The thing about speaker is he had this charisma this warrior spirit and from such s young age so no fear within that system. he was also super like normal looking or nonchalant like a tall basketball player white. sort of like later when i met the litowiec or lithuanian guy they sort of had a similar vibe but speaker was more to the point or charismatic and backed ppl also just was more warrior. funny the lithuanian i think stayed gp but feds. anyway, he was super nice friendly but when he saw bullying ir someone trying to take over that unit he literally spearheaded an attack and he looked at me but didnt ask em to join but santa cruz county gave them all life terms speaker took it all he basically took the whole case on his back so they would go home. they attacked sniper wnd his crew this guy southsider named sniper who killed many ppl from watsonville tatted gangster bit dude and speaker basically listened quiet like Putin to his speech then made etc contacts with certain ppl i was one of them but he didnt wsk me i was fresh didnt know what was going on and they went there and speaker told him he had to go or its going to happen and when he attacked he single habdely wnet into thwt cell packed of like four or five men it was just nuts but supposeldy someone hit snipers nose with a cup and santa cruz was gonna give them all high sentences one guy had two strikes so it would be life but speaker took it all. basically he sacrificed himself multiple times like this never to get out but recently they changed the law in california for those who had a control case as juvenile offenders.
Originally posted by Wariat
The thing about speaker is he had this charisma this warrior spirit and from such s young age so no fear within that system. he was also super like normal looking or nonchalant like a tall basketball player white. sort of like later when i met the litowiec or lithuanian guy they sort of had a similar vibe but speaker was more to the point or charismatic and backed ppl also just was more warrior. funny the lithuanian i think stayed gp but feds. anyway, he was super nice friendly but when he saw bullying ir someone trying to take over that unit he literally spearheaded an attack and he looked at me but didnt ask em to join but santa cruz county gave them all life terms speaker took it all he basically took the whole case on his back so they would go home. they attacked sniper wnd his crew this guy southsider named sniper who killed many ppl from watsonville tatted gangster bit dude and speaker basically listened quiet like Putin to his speech then made etc contacts with certain ppl i was one of them but he didnt wsk me i was fresh didnt know what was going on and they went there and speaker told him he had to go or its going to happen and when he attacked he single habdely wnet into thwt cell packed of like four or five men it was just nuts but supposeldy someone hit snipers nose with a cup and santa cruz was gonna give them all high sentences one guy had two strikes so it would be life but speaker took it all. basically he sacrificed himself multiple times like this never to get out but recently they changed the law in california for those who had a control case as juvenile offenders.
Originally posted by Bill Krozby
Stfu you deserve to be called a pedo because you call other people things. You've called me a rapist many times with no proof
ive never cslled you that out of the blue only as a response to you calling me shit kr responding to morons on here agreeing with them.
there are very few people i think in life you can classify as warriors for whatever cause. tony serra as a lawyer i would say one. christian speaker is another. ive never met many such strong perosnalities in life.
Originally posted by Robert Mugabe
Same name as you, exact same name.
Same crime, underage grooming
Same age
Looks like you
Must be a coincidence nonce.
look at the dates. i either hwd other cases or a dtrong criminal record after or it was fake since thwt means over 10 yrs ago id be in poland. you dont get it.
Originally posted by Wariat
ive never cslled you that out of the blue only as a response to you calling me shit kr responding to morons on here agreeing with them.
Um you've called me a rapist and brought me into conversations i was never a part of, you just dont remember since you're obviously brain damaged
Originally posted by Wariat
no i know i did but after you started calling me a pedo so you know how it feels. u did the same but earlier first.
im not the one here that calls you a pedo quit getting me confused for everyone else, just look at your threads I actually reply to them staying on topic while nobody else does. daaahurrrrr!!!
Originally posted by Bill Krozby
im not the one here that calls you a pedo quit getting me confused for everyone else, just look at your threads I actually reply to them staying on topic while nobody else does. daaahurrrrr!!!
naaah come n u were one of em and even meńtioned me for no reason and now youre backpeddling.
hey Bill Krozby what would u have done in his situwrion. went to brewkafadt and got or riskd getting in the knife fight or went hungry? i think what they did was roo much. i understand going hungry for breakfast and lunch but why also slam the doornforndinner fuk it at thisnpoint no? just go and take some sock with an apple inside ur pants or somethng no?