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THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's

  1. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    it aint over yet
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Yeah, we still have all of the criminal proceedings for the insurrectionists to look forward to.

    And all of the Trump litigation over his actions and taxes and conduct and...

  3. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
  4. Originally posted by stl1 Yeah, we still have all of the criminal proceedings for the insurrectionists to look forward to.

    And all of the Trump litigation over his actions and taxes and conduct and…


    You seem sour.
  5. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
  6. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Business Insider
    The ex-daughter-in-law of Trump's CFO handed over boxes of financial records and a laptop to Manhattan prosecutors (Kelsey Vlamis)

    Jennifer Weisselberg delivered boxes of financial records and a laptop to prosecutors Thursday.
    Weisselberg is the ex-daughter-in-law of the Trump Organization's longtime CFO Allen Weisselberg.
    She is cooperating with investigations into Trump's personal finances and those of his company.

    Jennifer Weisselberg handed over boxes of financial records to investigators with the Manhattan District Attorney's Office on Thursday as part of the investigation into former President Donald Trump's finances.

    Weisselberg is the ex-wife of Barry Weisselberg, son of the Trump Organization's longtime Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg. Weisselberg's lawyer previously told Insider's Jacob Shamsian that she was cooperating with the investigation and had "several boxes of documents" left to deliver.

    Weisselberg was seen Thursday morning transporting three boxes of records as well as a laptop from her building, The Washington Post reported.

    Duncan Levin, an expert in financial fraud and Weisselberg's attorney, told Insider he was hired to help her sort through the documents and "turn over documents and information to law enforcement as is helpful."

    "She has joint-bank-account information, credit cards, tax records, tax returns - that's the meat of what we're looking at to see what types of patterns we might be able to find," he said.

    The Manhattan District Attorney's Office and the New York attorney general are conducting parallel investigations into Trump's personal finances and those of the Trump Organization. Weisselberg is cooperating with both offices as they look into whether the former president manipulated the value of his assets for loan and tax purposes.

    Weisselberg was married to Barry Weisselberg from 2014 to 2018, and obtained the documents through their divorce. In addition to being CFO at the Trump Organization, his father, Allen Weisselberg, also manages the Trump family's personal finances.

    According to The Post, a subpoena directed Weisselberg to turn over her ex-husband's records, such as bank and credit card statements, related to the Trump Organization and Central Park's Wollman Rink, which is run by the company and managed by Allen Weisselberg.

    District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. has been trying to "flip" Allen Weisselberg and get him to cooperate with the investigation, The Post reported last month. Allen Weisselberg is believed to be a major focus of the criminal investigation into Trump's finances, which could be in its final stages.
  7. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Victim mentality. Toes will always be stepped on. Nobody you can vote for wants to leave people alone, and no system of governance in which there's even a hope for people being left alone can be brought about by actually leaving people alone. It's a never ending conflict intrinsic to human civilization and the only people who say "leave me alone" are people who are trying to buy time to catch their breath in that conflict, so they can take the upper hand and then proceed to not leave people alone.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Fuck that's cynical, but I really don't have faith in people anymore. From all I've seen of what people in this fucked up world think, there's like a 99% chance that a person will say they "just want to be left alone" and then turn around and say some shit dumb shit like how it's actually morally wrong that we don't teach the bible in school anymore and how fag marriage is corroding the moral fabric of society and needs to be outlawed.
  10. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    return to monke
  11. Originally posted by Meikai Fuck that's cynical, but I really don't have faith in people anymore. From all I've seen of what people in this fucked up world think, there's like a 99% chance that a person will say they "just want to be left alone" and then turn around and say some shit dumb shit like how it's actually morally wrong that we don't teach the bible in school anymore and how fag marriage is corroding the moral fabric of society and needs to be outlawed.

    If Ron Paul had won in 2012 things would have been completely different.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. And yet here we are in 2021...

    Ron Paul was right ... about everything.
  14. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai Fuck that's cynical, but I really don't have faith in people anymore. From all I've seen of what people in this fucked up world think, there's like a 99% chance that a person will say they "just want to be left alone" and then turn around and say some shit dumb shit like how it's actually morally wrong that we don't teach the bible in school anymore and how fag marriage is corroding the moral fabric of society and needs to be outlawed.

    When did you last leave your home
  15. Damn Weissels.
  16. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Do you need some Preparation H from the smoke Trump was blowing up your ass?

    The Washington Post
    Trump officials celebrated efforts to change CDC reports on coronavirus, emails show
    Dan Diamond

    Trump appointees in the Health and Human Services department last year privately touted their efforts to block or alter scientists’ reports on the coronavirus to more closely align with then-President Donald Trump’s more optimistic messages about the outbreak, according to newly released documents from congressional investigators.

    The documents provide further insight into how senior Trump officials approached last year’s explosion of coronavirus cases in the United States. Even as career government scientists worked to combat the virus, a cadre of Trump appointees were attempting to blunt the scientists’ messages, edit their findings and equip the president with an alternate set of talking points.

    Then-science adviser Paul Alexander wrote to then-HHS public affairs chief Michael Caputo on Sept. 9, 2020, touting two examples of where he said officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had bowed to his pressure and changed language in their reports, according to an email obtained by the House’s select subcommittee on the coronavirus outbreak.

    Pointing to one change — where CDC leaders allegedly changed the opening sentence of a report about spread of the virus among younger people after Alexander pressured them — Alexander wrote to Caputo, calling it a “small victory but a victory nonetheless and yippee!!!”

    In the same email, Alexander touted another example of a change to a weekly report from the CDC that he said the agency made in response to his demands. The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR), which offer public updates on scientists’ findings, had been considered sacrosanct for decades and untouchable by political appointees in the past.

    Two days later, Alexander appealed to then-White House adviser Scott Atlas to help him dispute an upcoming CDC report on coronavirus-related deaths among young Americans.

    “Can you help me craft an op-ed,” Alexander wrote to Atlas on Sept. 11, alleging the CDC report was “timed for the election” and an attempt to keep schools closed even as Trump pushed to reopen them. “Let us advise the President and get permission to preempt this please for it will run for the weekend so we need to blunt the edge as it is misleading.”

    Alexander and other officials also strategized on how to help Trump argue to reopen the economy in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, despite scientists’ warnings about the potential risks.

    “I know the President wants us to enumerate the economic cost of not reopening. We need solid estimates to be able to say something like: 50,000 more cancer deaths! 40,000 more heart attacks! 25,000 more suicides!” Caputo wrote to Alexander on May 16, 2020, in an email obtained by the subcommittee.

    “You need to take ownership of these numbers. This is singularly important to what you and I want to achieve,” Caputo added in a follow-up email, urging Alexander to compile additional data on the consequences of virus-related shutdowns.

    Atlas, Alexander and Caputo did not immediately respond to request for comment.

    Many of the Trump officials clashing with government scientists had little or no previous experience in combating infectious disease. Caputo, a GOP political communications consultant and longtime Trump ally, had not previously worked in public health before Trump installed him to oversee the health department’s communications in April 2020.

    Alexander, who was not a physician but recruited as Caputo’s handpicked science adviser, had previously been an unpaid, part-time health professor at Canada’s McMaster University. Atlas was a radiologist neuroradiologist and senior fellow at Stanford University’s conservative Hoover Institution who caught the White House’s attention after defending the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic on Fox News.

    “Our investigation has shown that Trump Administration officials engaged in a persistent pattern of political interference in the nation’s public health response to the coronavirus pandemic, overruling and bullying scientists and making harmful decisions that allowed the virus to spread more rapidly,” Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.), the subcommittee chair, wrote to Alexander and Atlas.

    MNThe subcommittee is seeking additional documents from Alexander, Atlas and others, noting that some of the Trump officials’ correspondence was sent from personal email accounts. Clyburn also is requesting that Alexander and Atlas sit for interviews with his subcommittee’s investigation by May 3.

    Politico first reported on Sept. 11 that Trump appointees had demanded the right to edit the CDC’s reports and won some changes to scientists’ language, prompting Democrats to open an investigation. Caputo took medical leave on Sept. 16, 2020, and HHS announced that Alexander would be “permanently” leaving the agency on the same day.

    Alexander had previously spent months battling with scientists over reports that he deemed misleading or insubordinate to Trump, with a particular focus on those detailing the risks of the coronavirus to children. The effort accelerated after the White House last summer installed several new officials as members of the agency’s leadership team, including Nina Witkofsky as acting CDC chief of staff. Witkofsky had previously been a contractor helping plan events for Seema Verma, the Trump administration’s Medicare and Medicaid chief.

    “The last 2 MMWR reports have been more positive than usual and I find [that] encouraging,” Alexander wrote to Witkofsky on Aug. 30, according to an email obtained by the subcommittee. “Maybe you are having a huge impact and this is tremendous. Well done!"

    Ten days later, Alexander wrote to Caputo, extolling several changes to CDC reports that he claimed were made because of his influence.

    For instance, Alexander said he had won changes to the “key opening sentence” of an August report about a coronavirus outbreak at a Georgia summer camp. The draft report’s opening line argued that understanding youth transmission of the coronavirus was “critical for developing guidance for schools and institutes of higher education,” according to Alexander’s email. But that language was removed from the final report and a caveat was inserted to specify that there was “limited data” about spread of the virus among people under the age of 21. The CDC said that the change had been made because of “thoughtful comments” from Alexander and the agency’s leaders.

    The Trump appointee continued to demand more revisions, calling for changes to a September MMWR report that concluded that children who contracted the coronavirus in child-care facilities later transmitted the virus to their family members.

    “In my view, the parents got it more likely when they picked up the kids and came into contact with the school personnel or teachers as happens with my wife and I when we pick our kids form [sic.] school,” Alexander wrote to Caputo on Sept. 13.

    Then-CDC Director Robert Redfield and other Trump appointees repeatedly claimed last year that the agency’s reports had been protected from political interference.

    “At no time has the scientific integrity of the MMWR been compromised. And I can say that under my watch, it will not be compromised,” Redfield testified to the Senate on Sept. 16. However, Redfield told CNN last month that then-HHS Secretary Alex Azar and other Trump officials tried to change several MMWRs that they did not like, a charge disputed by Azar.

    In emails obtained by the subcommittee, Alexander and others also repeatedly took aim at Anthony S. Fauci, the government’s top infectious-disease expert, critiquing his statements about the coronavirus and complaining that Fauci’s calls to close schools last year were disproportionate to his more measured response to prior flu outbreaks that had led to more deaths among children.

    “Dr. Fauci has no data, no science to back up what he is saying on school reopen, none … he is scaring the nation wrongfully,” Alexander wrote to 11 senior HHS officials on Aug. 11, arguing that Fauci was unnecessarily alarming parents.

    Trump officials also strategized over how to build the president’s case that virus-related shutdowns were creating a more significant health burden than swiftly reopening the economy. Trump repeatedly cheered Republican governors who rolled back coronavirus restrictions last year against scientific advice, even as virus cases in those states later spiked and some governors subsequently paused the reopenings.

    “We have to now ‘unscare’ people while as we reopen, we will see blips and spikes in cases and deaths,” Alexander wrote on May 15 to the HHS secretary’s speechwriter, insisting that failing to reopen the economy would “have far greater consequences,” as deaths related to alcohol, drugs, depression and other causes would mount. “We must school them that we will respond to the spikes and hotspots as needed.”

    The long-term consequences of last year’s shutdowns are still not clear. CDC officials this week reported that the total number of suicides dropped by 5.6 percent last year, the largest decline in four decades, surprising some officials who had warned of a spike. However, deaths from heart disease rose by 4.8 percent. Meanwhile, total cancer deaths remained flat in 2020, although public health experts warned that many screenings that would’ve caught early cancers were skipped or delayed last year.

    Alexander, Atlas and others also repeatedly drafted op-eds intended to provide an alternative message to government scientists’ warnings, including five possible op-eds detailed in emails obtained by the subcommittee.

    One email from Alexander to Atlas on Sept. 3 proposed an “op-ed on possible damage to children immune systems with lock downs and masks,” arguing to Atlas that “I do think locking down our kids (and healthy adults) and masking them can dampen their functional immune systems.”

    Scientists have said there is no evidence that wearing masks harms the development of children’s immune systems.
  17. Data African Astronaut
    Biden is Making America Great Again!!!
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  18. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Isn't it amazing how good competency feels after 4 years of incompetence, lying, hate, derision, ruling by tweet, anger and orangeness?

    Red, white and blue Biden ! ! !
  19. Data African Astronaut
    Better ratings than the Trump Show for sure
  20. Orange Man Bad!!
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