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I drill holes in my walls in the middle of the night like a maniac.

  1. #1
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well, kinda. I'ma busy person you know so the other day i had a really busy day but that hole in the wall wasn't going to drill itself. It was kind of late but nothing crazy like 10pm at most. And it was only one hole that needed to be drilled, so i did drill that hole. Fuck it.

    Then five minutes later this fucking hoo-er from literally three houses down comes to my front door and i'm like: Can i help you? She says: You shouldn't be drilling holes this late at night, so i tell her yeah i know but it was just one hole so everything's fine. Figured i'd be reasonable ya dig? Then she was like you're speaking to loud. I was like excuse me? She said, yeah. You should be more quiet in general. I repeated what she had said to me, kind of in disbelief, then i told her to get the fuck off my property. I was halfway hoping she'd try to resist in some form or another, but she just sulked away.

    If you're reading this neighbor lady, come to my front door right now and i'll punch your fucking lights out you hoo-er.
  2. #2
    You should kill her then dismember the body and slowly cook and eat it over a period of time
  3. #3
    Should have told her you were making a glory hole leading to your neighbor's place
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I think she has kids, would be kind of shitty to kill her. For her kids' sake. But if i were to kill her, i'd punch her til her skull cracked.
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Sophie I think she has kids, would be kind of shitty to kill her. For her kids' sake. But if i were to kill her, i'd punch her til her skull cracked.

    kill her and adopt her kids.

    problem solved.
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny kill her and adopt her kids.

    problem solved.

    Contrary to popular belief i don't sit at home all day watching the neighborhood kids play. I think she may have a son. But i'm not sure,not that it matters i'm not a boifag.
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Sophie Contrary to popular belief i don't sit at home all day watching the neighborhood kids play. I think she may have a son. But i'm not sure,not that it matters i'm not a boifag.

    use him as a bait. tell him to get girls in his class to come for a sleep over or hes going to be the one who have to dress up as a princess that night.
  8. #8
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny use him as a bait. tell him to get girls in his class to come for a sleep over or hes going to be the one who have to dress up as a princess that night.

    That's fucked up, bro. I'm not looking to damage any child irreparably. Boy or girl.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Violence and/or threats of violence are off the table when it comes to kids.
  10. #10
    Originally posted by Sophie Violence and/or threats of violence are off the table when it comes to kids.

    which is why society is degrading into soymess full of decadence and stagnation.

    kids must be exposed to violence to forge them into tough adults.

    humans sit atop of the foodchain because theyre the masters of violence without which stagnation occurs and decadence prevails.

    all empire crumbles when the element of violence has been sucdessfully removed from their society.
  11. #11
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny which is why society is degrading into soymess full of decadence and stagnation.

    kids must be exposed to violence to forge them into tough adults.

    humans sit atop of the foodchain because theyre the masters of violence without which stagnation occurs and decadence prevails.

    all empire crumbles when the element of violence has been sucdessfully removed from their society.

    For proper bonding/development to occur i can't be the party inflicting violence, ya doink. Unless i am going for trauma bonding, but there's smarter ways of going about that as well. It involves subterfuge, is insidious, and you're probably not socially capable enough to figure out how you might go about such a thing. Which is probably for the better.
  12. #12
    Data African Astronaut
    This is why you don't answer the door for anyone but the delivery guy.
  13. #13
    Ghost Black Hole
    people used to knock on my door when I was smoking meth and ask to pick me trees. How can you say no to a little old lady when you are fucked up on amphetamines but god damn they would ask to use my bathroom and be up in ladders and shit it really made me feel like a crack head

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man It's definitely an English walnut tree. I don't mind the crap on the lawn. At the same time every year my lawn is just plums and walnuts and everyone in the neighborhood knocks on my door and asks to take a bunch home, people even bring ladders over.
  14. #14
    Do you live in one of those boring Dutch suburbs with the sunflowers and lawn ornaments in the garden and the bikes and electric cars going by?

    I would die if I lived in a place like that.
  15. #15
    Ghost Black Hole
    I would go to the dutch flower festival and look at all the girls

  16. #16
    Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost I would go to the dutch flower festival and look at all the girls

    Looks gay and European. Typical.
  17. #17
    Originally posted by Sophie For proper bonding/development to occur i can't be the party inflicting violence, ya doink. Unless i am going for trauma bonding, but there's smarter ways of going about that as well. It involves subterfuge, is insidious, and you're probably not socially capable enough to figure out how you might go about such a thing. Which is probably for the better.


    sounds like you dont have a strong, masculine father figure that gives you firm and steady loving slaps that teach you right from wrong.
  18. #18
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Do you live in one of those boring Dutch suburbs with the sunflowers and lawn ornaments in the garden and the bikes and electric cars going by?

    I would die if I lived in a place like that.

    We do like our ornaments don't we. I grew up in suburbia kind of on the outskirts but i live closer to the city now so it's a bit more exciting than that.
  19. #19
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny nonsense.

    sounds like you dont have a strong, masculine father figure that gives you firm and steady loving slaps that teach you right from wrong.

    That's where you're wrong, kiddo. My dad used to be an aggressive piece of shit, happy to slap. Until i slapped him back, close to the grave. Then he didn't slap no mo.
  20. #20
    Data African Astronaut
    Two pedophiles enjoying each other's company
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