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cyberbullying celebrities to alter the course of reality

  1. #1
    i dunno if this would cause betabet soup agencies to run an errand
  2. #2
    You're too paranoid ya derpadew, nobody cares what we do. I used to buy 20 boxes of bundy, CCC, beeedrill and draw satanic imagery with the drugs and post about how I'm gonna kill myself on Craigslist and harass people on back page and fuck with hookers IRL. You can do anything you want and get away with it. At least I can. I gotta make more videos of me chugging bundy and send it to rusty
  3. #3
    I'm trying to get her to notice you
  4. #4
    I need to make more coathangers tech bundy memes
  5. #5
    sounds like a good plan, go ahead and do it and report back
  6. #6
    Its never enough
  7. #7
    Also this reminds me of a funny story from my military days. Our CO (commanding officer) was a total dick and made us work like every weekend while everyone else was getting 4 day weekends and shit and so everyone hated him for it. Some kid made a meme of his face with a caption that said "I'm not racist because I make my marines work over MLK jr day, I make them work every weekend" or some shit like that and the CO got so butthurt over being cyberbullied he had the guy court martialled. No really serious charges came of it or anything but the guy was on restriction for a while and I think he ended up getting his rank reduced a couple ranks before he got out.
  8. #8
    Originally posted by greenplastic Also this reminds me of a funny story from my military days. Our CO (commanding officer) was a total dick and made us work like every weekend while everyone else was getting 4 day weekends and shit and so everyone hated him for it. Some kid made a meme of his face with a caption that said "I'm not racist because I make my marines work over MLK jr day, I make them work every weekend" or some shit like that and the CO got so butthurt over being cyberbullied he had the guy court martialled. No really serious charges came of it or anything but the guy was on restriction for a while and I think he ended up getting his rank reduced a couple ranks before he got out.

    What a bitch
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