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ATTN: Totse 2001

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    The eye never ceases to watch
  2. #2
    Originally posted by Dissociator The eye never ceases to watch

    The former (and possibly current) Management of the DoD under Bush admin was corrupted and was controlled by corporate entities under corporate management, telling the DoD what to buy and how and when to use it.

    They tested out kevlar shielding while sacrificing civilians and 55 Military Men at the Pentagon to see how well the area's not protecting them had worked. I pray for justice for the families of both civilian and military workers at the Pentagon. I pray they too get compensated first by Saudi Arabian Royal Families for their crimes of funding 9/11's attack. But they are not the only criminals in this game of injustice since WWII.

    1 Million Iraqi civilians living under Suddams Rule would of been far greater than under the allies invasion to "Save them".

    there is no funding for cleanup of tank killer cluster bombs that didn't explode, in which many children see as toys with parachutes and are mamed or die from these unexploded ordinance. there is tons of poisonous DU left over from tank killer rounds.

    Our own Soldiers both domestic and allie abroad will die from cancers and other lung diseases.

    Luckily, 1500 first responders are finally getting aid and get to sue the Royal Family as well as 800 civilians. I'm sure the numbers will grow.

    Dick Cheney did not give any of his wealth he made as a stock holder for these defense contracts he won (as a conflict of interest violation viewed world wide to that of the VA Hospitals.

    All the while, corruption is running amok in the US both under local, state and federal government workers as well as huge percentage of police departments.

    Union Corruption is also as big as it was in the 1930s and 40s. especially Iron workers and Longshoremen, Including Teamsters, Pipefitters, and Food related Unions.

    Once enough minorities (As justified as it was to gain ground and catch up) were hired, they decided to abolish Affirmative Action allowing people like me who is considered Caucasian to not receive work based on my own merrits (97 percent scored on test for a state job). I am 51 now, and told I should go reapply , but I would be doing early retirement with a full pension right now of over 30 years.

    I have seen corruption much of my life.. just targeting me. followed and targeted. I have lost 2 brothers under suspicious circumstances and promised family members I will punish those responsible with love rather than hate. but that doesn't mean I won't show up to a court hearing if ever given me that justice.

    I'v been accused falsely by blood relatives and every time they realized they were wrong, instead of apologizing, I came to understand the best way to deal with their wrongful act of bearing false witness against me, they returned with another. possibly 3 times. it took a while to get this out of my mother. Now they say she is just old and senile, but she told me several years back.

    and then there is the incident of me walking up on a corrupted deal ran by one local sheriff and one city cop. Arrested falsely.

    followed up with another false arrest and the typical bang me around the back of the car, while suffering from a broken foot and wrist. there is plenty more. all of this occurred just in the last 15 years. I know so much, have turned a blinds eye to not rat people out and now there are threats against me.

    Well No More abuse on me. I'm no angel but I am willing to pull over and help someone in need. Take a chance of being robbed or harmed to believe there are more good people than bad.

    We are under the very transparent control never seen before on earth. Especially in the USA. things common in Africa or Middle East or Communist China in the 1950s is happening in the USA now. Transparency in the wrong way.

    When you join the military, are you signing something that states You may have to lose your life to military testing ? is that why no one gives a shit that the pentagon attack was carried out by the people responsible for protecting their men and people with the highest defense known to man. to just allow the one part of the pentagon to be struck that didn't finish up kevlar and reinforced concrete?

    We always think of 9/11 as the WTC but forget the pentagon. And supposed to believe no other cameras exist. It's time to release them. I believe a plane hit, but I know that plane was controlled or programed to fly into the pentagon. No way these idiots pulled off a corkscrew turn and hovered feet off the ground at 550mph and slid right into the very area not protected on the same day the sheer winds at near sea levels would of ripped the wings off of those planes if truly commercial at the WTC 1 and 2. 3 planes flying at speeds never meant to fly below 10,000 feet. If the Saudis did nothing, why is this lawsuit being allowed?

  3. #3
    cerakote African Astronaut
    take your tinfoil hat off fucktard this is the way the world is today

    its only going to get worse

    it says in revelation that 1/3rd of the world population will die in the great tribulation... the rivers will fill with blood, nation will rise against ration, there will be wars and rumors of wars, disease, famine, gigadeath

    in the time before christs return america will not exist, we will be ground into dust long before it happens. calling it now, we will be invaded by the chinese
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    cerakote African Astronaut
    we're fucked
  5. #5
    Originally posted by cerakote take your tinfoil hat off fucktard this is the way the world is today

    its only going to get worse

    it says in revelation that 1/3rd of the world population will die in the great tribulation… the rivers will fill with blood, nation will rise against ration, there will be wars and rumors of wars, disease, famine, gigadeath

    in the time before christs return america will not exist, we will be ground into dust long before it happens. calling it now, we will be invaded by the chinese

    Chinese won't tolerate laziness. They will put us all to work. we will all have homes. they're hyper capitalist but will run it in the guise of socialism. everyone works.. no homeless. It might actually be a good thing if China Manages the government at this point.

    You think you will lose freedoms, but you can still go camping and hiking into no mans land and have a sense of freedom before coming back to the grind.

    I don't think the chinese would commit multi-genocide on Americans.
  6. #6
    cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Chinese won't tolerate laziness. They will put us all to work. we will all have homes. they're hyper capitalist but will run it in the guise of socialism. everyone works.. no homeless. It might actually be a good thing if China Manages the government at this point.

    You think you will lose freedoms, but you can still go camping and hiking into no mans land and have a sense of freedom before coming back to the grind.

    I don't think the chinese would commit multi-genocide on Americans.

    we will be less than the pulp at the bottom of a gallon of orange juice
  7. #7
    Worst poster on this site probably a fat Leo munching donuts and coffee all day long.

    Worse poster than zill the zat
  8. #8
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Worst poster on this site probably a fat Leo munching donuts and coffee all day long.

    Worse poster than zill the zat

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