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lol funny shit the ryan leone centinela story interviews

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    apparently a cop was like why arent ya going to chow and he said its roo dangerous right now and the cop said youre gonna have to eat eventuwlly so you may as well go and then he told the cop if theyre gonna release the gps and snys together wnd the coo smiled real big and just said „ohhhhhh yeaaaa were rooting for u guys” without even waiting for a reply ehile walking by with a big ass smile. this guy is hi,arious or his channel. in this one im watching he claims some guy beat him up who had a 14 yo girlfriend and he found out just now this chick is 16 now and must have been like 14 then and he was one of the guys that beat him up:
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    its also funny in his last video or part 6 how he describes how the southsiders or mexicans talk how they say shit like papi i love you man like homosexual men to one another and claim they have girlfriends but dont mind if they are cheating with other dudes on em when theyre inside because they gor kids together.
  3. #3
    Robert Mugabe African Astronaut
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    lol just imagine if thst was your career: being in prison or a convict.
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Wariat lol juet imagine if thst was your career: being in prison or a convict.

    You'd be enjoying the cock daily.
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