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Three Lines Max. Join In Or Else

  1. #1
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    I got an idea from the last post that wellhung shitted up

    We make a very cohesive short story. Everyone writing 3 lines to the last part. if someone beats you to that last three lines, start over from where that person left off. yes sometimes it happens 2 or 3 times but keep up.

    A Speed writing story. lets see how fucking long of a short story can short.

    I'l like hella start.. K. GO!

    I sat from my balcony and pined the sweetness of her scent. like roses and tyme and eyes of glittering things. I Pined to see her once more. But it was then her father smashed through her door. I hid behind my curtain fearing he might see me and come after me. the thought of this 6 foot 5 inch and 23 stones of a man of 5'6" and 140 pounds..
  2. #2
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    ... with 11 inches of rock solid turgid cock ready to pound my virgin asshole made me quiver. Not only was he displeased with the fact that I was dating his daughter, but when once I had recited some of my writings to his daughter the villain had claimed my prose was "too purple". He said no daughter of his could be permitted to date a man who wrote like a fan fic author newly dabbling in erotica. I was floored.
  3. #3
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Yet I was determined to make his daughter the granet I chose to build my life on top. I would drill into her sturdy truss like body and the hips made for mating well. A subtle blossom yet perky and pink. the scent of lavander from her quiff mink and her long legs plump yet firm. And now her father is raged to my stirring the night's air with my musk too strong and my adams apple as perky as her bosoms
  4. #4
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
  5. #5
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung nigger

    Kill your racist self
  6. #6
    livingelegy motherfucker [my polyoicous forward graciousness]
    said her father idly to the television. A documentary on Malcolm X was playing on the Hi-def screen. Those lip reading lessons I had taken at the local community college had a way of coming in handy.
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