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just 3-meo-pce'd all fuckin night

  1. #1
    did a bunch of bumps between 7 and 10 last night with some strong edibles, listened to this and i got transported to some phillipines space anime island nightlife place with bright ass lights and sex and drugs and nothing making sense but everything is just comfortable. in reality im just half conscious on my bed but w/e fam shits dope

  2. #2
    SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND LISTEN - japanese transliteration
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    thats badass man, I can't wait until I can do drugs again
  4. #4
    Where to buy
  5. #5

    or just come chill w/ me
  6. #6
    That link gave my iPad a virus.
  7. #7
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump That link gave my iPad a virus.

  8. #8
    i dont get it
  9. #9
    *swipes tech pipe and blows like 50 cloudz*
  10. #10
    theres tevh on yhr gloot yhid id no timr got okokeokok3443434344343

    How do you dose 3meo PcE?
  11. #11
    bling bling Dark Matter
    cam u put the tecs in a vape stikc e fag
  12. #12
    Use scizzors to open bundy gels, dehydrate the powder with hair dryer, cut wiff a tiny bit of tech sell it on dnm say its pcp

    Originally posted by bling bling cam u put the tecs in a vape stikc e fag

    I tried with not much result
  13. #13
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump theres tevh on yhr gloot yhid id no timr got okokeokok3443434344343

    How do you dose 3meo PcE?

  14. #14
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by greenplastic did a bunch of bumps between 7 and 10 last night with some strong edibles, listened to this and i got transported to some phillipines space anime island nightlife place with bright ass lights and sex and drugs and nothing making sense but everything is just comfortable. in reality im just half conscious on my bed but w/e fam shits dope

    that was a pretty rad album I listened to the entire thing
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