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Front page Zongo

  1. #1
    Last packed ice of the night fully zmoked (I dont see any res at least its still cooling)

    Got a complete head rush full body euphoria from that extremely small size of a fingernail hit, zomething about that hit was special, blezzed by the triangles. It's very rare but it happens, crackheads refer to it as a "ringer" this phenonmenon gave me a seizure once.

    I've snorted heroin before and never felt that much euphoria, full body head rush is the only way I can put it into words. I just managed to switch on every receptor at once. I don't even know.

    This was the music playing.

    wasnt even trying for a Zod hit was just doing fiend hits. Gonna clean the whole pipe now fuck it.

  2. #2
    triangles are telling me what to do next I'm not even in control anymore

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