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You Guys dont Realize

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    But hiki or japan is eternal or the little girl is perhaps the realest and most interesting human beings I have ever eene or talked to to or met. Thats why zi was surprised he didnt like that king cobra or joah guy on youtube that much because thst dude whether you like him or not you gotta admit is real. like hiki. theyre both real theyre not pretentious or trying to be nothing just truth.
  2. #2
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    yeah man he's a real deep thinker

    Originally posted by Jesus is king Scorn reminds me of my childhood friend.
    They're both stimhead white trash with just enough self-awareness to make it by but not enough to realize what pathetic trash they are.

    Originally posted by the little girl OP has zero self-awareness

    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal It's incredible how little self-awareness krotz has

    He is truly mentally ill on a very deep level.

    Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 God kikes have zero self-awareness.
    They don't even try to hide their bullshit.

    Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo You're so stupid and lacking in self-awareness.
    It's cute you are so butthurt whenever I happen to use that word, because it exposes you for who you really are, a normie who thinks he is alternative but subconsciously knows he's actually just a boring lemming.
    You have no concept of what it means to not be a normie, you are the epitome of a generic normal nobody.
    You're like that guy who bragged about going to techno stadium shows in the early 90s.
    You people are so pathetic you should be flattered I bother wasting my time here.

    Originally posted by Corona-chan You people lack any semblance of self-awareness, I am either chatting with bots or the dumbest motherfuckers alive.
    I am the nicest most sociable person alive.
    I don't judge anyone lest they be judged.

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Man krotz is such a loser douchebag.
    He acts all confused when I call him out for being a brodude douchebag, the guy has zero self-awareness.

    It's really gross he claims to have listened to Skinny Puppy and Merzbow, he definitely isnt the kind of person for that kind of music.
  3. #3
    Robert Mugabe African Astronaut
    OP got deported for Noncing in public.
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    guys..l guys.. think about this concept: what if hiki was and is ahead of his time. what if not being normal is the new normal or the right now normal is truly rucked up and it eill twke some yrs for society to realize whwt he knew already hrs ago. you dont hwve to be a normi or normal to be self aware or intelligent. and a lot thwt ie supposed normal is only normal by society that dictates it to you or the medis or what have you.
  5. #5
    Robert Mugabe African Astronaut
    "Guys, guys. I'm a Nonce."

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