.

    They must hate democracy if they don't welcome transparency, openness and free and fair oversight.
  12. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Free and fair oversight has been done and certified THREE TIMES ALREADY. The newest so-called "audit" is a sham and political theater.
  13. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Liz Cheney thinks January 6 should be 'disqualifying' for some GOPers
    Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

    Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney has made no secret of her opinion that the riot at the US Capitol on January 6 was incited by then-President Donald Trump -- and that for her party to maintain any sort of credibility with voters it must acknowledge that fact -- and try to move on from Trump with all due haste.

    On Monday, at a Republican retreat in Orlando, Florida, Cheney took that criticism a step further as she discussed the 2024 Republican field.

    "I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we're going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House," she told the New York Post. "I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view, that's disqualifying."

    She added: "I think that adherence to the Constitution, adherence to your oath has got to be at the top of the list. So, I think, you know that certainly will be a factor that I'm looking at and I think a number of voters will be looking at as they decide about '24."

    Which, well, bold! Cheney is making clear that she believes that anyone who voted for -- or supported -- the objections to the Electoral College count early this year simply cannot be seriously considered as future leaders of the party.

    And that covers a WHOLE lot of people. After all, almost 150 Republicans -- 139 House Members and eight senators -- voted to object to the Electoral College certification in Pennsylvania, Arizona or both. And since Cheney specifically mentioned the senators who voted to object to the results, here they are:

    * Tommy Tuberville (Alabama)

    * Rick Scott (Florida)

    * Roger Marshall (Kansas)

    * John Kennedy (Louisiana)

    * Cindy Hyde-Smith (Mississippi)

    * Josh Hawley (Missouri)

    * Ted Cruz (Texas)

    * Cynthia Lummis (Wyoming)

    Three of those eight quite clearly have 2024 ambitions: Scott, Hawley and Cruz. In fact, their opposition to the Electoral College count was almost certainly fueled by their presidential ambitions -- knowing that Trump, who continues to insist sans proof that the election was stolen from him, is still the most revered figure (by a lot) within the GOP. The easiest path to the 2024 nomination, then, is to court Trump base voters. And the way to do that is to keep saying there were major questions about the 2020 election -- even though that is simply false. (In a Quinnipiac University poll in February, 76% of self-identified Republicans agreed with the statement that there was "widespread fraud in the 2020 election.")

    What that proves is that Cheney is in the minority, again, within her party. While she continues to push the envelope on what January 6 meant -- and how it should be a defining moment in the history of the GOP -- others like House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (California) are actively trying to rewrite the history of that day in a way more favorable to Trump.

    "What I talked to President Trump about, I was the first person to contact him when the riots was going on," McCarthy said on Sunday. "He didn't see it. What he ended the call was saying -- telling me, he'll put something out to make sure to stop this. And that's what he did, he put a video out later." (Very little of that statement is accurate.)

    Being out of step with her party -- although in step with the truth -- has already created major political problems for Cheney. Trump has pledged to beat her in the 2022 Republican primary for her House seat and several aspiring candidates have signaled they will run.

    And in an interview with Politico on Monday, McCarthy seemed to issue a not-so-veiled threat to Cheney, who is the third-ranking Republican in House leadership. "There's a responsibility, if you're gonna be in leadership, leaders eat last," McCarthy said. "And when leaders try to go out, and not work as one team, it creates difficulties."

    Add it all up and what's clear is this: Cheney is on an island in her party when it comes to her views on what happened on January 6 and what the consequence should be for those who aided and abetted the riot. Which means Trumpism is, uh, trumping truth in the latest version of the Republican Party.
  14. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    The Hill
    Trump support slips among Republicans in new poll
    Olafimihan Oshin

    Former President Trump's support in the Republican Party has fallen since he left office in January, according to a new NBC News poll.

    Trump's support among the GOP took a hit, with 44 percent of Republicans saying they support the former president more than they do the Republican Party. That compares to 50 percent who said they support the party more than the former president.

    That poll marks the first time since July 2019 when party supporters outnumbered Trump supporters, according to NBC polls, and the first time that party supporters have reached 50 percent on the question.

    Thirty-two percent of adults have favorable opinions on Trump, a figure that has been trending downward since the election, when he had 43 percent favorability rating towards adults.

    The poll also found that the news people consume impacted their views of Trump. Of all adults surveyed, 21 percent said they had a "positive view" of Trump, while those consume conservative media came in at 46 percent.

    Polling results were based on data collected from cell phone interviews with 1,000 people April 17-20 and have sampling errors of 3.1 percentage points.
  15. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    The "He Made Me Do It" Defense Of Pepper Spraying Police Officers

    Capitol Rioter Accused of Attacking Cops Claims Self-Defense
    David Yaffe-Bellany

    (Bloomberg) -- One of the men accused of assaulting police officer Brian Sicknick with a chemical spray during the U.S. Capitol riot argued that he was acting defensively.

    Julian Eli Khater, 32, was arrested last month on charges that he attacked Sicknick and two other Capitol Police officers during the Jan. 6 siege. The authorities claim Khater, a Pennsylvania resident, sprayed the officers, causing them retreat from the line and rush to wash out their eyes. Sicknick later collapsed at police headquarters and subsequently died at the hospital.

    At a bail hearing on Tuesday morning in federal court in Washington, a lawyer for Khater, Joseph Tacopina, argued that his client was simply reacting to chemical sprays that police officers at the Capitol had deployed to stop the rioters.

    “He did it instinctively, immediately after he’d been sprayed with some substance himself,” said Tacopina.

    Prosecutors have not charged Khater and his co-defendant, George Pierre Tanios of West Virginia, with causing Sicknick’s death. Last week, the chief medical examiner in Washington concluded that Sicknick died of natural causes after suffering two strokes -- a finding that will make it difficult for the government to pursue homicide charges in the case.

    ‘Defensive Mechanism’
    At Tuesday’s hearing, federal prosecutor Gilead Light walked the judge through a series of video clips that showed Khater spraying the police officers at the Capitol. “Mr. Khater, to be clear, walked straight up to three police officers and sprayed them directly in the face,” Light said.

    Tacopina stressed that the chemical Khater used was pepper spray, rather than a more potent bear spray, as the government had alleged in its complaint. Pepper spray is “used for defensive purposes,” the lawyer said, characterizing Khater’s response as a “defensive mechanism.”

    U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan did not issue a ruling and offered little insight into his views on the case. He ended the hearing after two hours and scheduled further arguments for May 6.
  16. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by stl1 Free and fair oversight has been done and certified THREE TIMES ALREADY. The newest so-called "audit" is a sham and political theater.

    The Hill
    Arizona secretary of state says GOP election audit 'seems like such a farce'
    Cameron Jenkins

    Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs slammed the efforts of Republicans in her state to lead an election audit of ballots cast during 2020, saying that it "seems like such a farce" and should end.

    Hobbs's remarks came during a Monday night interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo on "Cuomo Prime Time."

    "A group of Republicans are continuing to try to appease their base who refuse to accept that ... Trump lost Arizona and that he's not the president anymore," Hobbs told Cuomo.

    Maricopa County, which is one of the largest counties in Arizona, handed over nearly 2.1 million ballots and 400 tabulation machines to the state Senate last week after Republican lawmakers subpoenaed the materials from last year's presidential election.

    The Arizona Democratic Party and Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Gallardo then filed a lawsuit against the state Senate to stop the recount altogether, arguing that it violates a number of election laws, but the effort was allowed to continue after they failed to provide a required $1 million bond.

    Hobbs told Cuomo that her office has been working "with a lawsuit that's been filed to try to address the security's concerns at a minimum, but at this point, this seems like such a farce that it would be a good idea to stop it."

    The audit marks one of the most aggressive efforts by GOP state lawmakers to back former President Trump's claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him and that voter fraud was to blame for his loss.

    "We have so many concerns about this exercise," Hobbs said Monday. "I kind of don't want to call it an audit. I think that's an insult to professional auditors everywhere because they're making this stuff up as they go along."

    The ballot recount's GOP organizers have not disclosed who will do the counting or whether it will be a bipartisan effort. The review will also be broadcast live by the conservative network One America News Network, according to CNN.

    "I think there was a high level of expectation that whoever had their hands on the ballots and the equipment would adhere to some level of security measures and transparency, and that clearly has not happened," Hobbs said.

    On Monday, a new judge was assigned to oversee a legal challenge to the election audit in Arizona after the judge originally hearing the case withdrew.
  17. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Washington Examiner
    Rachel Maddow argues Maricopa County election auditor heralds 'end of democracy'
    Daniel Chaitin

    MSNBC's Rachel Maddow warned that the "end of democracy" in the United States is imminent because of an emerging link between two lingering reviews of the 2020 election roughly six months after the contest.

    After telling her audience last week that the GOP-backed election audit in Maricopa County, Arizona, will become a "very dangerous" story, the opinion host ratcheted up her rhetoric on Monday in response to the news that Cyber Ninjas, a Florida-based consulting firm that was hired as the lead auditor, had been picked to testify in a lingering election-related lawsuit in Antrim County, Michigan.

    Maddow took note of a statement by former President Donald Trump, one of several praising the Antrim County audit and predicting "startling" results with implications in other states, and a lawyer for Cyber Ninjas asking a court to keep its methods under seal as trade secrets in a lawsuit filed by Democrats who argue that the audit violates state election security laws. Specifically, she read a passage in the filing that says the firm "expects to have similar business opportunities to undertake such work for other governments around the country."

    Weighing two theories (that Cyber Ninjas has no processes and are "just winging it" or there really is a larger plan afoot to examine the 2020 vote in multiple states), Maddow took the development in Antrim County as a sign.

    "They are creating a new founding myth for Republican Party and the American Right: that Trump won the election and it was robbed from him and Biden is illegitimate as a president and they are starting in Arizona and even before that is done ,they are already moving on with the same cast of characters, literally QAnon conspiracy theorists ... to go get this work done in Michigan, too, and then presumably, beyond anywhere they can get Republicans who hold power in the legislature at the state level to hire them, to make this happen," Maddow said.

    "It is so stupid. And, you know, if they can do it, and do it right, it’s also kind of the end of democracy. At least, the end of our democracy to the extent that our democracy is built on the principle of two major parties competing with governing visions that are fought out in contests where the people vote with ballots, they are tallied in a technocratically sound way, we accept the results, the loser lives to fight another day, and the winner gets to govern," she said.

    "If after every election you lose, you call in the Cyber Ninjas to declare the guy who's now governing to be illegitimate and you to have been a usurped power," Maddow said before a long, dramatic pause, "that's a quick, quick, quick turn to the end."

    Both Maricopa County and Antrim County were won by President Joe Biden. But allies of Trump have been hell-bent on attempting to show that Dominion Voting Machines's equipment and software were used in both locations to rig the contest despite past audits showing no widespread issues, assurances by election officials that their elections were secure, and massive, billion-dollar defamation lawsuits by Dominion.

    Cyber Ninjas owner Doug Logan has faced backlash over promoting allegations of voter fraud on social media. In the face of critics who claim that the Maricopa County audit is being conducted by "conspiracy theorists," Logan has insisted that his personal views are irrelevant to the Maricopa County audit.

    “I look forward to showing the media that this process is fully accountable and will yield results the public can have confidence in," he said in a recent statement obtained by the Washington Examiner.
  18. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Snoop Dogg on Donald Trump

    It feels strange that a "Roast" subject would end up in the Oval Office, but America is pretty weird in 2018. Nonetheless, even though Lisa Lampanelli declared that Trump had "ruined more models' lives than bulimia. You've disappointed more women than 'Sex and the City 2,'" the best line came from Snoop, who ominously predicted Trump's presidential run by asking, "Why not? It wouldn't be the first time he pushed a black family out of their home."
  19. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Still sticking it to Trump!

    The Hill
    GOP lawmaker barricaded himself in bathroom with sword during Capitol riot
    Lexi Lonas

    A House Republican says he barricaded himself in a bathroom with a sword during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as a mob of former President Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol complex.

    Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) told The New York Times in an interview published Monday that he was with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in the GOP leader's office after the riot began.

    The lawmakers had reportedly gone to McCarthy's office after the House chamber was evacuated. However, Westerman said he was left in McCarthy's inner work area after the GOP leader's security team took McCarthy to a more secure location.

    Westerman said he took a Civil War-era sword that was on display in the office and barricaded himself inside McCarthy's private bathroom, crouching on the toilet and waiting for the riot to be over, the Times reported.

    Arkansas ABC affiliate KATV reported that Westerman had tweeted during the riot to declare the mob's actions "absolutely unacceptable" and warn about people getting hurt. It was unclear where he was when he sent the tweet, the outlet reported.

    The Hill has reached out to the Arkansas Republican for comment.

    Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego (Ariz.) commented on Westerman's account of barricading himself with a sword.

    "He had a sword!! Wth I was looking for the sharpest pen to jab an insurgent in the eye," Gallego tweeted Tuesday.

    The Capitol was stormed on Jan. 6 by pro-Trump supporters while Congress was getting ready to certify President Biden's Electoral College victory.

    Federal authorities have made hundreds of arrests in connection to the riot and prosecutors have said they expect to bring charges against scores more.
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