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My friend is a gun nut

  1. #41
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by l a n n ­y s - m o ­m m i e - gave me a two h­ole for one price sp­ecial nine months before he was born now hes mad that his con­ception was p­receded by the exchange of pocket change. who's your daddy....b­itch again, i made previous posts about how your delusions were handily pointed out to be fallacies and wholly incorrect using my own first hand, real world knowledge and experience.

    serious question: if i post a picture…film…of me holding an EFP in my hand, meaning the unformed copper lens and explosive filler…will you kill yourself on live streaming video in despair and write a suicide note attributing your death to my causing your mental ruination?

    sure, cause you'll never do it anyway.

    anyway if i decide to kill you i'll probably use an efp
  2. #42
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    aaaaaaahhahaa i just realized he said 'copper lens' and is now back peddling from 'hurrr duurrr tantalum is better copper is for niggers'
  3. #43
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kev Little bitches use them as personal penis extenders like that kyle rottenfag who lost a fist fight with a girl a month before his 15 minutes of fame.

  4. #44
    Yeah he always talks out his shit pussy, he's a total female.
  5. #45
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Yeah he always talks out his shit pussy, he's a total female.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #46
    Originally posted by Bugz

    LMAO kodie
  7. #47
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood This. Cock nose always talks about his fag redneck friends. I bet they are all sucking each others cock noses today and playing with their big guns because they need to compensate for their small dicks.

    His life sounds like the gayest redneck hick white trash faggot poverty desolate shit hole state there could ever be. Literally moves every month

    absolutely no self awareness

    brags about being attracted to little boys and masturbating to gay animal porn

    OP looks at gay beastiality porn


    Pretty rich coming from literal crack smoking white trash who burned down a house making meth
  8. #48
    WellHung Black Hole
  9. #49
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    yeh i have lived life, what have you ever done?

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Not magic mushrooms. Morchella's/Morels

    Most fun I've ever had in my life. This is the ancestral home of my people, my body is PERFECTLY built for this.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man The night started off so harmless.

    I got home and downed a box of zimmmies, went for a walk to the drug store to get bundyX gelcaps cuz CCC is killing me. The shit hits me in the store and I start to pour sweat and my pupils are giant, managed to get 3 boxes of gelcaps and 4 arizona green teas. I am carrying these tea heading home and suddenly…

    Some drunk dude sitting on a bus bench drinking a beer says some drunken slurred words to me and im like "what?" and he says "Can I have a ciggarette?" i gave him a smoke and sat down on the bench because I was tripping the FUCK out.

    This guy tells me he is in the hells angels and hes so drunk he can barely walk, I gave him like $10 in coins so he could buy beer, his name is Les. But he also asks to use my phone and dial a number to call his brother Danny and im like shure man I don't give a fuck and then he says to me "We have a pallet of guns and cocaine coming in I gotta call my brother" and he had a piece of paper with a phone number and "Danny" written at the top.

    Danny didn't pick up the phone and suddenly this native guy rolls up on a bicycle and says this is his first time in the city but he knows Les by name and apparently they went to Jail together lol wtf?. Then Les pulls out thhis piece of paper and hands it tot me and i open it up and its an insurance claim for $3000 for a car accident or some shit with LESTER GORDON FREEMAN written at the top and im like wtf dude.

    Then for no reason at all I say "HEY MAN GOT ANY TECH?" and suddenly the native guy and Les are talking about how there is a guy at the bar with an 8 ball the size of your fist and im like wut. Then he said "Phone the guy man!" and I said "What guy?" and the native guy said "Danny!" and im like how does he know Danny? and they both tell me to phone danny so I ring him up and the phone is turned off.

    Les says "THATS DRUNK FUCK IS PLAYING THE SLOTS I KNOW IT!" and then the native guy talks to me privately he says "hey man if you need tek i know a girl shes pretty too" and im like fucking call her up mate, i keep thinking this guy is gonna run away with either my phone or cash so I want to stick with Les to find Tek but I let the native guy use my phone.

    He calls the girl and says he has to go meet her somewhere? He says "watch my bag" and goes off, im like wtf im tripping out that guy was not legit. Then Les asks for another ciggarrette and I give it to him, he tries to get me to go to the bar he says he only smokes and drinks. I tried to smoke a joint with him but he wouldnt do it.

    For some reason I decide to call the number of the girl and some mexican/colombian woman starts swearing at me asking where the fuck I am and then she hung up on me. I decided to wait there longer and the native guy came back and a bunch of other people that knew les came by and there was this toothless hooker that barely spoke english and I kept giving her ciggarretttes and calling her beautiful. She just walked on the bus with no money or anything lol. The native guy starts looking real nervous/sketch he says to give him the money and he will leave his bike and im like holy fuck this is really going down, so I give him the money.

    He comes back with a huge grin on his face and walks into the bus shelter thing me and Les were chillin in and says "SCOOOOOOOOOOORE" and im like no way. Of course he wants some, so does everyone else, and theres a lot of people here. So I say "I gotta go meet my friends" the native guy tries to follow me but I was wandering too far from Crack Ave so he got sussed out and ditched me. Now all I had to worry about was the cops.

    I saw SO MANY FUCKING POLICE maybe 20 or so cars/van/truck even a helicopter but I was in the heart of the city at a bus stop I was sitting there for 2 and a half Hours tripping the fuck out on bundy waiting for big brother to start and somehow I scored tech. what the fuck.

    I am never doing this again lol so fucking sketchy, darknet is where its at.
    Also im tripping really hard on CCC and I have like a dozen missed calls on my phone from some guy named danny and all these angry text messages. Such a heat score

    Always trust the triangles.
  10. #50
    You haven't done anything in your life other than smoke crack while playing meincrap
  11. #51
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    i dont even like cocaine except for maybe once a year at most. I haven't done it in almost 2 years

    Snorting an entire gram of something is too much effort. I much prefer to just take a few big puddles from da pipe and stay up all night and day for a week until i run out. Thats more my style.

    Cocaine is too expensive to binge on fucking blow grams in a night, PISS THAT. I can stretch a gram of crank for a week

    You only have to do like 30mg smoked to be high for 10+ hours. Cocaine lasts like 30 mins, fuck that.

  12. #52
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Good coke lasts an hour on a reasonable dose though Scrawn. And if the coke is in fact good quality, a gram will last you an entire day. At the very least. Also if you wanna smoke your drugs, i am sure you know how to make Base, or crack if you really wanted to.
  13. #53
    dont smoke ur coke like a nigger, feed ur nostrils the sweet sweet china
  14. #54
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Sophie Good coke lasts an hour on a reasonable dose though Scrawn. And if the coke is in fact good quality, a gram will last you an entire day. At the very least. Also if you wanna smoke your drugs, i am sure you know how to make Base, or crack if you really wanted to.

    yeah its a bit longer than 30 mins. I do enjoy the drug when I do it but for various reasons it's not my favorite.

    The biggest reason is cocaine makes me horny, well not really but as soon as I smoke a crack or snort a tiny bump of dat fish scale my dick instantly gets rock hard but i am so high i can't even do anything. Its annoying, i have like a blood flow disorder or some shit.

    I used to smoke crack in the mornings and get giant erections on the bus and have to get up with my backpack over my waist like i was in school or some shit.

    Most of the time the coke is shitty though and i know the good stuff is out there but i never put the time into looking for it. I have had some fish scale RIGHT OFF Da BRICK from the darknet. That stuff was much different from the street shit i've tried, made my whole head numb and i was ZOOOMING

  15. #55
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah dude. Fire coke,is really different. I was always like meh, until got good hookup.
  16. #56
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Sophie Good coke lasts an hour on a reasonable dose though Scrawn. And if the coke is in fact good quality, a gram will last you an entire day. At the very least. Also if you wanna smoke your drugs, i am sure you know how to make Base, or crack if you really wanted to.

    dude lets be real here, i've tried good coke bad coke all kinds of coke and so have other people here and no druggy here is going to agree with you on that claim. And whats a good dose to where it will last an hour? At any dose it last the same amount of time just a varying degree of intensity. The nature of coke is that it makes you want to do more.

    Like sure I can do a line and chill for awhile or do little bumps but if you're actually partying hardy you're going to go at it and not just do a line once an hour.

    But anyways I digress, tek is a lot better but even that for me I've gotten to the point where I'm redosing constantly not because the high has worn down and has me feeling like shit but just because I love going hard at it.

    But it just depends on the setting really, with a friend I can do some and just chill and talk / play guitar but when I'm buy myself I will smoke so much in a short period of time I'll be lying on my bed naked pulling my pud staring at the ceiling loolollllol,
  17. #57
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by WolfgangBladt dont smoke ur coke like a nigger, feed ur nostrils the sweet sweet china

    shut up idiot
  18. #58
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Shotakon orgy island You haven't done anything in your life other than smoke crack while playing meincrap

    and what have you done besides huff cat ass and live with your mom in a racecar bed? hmmmmn>!?!
  19. #59
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    i dont even like cocaine except for maybe once a year at most. I haven't done it in almost 2 years

    Snorting an entire gram of something is too much effort. I much prefer to just take a few big puddles from da pipe and stay up all night and day for a week until i run out. Thats more my style.

    Cocaine is too expensive to binge on fucking blow grams in a night, PISS THAT. I can stretch a gram of crank for a week

    You only have to do like 30mg smoked to be high for 10+ hours. Cocaine lasts like 30 mins, fuck that.

    ive never listened to mommy long legs until now, i dig it MUCH PUNK!

    too bad you don't live closer I haven't partied in a minute but it would be radical to chill
  20. #60
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz

    we'll take care of canada afterwards

    gwar rocoks
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