2021-04-16 at 7:33 PM UTC
95% of illegal guns were once legal guns that were stolen from the legal owners in home invasions, robberies etc...the other 5% are illegally imported.
Doing background checks at gunshows isn't going to change any of that...dummmm fucking demmmms
2021-04-16 at 10:43 PM UTC
now with a 3d printer their gun control measures will due less and less
2021-04-16 at 10:50 PM UTC
3D Guns Im told are shit. you can use them one time and they shatter apart. the curing on this fucking this is a mother fucker. shit feels like sticky rubber.
maybe the non resin ones are hard enough for the trigger (hammer?) or firing pin to work. but recoil i would think would vibrate the shit to pieces.
Fuck guns. guns are crazy instruments of murking. but the logic is if you ban guns you might as well ban hunting knives and big trucks or cars in general. Hell you can kill someone with a 1200cc bike a lot easier because you can drive it through the road barriers a lot easier than a moving truck. a 1200cc weighs like 900 pounds. put a large steal plate and front like a snow plow, and ram into people at 100 mph throwing them off the side of you and into a wall would kill shitloads of people in a crowed.
so banning guns is a bandaide on the cancer of cancerous people willing to murder others. it is shit tier logic.
2021-04-17 at 2:55 AM UTC
It's like banning foods high in fat or calories or the sizing of soda in new york city, i'm not sure if people think it's gonna help but if someone wants to be a fat slug looking motherfucker, having to buy three sodas or 1 of each candy bar cuz there's limit, isn't gonna change shit.
Get rid of children too cuz they grow up into people who do stuff and it might be bad later.
2021-04-17 at 3:55 AM UTC
Was an ex employee. Really fucked up. Why would you not just shoot your boss or higher ups? Why go for your co-workers. What a shit bag. Doesn't seem targeted at all either. Idk why you would just shoot up your work and not have it be personal in some way. Go after whoever pissed you off at least?
Its like these shooters never think it through. The only terrorist in recent history who did it right imo was the dude who blew himself up in his van on xmas. Went right for damaging telecom offices (I think Comcast or AT&T?) and tried to avoid hurting people. Very targeted attack and not just senseless killing. Even the capitol hill insurrectionists went straight for the jugular.