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Friday Chatroom is Up. Free Giveaways, Rafflers, Prizes,

  1. #1
    Bradley Black Hole
    Remember what you see here, what you hear here, and what you screen capture here here should be posted ITT and made into lulzy memes.

    We're gonna watch a documentary about killer kids and then we're gonna take suggestions.

    No weird dudes masturbating, shirts required for all men with very large breasts (gallom) and jaba the hut look alikes (quik mix ready)

    Gonna be doing a lot of give aways folks, raffles, door prizes, but you can't win if you're here. Cam up or don't, i mostly wanan talk on the phone while I do dabs and we have the giveaway palooza.

    Must be over 18 or cool.
  2. #2
    Bradley Black Hole
    i said talk on the phone i meant to say computer, i use google voice for everything so u know what i meant

    also meant to say you can't win if you're not here
  3. #3
    Bradley Black Hole
  4. #4
    G African Astronaut
    Just popped in nude to showcase my new spring manscaping.
  5. #5
    Bradley Black Hole
    i didn't see u cuz no ones in there so im just shitpostin and trying to get 2k1 to come back for more men's gentlemen roundtable discussion
  6. #6
    Did anyone win a door prize yet and what was it?
  7. #7
    Bradley Black Hole
    No. No one's actually cum in said hi yet, it normally picks up in a few hours when someoen cool shows up like Proots or Panthrax or TOTRTILLA
  8. #8
    Bradley Black Hole
    But not proots cuz he's never comin back to our forum, he just wants to live on his family's island in greece and play runescape and make the maids leave him alone while he's chopping yews.
  9. #9
    Bradley Black Hole
    Wow folks bradley is pulling all the strings today. We just did two raffles and gave away a fatass pair of easter baskets loaded with goodies. Thanks for everyone for participating we're gonna do another one in an hour!~!~!~!~
  10. #10
    Bradley Black Hole
  11. #11
    Bradley Black Hole
    We're watching fucked up and disturbing documentaries today folks
  12. #12
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  13. #13
    Bradley Black Hole
    im theere right now post in this freed for intereest wariataot
  14. #14
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Just got back from Reno Nevada. So many white peeps live there. looks like my childhood in california.
  15. #15
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    im in the room but we should use tinychat. jts not forcing people to pay
  16. #16
    Bradley Black Hole
    Get reeady, dad, I'll be in theree in a little bit. We can talk about your anger problem and my issues and work through them together in feellowship
  17. #17
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I dont see anyone in there.
  18. #18
    Bradley Black Hole
    You're there tho.
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