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hey hiki what do u fink of this guy and his story?

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist

    to me he seems oretty chill and normal. wat about u? I mean listen to his story, if its truthful who wouldnt be caught in wuch a sting or go for it? I mean what rape occurred anywhere?
  2. #2
    Pipe down maciej
  3. #3
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat

    to me he seems oretty chill and normal. wat about u? I mean listen to his story, if its truthful who wouldnt be caught in wuch a sting or go for it? I mean what rape occurred anywhere?

    i didnt watch the video but know that the majority of people caught on that TCAP show had their charges dismissed because of a lack of any actual crime (most didnt even have a criminal record to begin with) not to mention all evidence was obtained by entrapment. they all had their lives ruined regardless.

    thats the nature of an inquisition, all it takes is an accusation.
  4. #4
    WellHung Black Hole
    ur a drunk Pollack.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by WellHung ur a drunk Pollack.

    And your a fatass ginger that sleeps in his car on lexapro
  6. #6
    Robert Mugabe African Astronaut

    An information alleged the 24-year-old defendant Maciej Wieslaw Lata had contacted and arranged meetings, by way of the so-called "MySpace" Web site on the Internet, with a 12-year-old minor with the intent to commit an act of molestation. Pursuant to a negotiated plea, the prosecutor amended the information to include a count of misdemeanor child annoyance, to which defendant entered his plea of guilty in exchange for dismissal of three permutations of section 288 felonies and the grant of probation conditioned on a jail term of less than 180 days. The offense subjected defendant to mandatory registration as a sex offender.
  7. #7
    the little girl Tuskegee Airman
    I'll watch in a minute

    I fucking hate to catch a predator and that sleazy kike chris hansob so much
    I wish someone would kill him and his family
  8. #8
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby And your a fatass ginger that sleeps in his car on lexapro

    You mad, ZoloftBro? 👍
  9. #9
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe


    "Thank you very much"

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