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Hey Candy, Question.

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Does your Main Squeeze buy yous a new pair of shoes after you give him awesome candy sechens (sex spelled funny like) and ever take you out dancing.

    Or even set up some Salsa Classes. this is what people over the age of 28 or 30 do. Take Salsa classes or 1950s Rock-A-Billy style hip hop old school and go dancing. and then ask or allowed to dance with others just to get things heated up and jealous in a fun way and then go out to the car and have sweaty car sex all over each other.

  2. #2
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Im gonna tell you Right now. Here and Now. A, I took my meds so Im extra chatty right now

    B, If we all get Covid and maybe a booster for the UK or Indian Mutation varients or African or all of the above. Summer this year will be like the best Day America ever seen (and world.. dont forget the world)

    I swear I can feel this is going to happen. If not this Summer, I pray New Summer and even a nice Christmas year. People buying up shit left and right, driving the economy way up. paying back some of that money to Uncle G and maybe get some more Play Money to buy real shit.

    Im gonna get a Dry Vape but a nice one this time. One that wont break and shit. piece of shit batter. fucking hell. its expensive as is the coils. and its like buying a printer. Dirt Cheap but the cartridges for ink cost more than the damn Printer.

    Fucking retarded. They used to give full cartridges in Printers but people would just toss them out instead of buying a new cartridge. Same with these fucking vapes. I need to buy vape because smoking weed is just bad on my fucked up lungs. I was laughing my ass off last night. a single beer with a few hits of crazy strong Henry Pre-Rolled

    I wonder if they are Henry Rollins brand. someone hinted. Lets get Henry Rollins on here. Im all over the dial right now. I just drank 2 cups of coffee and working on a 8oz Redbull. Who needs shitty cocaine or meth. You guys on here are fucking ape shit retarded for doing meth. that shit will rot your teeth. like mine. But I never did Meth. cept that one time.

    I told this before but let me tell it again. Dude I went to 4th grade all the way up to highschool before he dropped out. He and I would drink beer and shit when I had no other friends to hang with. He was like family. Not a great friend but a brother you were annoyed with. I got this fucker a JOb .. hold on.. tldr.. let me start over next post down
  3. #3
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    So I get this fucker a Job at beta Beta. his name was Mark (Which is ok to say because i had like 4 friends name Mark)

    And Mark and 3 cashiers (some with the company for 10 years or more.. Union Job, 28 bucks an hour 1986.. no lie) got fired for eating Brauchs Candy. (BROCKS?)

    LOL i mean he was only a cart boy as I was. We were like 19-20 years old. and I left because I never got the Job of being a night janitor Which was starting out at 14 an hour in 1986. thats decent af money. this fucking Mexican guy got the job who was only there half the time. I yelled at the manager WTF.. He goes, You´re white. Come on man. Only Mexicans do this shit. You have to be up all night. Im like, I know, By Myself and Im a fucking night owl. Anyways, racist Mike and the other manager Racist Mini MIke (Dude was like 4 foot 11 inches, one inch too tall for dwarfism but we called him Mini Mike and he was cool with it) kind alike Mini Me with Mike Myers? anywhoo

    So I leaves the job and I go get a job at Walgreens. Straight up outta Chicago land. Walgreens are like Third to San Francisco and Second NYC and First like Chicago (Duh) and I only made 9 starting in a union but I made 7 as a shopping cart boy at beta Beta (Grocery Store..also I realized the F´ilter so yes A´l´pha Beta)

    And Faggot ass Mark comes in and says ¨Hey.. Get me a Job here.. BLEEED¨ like how black dudes would say Blood or Bloo´ in the day, with a real deep voice. It was funny if you were there. Hes a white dude but his dad married some black lady we all knew (or dated or some shit) we all loved her too.. my mom was friends with her. Anywhoo.. check it out. So I said ¨FUCK OFF, CUNT. Im Working¨ and he goes OK and goes to talk to the manager and says he knew me since we were little tikes and the manager hired him and Im like ¨Oh shit.. please no¨

    He was a great worker. He worked pretty hard. Was gonna get asst manager position prolly before me. and this Lady name umm.. well forget it. She was a nice lady and from Chicago herself. and she saw Stupid in the walk in fridge drinking a beer. and got fired, and I GOT YELLED AT. FUCKING CUNT.

    there is more to this story, like him and his bro (not real brother) name dave and his girlfriend to become wife I guess who was the daughter of the top cop in our hometown were all smoking crystal meth and fucking wrote a bad check and chicken scratched my endorsement and it ended up a 200 dollar chec becoming a 2700 plus debt from impounded interest rates over 14-15 years before I BK the mother fucker with my wife and told the Cop to tell his daughter to please pay it off and him telling me Fuck you Im not her messagenger and me saying ¨Maybe the Newspaper would like to know about this ¨ and him saying ¨If you dont stop bugging me I will have my friends out there in Concord (near Walnut Creek) come out there. and some concord cops showed up.. but anyways, back to what happened.

    I went out drinking with this cunt Mark in San Francisco pulling an all nighter at what was called a Caberat Party.. the nightclub throws everyone out but special fuckers (i got on the list from another friend) and umm I was going to call in sick. Mark said No.. Hold on.. let me stop here
  4. #4
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    He said.. no, Do some crank. I said Fuck no. Thats like Cocaine. and he said. No its not. its nothing like cocaine. its just like snorting diet pills and goes straight to your head because the blood vessels are closer to the brain (not why im sure but it made sense)

    and I said no, and he drew up a couple of lines and handed me the mirror and said here.. and what he was saying was ¨hold this¨ but they were small lines and I did one in each nose and he´s like Here hit this. a little bit on his pinkynail. and I said, No I just di.. and he cuts me off in mid sentense and says to me.. he says. WTF happen to my lines. did you spill it? and I said NO I snorted it.

    And he´s like OMG This might killllll youuuuuuuuu
  5. #5
    Somebody better come get your ass
  6. #6
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    that was about 34 years ago. I have never fucking had a normal sinus since.

    yep. I suppose some of you meth head fucks would tell me ¨Thats why you shoot it in your arms¨ hurr?
  7. #7
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Solstice Somebody better come get your ass

    What, Why?

    I didnt mention last names. Hell it could of been Darrell Sturnup for all you know that was the real name
  8. #8
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Solstice. I was going to call SP last night. my life sucks. but then I thought about everyone laughing and calling me Pitty Party Peedy

    not that I would Suc before Prev or even Suic but I just felt like talking to someone.

    Shit, I need to take the two meds I picked up.. will align me right. racey raunchy robust reeces peanut butter cup.

    I need this FUCKING LOAN PAID OFF SOON. Fucking hell. I am never.. and I mean Ever put myself in debt again. Dont buy unless you have the money to pay off the card the same day. only for good fico and only for convienance of not having to carry cash to get murked.

    Also no more carrying around a ATM card. fucking debit card might get cut up. Ill just walk into a fucking bank and get 20 bucks or some shit if I need it.

    Never again. NEVER. Not even the teeth. I will save all my money up to get the teeth. they gonna shine and be straight as fuck. but not to white. i dont want to look fake. Maybe 3rd or 4th shade from the top. there is like 12 shades of whiteness
  9. #9
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
  10. #10
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I thought you were leaving..
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    Bradley Florida Man
    Great thread
  12. #12
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I thought you were leaving..
  13. #13
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Solstice. I was going to call SP last night. my life sucks. but then I thought about everyone laughing and calling me Pitty Party Peedy

    not that I would Suc before Prev or even Suic but I just felt like talking to someone.

    Shit, I need to take the two meds I picked up.. will align me right. racey raunchy robust reeces peanut butter cup.

    I need this FUCKING LOAN PAID OFF SOON. Fucking hell. I am never.. and I mean Ever put myself in debt again. Dont buy unless you have the money to pay off the card the same day. only for good fico and only for convienance of not having to carry cash to get murked.

    Also no more carrying around a ATM card. fucking debit card might get cut up. Ill just walk into a fucking bank and get 20 bucks or some shit if I need it.

    Never again. NEVER. Not even the teeth. I will save all my money up to get the teeth. they gonna shine and be straight as fuck. but not to white. i dont want to look fake. Maybe 3rd or 4th shade from the top. there is like 12 shades of whiteness

    what is SP?

    You call these fags up bro?

    Don't call them, call me i'm your friend i'll talk too you. whwat yoou doin today bud? Im less fun to talk to n the hpone when im sober but i'll do a fatass dab whene u call
  14. #14
    Bradley Florida Man
    I'll even buy you a four pack if you're really broke and sad to drink on ur saturday. idgaf :)
  15. #15
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Candy, here's another question.

    What is your favorite candy?
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