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why the f does anyone care if thiss tupid b-h got fired?

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    name one great movie or tv series.
  2. #2
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat her only job was hiring or really installing as many non white to google and non europeans into google anyay so why not cheer her firing instead of all this coverage they keep giving the crybaby after she was fired?

    Google CEO slammed by AI ethics researcher for blaming public feud on transparency

    ould they give me this much attention for being fired? I mean who gives a fuck about her and her retarded diversity? she has this bigass thread ont wtitter basically crying like a bitch. ive bene let go for literally no reasona to all or used in white collar jobs many times and you dont see m crying do you? I already told you guys some of thsoe stories even within poland and their hiring practices here or how they treat workers again do u see myc rying or anyone caring like they do her? people should like **** on her twitter feed and make them remove it to quit giving the media the attention whroes attention or something. another anna spysz here folks. or pluralsight the company and it hiring practices and push for diversity and how they dont give a fuk letting go of their writers for little reason at all and unreasonable expectations jil keeping on and rehiring these retard females as communication leads/editors who dont know shit about the articles theyre editing but get hired for being female.

    she got her job for having no skills othr than being a non white female so why is she domplainging for being fired when google should never have hired her to begin with?

    you seem to be a person who uses blame in all directions. you were condemning whites not long ago and now you're accusing other races

    did you learn this in prison?
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Lodger Free you seem to be a person who uses blame in all directions. you were condemning whites not long ago and now you're accusing other races

    did you learn this in prison?

    you do the same thing peedy, get off the gas, you're a huge racist
  4. #4
    This isnt your blog nigger
  5. #5
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you do the same thing peedy, get off the gas, you're a huge racist

    Iv never been a racist The closest thing I said was I hate the things blacks are blaming all whites for shit that happened 155 fucking years ago. I never said I hated black people or people of color. You're just shitting in your own mental diaper. Nice try.

    You're the one who freely uses "nigger" in your statement. You're the racist. Texas racist piece of shit.
  6. #6
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    name one great movie or tv series.
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