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Who wants to have a 70s..

  1. #21
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    did he died?

    covee got him
  2. #22
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Kev anyone reminiscing about the 70's is probably in their 70's, fuck off and die boomer geezer scum, your era was gayer than AIDS.

    Hey...the 70's were great...except for that whole Vietnam thingy...and before that disco thingy arrived.

    OK...the 60's were great...except for that Vietnam thingy and...
  3. #23
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Key Parties and STDs
  4. #24
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 Hey…the 70's were great…except for that whole Vietnam thingy…and before that disco thingy arrived.

    OK…the 60's were great…except for that Vietnam thingy and…

    the only good thing about the 60s and 70s was that making a decent living was easy, too bad the boomers hoarded everything for themselves and our generation had to deal with the fallout of their choice to spend all their lives doing drugs and riding the cock carousel.
  5. #25
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Kev the only good thing about the 60s and 70s was that making a decent living was easy, too bad the boomers hoarded everything for themselves and our generation had to deal with the fallout of their choice to spend all their lives doing drugs and riding the cock carousel.

    Thats whats funny. people crashed like 20 to a 3 bedroom victorian duplex apartment in the Haight-Ashbury district back in the late 60s and early 70s. the thing was they were all junky hippies doing shrooms, lsd and eventually when LSD got banned and became illegal, they moved to shitty cut heroin which often caused people to OD or get violently sick (unlike the heroin thats clean in afghanistan or other nations)

    The 20 per Apartments that the Techie Hipsters (most probably not messing with drugs, outside of an occasional cocaine party or Extacy Headonistic Party thrown in Las Vegas I am told happens alot) they smash into a 3 bedroom Victorian Apartment because of how expensive shit was versus the hippies who just had to pay like 20 bucks a month each for a 400 dollar (then 3 bedroom)

    I bought a book about Aaron Swartz. his memoirs of renting a closet for 400 a month back in the early days of the third wave Tech boom after 2008. I think 2010 or maybe it was later. and even though he was now a Millionair he wanted to live like the bohemians of the hippy era he heard about.

    it is a fun time to be out of college and have a shitload of people crash in a crash-house and pitch in a few hundred and save money. party on the weekend like its still college and all. but people get annoyed after a year or so and need their own pad. it allows you to save money up for that our your own condo if you want.
  6. #26
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Thats whats funny. people crashed like 20 to a 3 bedroom victorian duplex apartment in the Haight-Ashbury district back in the late 60s and early 70s. the thing was they were all junky hippies doing shrooms, lsd and eventually when LSD got banned and became illegal, they moved to shitty cut heroin which often caused people to OD or get violently sick (unlike the heroin thats clean in afghanistan or other nations)

    The 20 per Apartments that the Techie Hipsters (most probably not messing with drugs, outside of an occasional cocaine party or Extacy Headonistic Party thrown in Las Vegas I am told happens alot) they smash into a 3 bedroom Victorian Apartment because of how expensive shit was versus the hippies who just had to pay like 20 bucks a month each for a 400 dollar (then 3 bedroom)

    I bought a book about Aaron Swartz. his memoirs of renting a closet for 400 a month back in the early days of the third wave Tech boom after 2008. I think 2010 or maybe it was later. and even though he was now a Millionair he wanted to live like the bohemians of the hippy era he heard about.

    it is a fun time to be out of college and have a shitload of people crash in a crash-house and pitch in a few hundred and save money. party on the weekend like its still college and all. but people get annoyed after a year or so and need their own pad. it allows you to save money up for that our your own condo if you want.

    thing is, back then lifetime employment was practically guaranteed and the wages were great for the costs of living at the time. today, jobs are nowhere to be found and the wages cant even buy a shitty apartment. its why so many people today are living with their parents, not because they want to but because they have no fucking choice.

    in utter and complete lack of self awareness, these boomer shitheads that destroyed their childrens futures bitch to their children about this.

    boomers kill yourselves plz kthx
  7. #27
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Kev thing is, back then lifetime employment was practically guaranteed and the wages were great for the costs of living at the time. today, jobs are nowhere to be found and the wages cant even buy a shitty apartment. its why so many people today are living with their parents, not because they want to but because they have no fucking choice.

    in utter and complete lack of self awareness, these boomer shitheads that destroyed their childrens futures bitch to their children about this.

    boomers kill yourselves plz kthx

    OK So yeah, I am at the tail end of Boomer and the first year of Xgen (though friends a few months older fall into Boomer. so if you want to call me a boomer then go ahead. but remember, boomers are as old as 24-25 years older than I was. I was just a kid

    and the only reason there were Jobs was many American men and some women were in Vietnam fighting. half a million at a time. so this opened up a lot of jobs. usually lower skill set ones but Im sure some Doctors needed opened up opportunity for younger doctors to move up. or other fields that required college degree or technical skill sets open up. but the recession occurred under the Ford admin and stayed that way into the Carter Years and even first few years of Ronald Reagan before the job market took of. in the 1970s the Automotive industry was hurting bad. many people lost their Jobs. cities like Detroit became ghost towns over night in neighbourhoods and turned into drug dens and ghettos with houses having their windows boarded up.

    so you're wrong about there being plenty of work that made life easier living. women didnt make good tips in those days. unlike today were a server at a popular restaurant can clear over 100k a year no problem. some of them I hear make up to 250k a year.

    Interest rates were through the roof. 12-15% was average for home buyers.
  8. #28
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready OK So yeah, I am at the tail end of Boomer and the first year of Xgen (though friends a few months older fall into Boomer. so if you want to call me a boomer then go ahead. but remember, boomers are as old as 24-25 years older than I was. I was just a kid

    and the only reason there were Jobs was many American men and some women were in Vietnam fighting. half a million at a time. so this opened up a lot of jobs. usually lower skill set ones but Im sure some Doctors needed opened up opportunity for younger doctors to move up. or other fields that required college degree or technical skill sets open up. but the recession occurred under the Ford admin and stayed that way into the Carter Years and even first few years of Ronald Reagan before the job market took of. in the 1970s the Automotive industry was hurting bad. many people lost their Jobs. cities like Detroit became ghost towns over night in neighbourhoods and turned into drug dens and ghettos with houses having their windows boarded up.

    so you're wrong about there being plenty of work that made life easier living. women didnt make good tips in those days. unlike today were a server at a popular restaurant can clear over 100k a year no problem. some of them I hear make up to 250k a year.

    Interest rates were through the roof. 12-15% was average for home buyers.

    had nothing to do with vietnam, the most prosperous period was right after WWII ended and continued throughout the 50's. the stagnation only started in the 70s but employment, unionization and affordability were still way better than today. reagan fucked everything up in the 80's by shipping all jobs overseas, who elected reagan? the same boomer hippies who earlier protested the vietnam war, IRONY.

    the vietnam war fucked us up if anything, how many billions were dumped in the shitter for that useless war? what was the investment return on that spending? jack fucking shit.

    "women didnt make good tips" because times were so much better that women didnt need to work at all! women didnt need good tips. a household only needed one income to survive, the father could take care of everyone with just a factory job. now mom and dad both have to work just to provide a tiny shed for their family.

    no waitress today makes 250k a year, what the actual fuck are you talking about?

    i would rather have 15% interest rates and be able to buy a home with a working class income than be unable to buy the same home with a middle class income with 0% interest rates. i dont give a fuck about interest rates, i give a fuck about my cost of living.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #29
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    ad hoc reply.

    Many single women who's husbands took off on them because the divorce rate was the highest in the late 60s and 70s that the only jobs many knew how to do because they never went to college to stay home as housewives and play the tradition gender specific. they worked shitty waitress jobs and people didn’t give 20 percent gratuity back then. maybe 5 or 10 percent or "keep the change" less than 50 cents"

    Hippies didnt vote for Reagan. thats funny. the young hated the living hell out of him. the fact was, many Older people had chose to vote for the first time in many election years while many youth didnt like Carter and felt he was weak and because he was a Christian which many younger atheist didnt approve of his methods so chose not to vote at all. this was a landslide for Reagan and it looked great when he got the American(Iran) Hostages released only to find out 8 years later more and more about the Contra Affair. and Olly North taking the rap. Just like how Cohen got thrown under the bus for Trump
  10. #30
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready ad hoc reply.

    Many single women who's husbands took off on them because the divorce rate was the highest in the late 60s and 70s that the only jobs many knew how to do because they never went to college to stay home as housewives and play the tradition gender specific. they worked shitty waitress jobs and people didn’t give 20 percent gratuity back then. maybe 5 or 10 percent or "keep the change" less than 50 cents"

    Hippies didnt vote for Reagan. thats funny. the young hated the living hell out of him. the fact was, many Older people had chose to vote for the first time in many election years while many youth didnt like Carter and felt he was weak and because he was a Christian which many younger atheist didnt approve of his methods so chose not to vote at all. this was a landslide for Reagan and it looked great when he got the American(Iran) Hostages released only to find out 8 years later more and more about the Contra Affair. and Olly North taking the rap. Just like how Cohen got thrown under the bus for Trump
    44% of young people voted for reagan, the same number for carter so it is perfectly split. the oldest boomers were slightly more into him. guess who made the bulk of the population? boomers. they are called "baby boomers" for a reason. without them, reagan wouldnt have been elected. carter wasnt much better but at least he wasnt as keen on turning the country into a corporation.

    the divorce rate was highest in the 70's because no fault divorce was enacted, most single women are single by choice. they were tricked into this social experiment to recruit millions of them as wage slaves.
  11. #31
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready so you're wrong about there being plenty of work that made life easier living. women didnt make good tips in those days. unlike today were a server at a popular restaurant can clear over 100k a year no problem. some of them I hear make up to 250k a year.

    The US average for servers is 33k which is just below the overall national average. What fantasy world do you live in. What servers have you met that make 100k, 250k, or anything close to that? I bet not a single one.
  12. #32
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Worf, son of Mogh The US average for servers is 33k which is just below the overall national average. What fantasy world do you live in. What servers have you met that make 100k, 250k, or anything close to that? I bet not a single one.

    i live in california. the average includes red neck states with truck driver stops .. those servers dont make much
  13. #33
    Bradley Florida Man
    And Sq1 knows everything about food.
  14. #34
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready i live in california. the average includes red neck states with truck driver stops .. those servers dont make much

    LA average: 46,000

    CA average: 21,000

    There are literally no servers making 100k. You are full of shit.
  15. #35
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Worf, son of Mogh LA average: 46,000

    CA average: 21,000

    There are literally no servers making 100k. You are full of shit.

    he is butt fucking retarded

    a server making a quarter million dollars, LMAO
  16. #36
    Originally posted by Kev a server making a quarter million dollars, LMAO

    What's wrong? You just need to earn $1,000 in tips every night for that to be doable. If you can't manage that you aren't a good server.
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