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The MeToo Movement ruined my Weather 20 Minutes after..

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    20 minutes after the hour on most News Station is Weather Time. just in time for smoking blunts during the 4 oclock news (takes a moment to sink in)

    Before the wifey kicked me out of the home back in 2012, I would bounce between channels. Usually I would run on the treadmill for the morning 7 or 8 oclock news and watch the some of the hottest women weather girls. All of the stations in the bay area were on this trend that year where weather guys were replaced out by what looks like the opening of a porn film. like those nude Weather Ladies online you can pay to see strip. but they dont strip. which is still nice. something about the faces and dresses they wore clearly showed they were pushing Sex to get people to watch the weather more often. I started noticing people posting about this trend which became a nation wide thing apparently (and still happens in latin american countries).

    So people started threads about local weather girls and who was the hottest. even some of the larger country gals out of the midwest were pretty nice. I love a full figure woman myself.

    But then someone destroyed this trend with shit like MeToo and of course the men hating clubs.

    now all the women are dressed more conservative. even the dresses are loser fits and office dress standard over the tight high cut blouse and skirts.

    So the explotation of women was wrong. I'd be interested in seeing a graph of viewer ratings dropping since 2012-2013 era. go find that, Lanny.
  2. #2
    Bradley Black Hole
    i like when women dress more like men in the business professional pant suit kinda look

    maybe hiring people based on their experience and competency is more important than women you can oggly and objectively satiate your own dark desires while they simply try to do their job.
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