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Do tou guys wanna hear a good story

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    of some of my exploits back in california?
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  3. #3
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
  4. #4
    Robert Mugabe African Astronaut
    No one wants to hear about you trying to molest kids.

    Kill yourself you Down's Syndrome, dough eyed eastern European cunt.
  5. #5
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  6. #6
    livingelegy motherfucker [my polyoicous forward graciousness]
    Originally posted by Wariat of some of my exploits back in california?

    Lay it on me brother
  7. #7
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  8. #8
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Wariat

    Lol funny that review at hotel valencia I actually had a standoff with a middle eastern bouncer short little ****** with napoleon complex there and his entourage or posse. I actually was on probation for that first case and got literally a nail close from either assaulting the guy downstairs or outside on the street in front of the hotel entrance multiple times i planned on doing or inside when he surrounded me with his posse. It started because he wouldnt let me in for no reason. he discriminated against me and had this ugly middle eastern arabic mug about him like whatchya gonna do about it. He claimed because I was wearing shorts I couldnt go up but it wasnt 4 pm yet so their rules say I could so I argued with him and told him ok you wait then well have this talk again. And what ende dup happening was I almost attacked him but he got so scared he went backwards into the little lobby there and after I saw that i ddint even feel compelled to hit him. But I didnt know he is such a ***** he ended up conspiring against me with some other security from a nearby sushi place there or that area and he flashed me with a flashlight as I walked across the street form hotel valencia.

    Just to harass me. I wanted to get him so bad I even would go upstairs at the borders bookstore there (back when they still ahd borders as brick and mortar stores mind you readers and listeners) and when I saw a good time not many witnesses or people around and just him and an empty street I planned on taking off on him or taking the flight but would back out just at the end and get butterflies. it did not help me in the back of my mind I was still on probation for that first case, yea you know it you know what im talking about and id be imprisoned flogged and presumed guilty if I get caught up at all and you know it to just and it it you umeriiicans. Anyway, so what ended up happening was I let it go. I had my family from poland also visiting so I didnt want to give them more stress getting caught up assaulting the middle eastern faggit so I let it go but also what ended up happening was I totalled a brand new honda fit I had as a gift at the time. I still have a picture of that car or me standing with it. I literally totalled it so bad cops didnt even test me or make me go to the hospital even though they knew I was durnk because they felt sorry for me or knew I was lucky to be alive and even looked my record up so cops do automatically when they check your id as I ran into some semi truck parke don the side of stevens creek while I was chekcing my ipad out and coming back from this bar called 49ers not far from santana row a dive bar across form the pink poodle nightclub. So anyway back to the story with the middle eastern hotel valencia faggit. I ended up going abck up there like two months later becaus this chick I randomly met with her friend invited me and everything else was closed it was like 2 am and I figured this guy wasnt there no more.

    Anyway I walked by he recognized me and he had this other guy confront me this other shit butut this time like hispanic looking and two other dudes around me telling me i needed to leave and I asked why and explained tht guy was harassing me and didnt let me in for no reason. Oh yea I also ended up going back up there before I mean before I flashe don him and he ran back into the lobby on the bottom floor of santana row where that hotel is before that I went up and he also for no reason didnt let me go to the bar to show his power on me or his little credentials as a guard to put me down to make himself seem superior like the middle eastern prick he was. This bold headed short ksinny ****** in his early 30s. Anyway, At the time he had another guy with him and again I was on probation plus I dont like violence and am not a violent guy so Ijust told him next time I see him alone he will be dealt with. So this time when they all surrounded me they claimed he claims I threatened him. So, I left but the crazy thing was they tried to get into the elevator with me and I grabbed the wrist of their main guy the leader or little hispanic dude and threw it back. I then went down on the elevator and they had the whole street clsoed off with like tape and **** just for me just to get me. I had to literally fight my way out and I didnt throw any punches but threw people out of the way and was in this ******* chase across santana row and some cops on bicycles or horses I think it was bike caught up to me.

    I ende dup pleading with them as I had family visiting from poland not to arrest me and violate my probation and looking back they had no reason to I simply escaped an ambush.

  9. #9
    Robert Mugabe African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat

    Lol funny that review at hotel valencia I actually had a standoff with a middle eastern bouncer short little ****** with napoleon complex there and his entourage or posse. I actually was on probation for that first case and got literally a nail close from either assaulting the guy downstairs or outside on the street in front of the hotel entrance multiple times i planned on doing or inside when he surrounded me with his posse. It started because he wouldnt let me in for no reason. he discriminated against me and had this ugly middle eastern arabic mug about him like whatchya gonna do about it. He claimed because I was wearing shorts I couldnt go up but it wasnt 4 pm yet so their rules say I could so I argued with him and told him ok you wait then well have this talk again. And what ende dup happening was I almost attacked him but he got so scared he went backwards into the little lobby there and after I saw that i ddint even feel compelled to hit him. But I didnt know he is such a ***** he ended up conspiring against me with some other security from a nearby sushi place there or that area and he flashed me with a flashlight as I walked across the street form hotel valencia.

    Just to harass me. I wanted to get him so bad I even would go upstairs at the borders bookstore there (back when they still ahd borders as brick and mortar stores mind you readers and listeners) and when I saw a good time not many witnesses or people around and just him and an empty street I planned on taking off on him or taking the flight but would back out just at the end and get butterflies. it did not help me in the back of my mind I was still on probation for that first case, yea you know it you know what im talking about and id be imprisoned flogged and presumed guilty if I get caught up at all and you know it to just and it it you umeriiicans. Anyway, so what ended up happening was I let it go. I had my family from poland also visiting so I didnt want to give them more stress getting caught up assaulting the middle eastern faggit so I let it go but also what ended up happening was I totalled a brand new honda fit I had as a gift at the time. I still have a picture of that car or me standing with it. I literally totalled it so bad cops didnt even test me or make me go to the hospital even though they knew I was durnk because they felt sorry for me or knew I was lucky to be alive and even looked my record up so cops do automatically when they check your id as I ran into some semi truck parke don the side of stevens creek while I was chekcing my ipad out and coming back from this bar called 49ers not far from santana row a dive bar across form the pink poodle nightclub. So anyway back to the story with the middle eastern hotel valencia faggit. I ended up going abck up there like two months later becaus this chick I randomly met with her friend invited me and everything else was closed it was like 2 am and I figured this guy wasnt there no more.

    Anyway I walked by he recognized me and he had this other guy confront me this other shit butut this time like hispanic looking and two other dudes around me telling me i needed to leave and I asked why and explained tht guy was harassing me and didnt let me in for no reason. Oh yea I also ended up going back up there before I mean before I flashe don him and he ran back into the lobby on the bottom floor of santana row where that hotel is before that I went up and he also for no reason didnt let me go to the bar to show his power on me or his little credentials as a guard to put me down to make himself seem superior like the middle eastern prick he was. This bold headed short ksinny ****** in his early 30s. Anyway, At the time he had another guy with him and again I was on probation plus I dont like violence and am not a violent guy so Ijust told him next time I see him alone he will be dealt with. So this time when they all surrounded me they claimed he claims I threatened him. So, I left but the crazy thing was they tried to get into the elevator with me and I grabbed the wrist of their main guy the leader or little hispanic dude and threw it back. I then went down on the elevator and they had the whole street clsoed off with like tape and **** just for me just to get me. I had to literally fight my way out and I didnt throw any punches but threw people out of the way and was in this ******* chase across santana row and some cops on bicycles or horses I think it was bike caught up to me.

    I ende dup pleading with them as I had family visiting from poland not to arrest me and violate my probation and looking back they had no reason to I simply escaped an ambush.

    Originally posted by Wariat Actually it was mostly these short ass east asians probably phillipinos who love america and do their jo usually like 110 percent and not 100 perent for america when they get hired as security anywhere like at airports (this one ****** harassed me when I was still on probation for that case and had a leave form my po to go to poland to visit my loved ones sick and as I came back he checke dmy wallet inside out totally acting disrespectful and harassed me in front of my fmaily but thats how many nonwhites and east asians with a us citizenship form turd world ********* act). Thats who that middle eastern arabic cocky **** who flashed **** in my face and for no reason ketp kicking me out had as his possee. I should have just not cared about consequences and threw strieksa t them instead of respectfully trying to leave that time hell if it was today id have a big canister of mace with me as well.

    Didn't read.
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