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I'm going through a depression, can I have some money?

  1. #1
    Or could fly me out to where you're at and I could do some chores and earn it? But it would easier and cheaper to just send me like $10 - $30.
  2. #2
    TLN has $25 he could donate to you
  3. #3
    I'm gonna try that idea I had about selling my jizz stained boxers with many loads on them online.
  4. #4
    bling bling Dark Matter
    conne brotther we arr gonna scamm th nets tonite then spennd all the money s on bubble shishhhhhh
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    no I need it for drugs, knives and videogames
  6. #6
    Man you fucking work so hard to give away $25 online for no raisen and lose yo job and brag about paying the 25. When you are down and out man nobody will pay you back not your family, friends, strangers. Only if if you are lucky. These times mean they are crunching and getting hard. canrt let it happen.

  7. #7
    bling bling Dark Matter
    scrotly and actor all join with bling we do some wrk on skype i created u all premium accs 4 this mission
  8. #8
    im doing smlall busieenss already WTF u doing'???
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