Originally posted by Bradley
They're just super Bees china made like Covid19 that escaped.
They say you cant really tell the difference between them and European Honey bees other than their fucked up killing behavior. but if theyŕe not stirred while you first see one, you would be asking yourself ¨Oh itś a honey bee. out here in the dessert? not a lot of flowers.. then ÖHHHHHHHH KILLER BEES FROM AFRICA.. FUCK ME "while theyŕe chasing you for a mile.
LOL they use a real narrator though (Brian Christopher?). He had a good sense of humor to not worry about getting black-listed in hollywood for doing this.
I forgot the actors name but he kind of sounds like an American William AtenBuroughs.
didn even use his name in credit. ¨First Church of Christ Filmmaker of Ottawa¨ hahahaha they probably made it for the drug counseling they do to humor the dry outs.