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THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's

  1. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by stl1 "We" as in all of NIS.

    Oh ok right
  2. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Polecat finally accepted President Broseph 🇺🇸

    That or he died in an avalanche while snowmobiling
  3. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Is Poley at the Capitol setting up pipe bombs to disrupt the Trump impeachment trial?

    Has anyone notified the Feds to be on the lookout for him?


    "Be on the lookout for an old fart wearing a MAGA hat who smells like a Skunk, has red eyes and the munchies riding a decrepit old snowmobile. Caution...assumed to be armed and stupid. Known to be gullible enough to believe Qanon conspiracy lies. May be traveling with his live-in gay lover."
  4. Originally posted by stl1 Is Poley at the Capitol setting up pipe bombs to disrupt the Trump impeachment trial?

    Why, is he an FBI agent?
  5. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Still crying about Trump and he isn't even alive lol
  6. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Still crying about Trump and he isn't even alive lol

    Keep a good thought!
  7. Rent

  8. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Rent


  9. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    JUST IN: Mitch McConnell Reportedly Telling GOP Senators Impeachment Conviction of Trump Is a Vote of Conscience
    Reed Richardson

    The Senate’s top Republican will not whip his caucus to vote against the conviction of former President Donald Trump for inciting the Capitol insurrection.

    That’s according to Bloomberg, which reported late on Tuesday night that McConnell is signaling to Senate Republicans that he will not be holding them to uniform opposition of the incitement of insurrection charge against Trump. That would free GOP Senators to vote to convict — as a handful of them, like Sens. Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney are strongly leaning — without any fear of punishment within the conference. It could also remove pressure from some Senate Republicans who have, so far, voted against the constitutionality of the trial.

    In the weeks following the violent Capitol insurrection, McConnell offered a stinging indictment of Trump and others who pushed the conspiracies fueling the attack, saying “the mob was fed lies.”
  10. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Twitter CFO says Trump's ban is permanent, even if he runs for office again
    By Brian Fung, CNN

    Former President Donald Trump will not be permitted back on Twitter even if he runs again for office and wins, according to the company's chief financial officer.

    Asked during an interview on CNBC Wednesday whether Trump's tweeting privileges could be restored if he wins the presidency again, CFO Ned Segal clarified that Trump's ban is permanent.

    "The way our policies work, when you're removed from the platform, you're removed from the platform," he said, "whether you're a commentator, you're a CFO, or you are a former or current public official. Remember, our policies are designed to make sure that people are not inciting violence, and if anybody does that, we have to remove them from the service and our policies don't allow people to come back."
  11. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Fact check: Trump's lawyer blows up one of Trump's biggest lies
    Analysis by Daniel Dale, CNN 59 mins ago

    Former President Donald Trump has never publicly admitted that he was rejected by American voters.

    But now his lawyer has. On the floor of the US Senate.

    Bruce Castor Jr.'s performance at the outset of Trump's second impeachment trial will likely be remembered more for his aimless rambling than anything else. But Castor's Tuesday monologue was also noteworthy for something he said while attempting to get to a rare point.

    Castor argued that the real reason Trump was impeached again is that his opponents in the House Democratic majority do not want to see him run in the 2024 election. (If two-thirds of senators present vote to convict Trump, a simple majority of senators could then decide to ban Trump from holding future office.) Castor said the decision on who serves as the next president should be left up to the American people.

    And Castor said: "The people are smart enough ... to pick a new administration if they don't like the old one. And they just did." Then, soon after, Castor added that this is commonplace: "The people get tired of an administration they don't want. And they know how to change it. And they just did."

    Castor's assertion about what the people "just did" is obvious to anyone who is willing to acknowledge reality. Except Trump has tried hard to create an alternative reality.

    Though Joe Biden trounced Trump in the Electoral College and earned over seven million more votes, fair and square, Trump has declared again and again that the people actually reelected him in a "landslide" and that fraud and theft cheated him out of his rightful victory. (He repeated this nonsense even in the video he tweeted out during the Capitol insurrection.)

    While Trump eventually admitted, in his waning days in office, that a new administration would be taking over, he never conceded that voters had truly chosen someone else over him -- much less that voters had done so because they did not "want" or "like" the Trump administration.

    Trump's lawyers' pre-trial statements were filled with Trump-style false claims and distortions. But Castor just meandered his way into truthfully blowing up one of his client's favorite lies.
  12. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    nobody cares about Trump anymore, get over it
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Thread is long
  14. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood nobody cares about Trump anymore, get over it


    I care deeply for my country and what Trump has done to it and I see the need for accountability to prevent further occurrences of what we have had to go through during this last Presidency.

    A line in the sand needs to be drawn for the good and the future of this country.

    Republicans claiming we should just move on are not only attempting to hide their complicity in the events of the last four years, they are also harming the future of our nation.

    NEVER AGAIN ! ! !
  15. Originally posted by stl1 Wrong.

    I care deeply for my country and what Trump has done to it

    Trump didn’t do anything, he was just another figurehead enabled by an increasingly dimwitted populace. Get ready for President Kanye 2028
  16. Politicians aren’t the problem, voters are
  17. Originally posted by stl1 Wrong.

    I care deeply for my country and what Trump has done to it and I see the need for accountability to prevent further occurrences of what we have had to go through during this last Presidency.

    A line in the sand needs to be drawn for the good and the future of this country.

    Republicans claiming we should just move on are not only attempting to hide their complicity in the events of the last four years, they are also harming the future of our nation.

    NEVER AGAIN ! ! !


  18. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by stl1 Wrong.

    I care deeply for my country and what Trump has done to it and I see the need for accountability to prevent further occurrences of what we have had to go through during this last Presidency.

    A line in the sand needs to be drawn for the good and the future of this country.

    Republicans claiming we should just move on are not only attempting to hide their complicity in the events of the last four years, they are also harming the future of our nation.

    NEVER AGAIN ! ! !

    yawn, get over it Biden is president now go focus on him instead.
  19. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Trump stands accused of inciting the January 6 insurrection which sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in his favor. Five people died in the insurrection and roughly 140 police officers were injured, including one with a broken spine, a lost eye, lost fingers and some with brain damage.
  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by stl1 Wrong.

    I care deeply for my country and what Trump has done to it and I see the need for accountability to prevent further occurrences of what we have had to go through during this last Presidency.

    A line in the sand needs to be drawn for the good and the future of this country.

    Republicans claiming we should just move on are not only attempting to hide their complicity in the events of the last four years, they are also harming the future of our nation.

    NEVER AGAIN ! ! !

    No you dont. You're a brainwashed retard.
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