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  1. #21
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Big Brother knows what's best for you, even when you don't. Trust Big Brother. He has only your best interests at heart.

    its moving that way.

    The sickest thing is this. In the 60s and 70s the Hippy or counter culture movement would say "oh man, this should be acceptable to go and view what we want" and the Good ol Boy would be like 'No, that's sick and get a haircut"

    now it's the other way around. the Far Let is telling people "Porn = disrespect to women and minorites" or some shit like that. its as if Good Ol Boys switched logic with the Alternative Counter Culture.

    it's bizarre that it makes me the whole hippy movement was a CIA or Black Op experiment that would create these different eras and control people. always changing what is right and wrong

    Porn is disrespectable to women but encouraging young children (mainly boys) to become transgender is perfectly acceptable to most on the Alt Left

    Pick a side. Not all women in porn were forced into it. It's personal Identity. they may want to do it because they're overly sexual, dont want just one partner and make money at it.

    everything is fucking mental as shit today. telling young boys "Yeah, cut your penis off and dress up like a girl" should be child abuse. the CPS should take that child to a psychiatrist. when you hit 18 then maybe you see it really is for you. children can't make logical decisions regarding their personal Identity.

    And Counter Culture hated Big Box Brand and wanted mom and pop stores. what did the Libtards do in San Francisco (A well known lib hub?) they fucking decided to charge 25 cents for 3 minutes parking. try and roll up to a meter parking while going to the famous tourist attraction Wharf. who has that many quarters. so then they put in credcard meters. still. 12 minutes per dollar for street parking. they drove the small family business out of the wharf area of San Francisco for shit like Hooters and other big title stores. this is not the spirit of Counter Culturalism. Diane Fienstein's husband apparently ripped off people in investments. she lives in an expensive gated area and they drive up cost for everything. even Hollywood wont film in SF because SF has the highest filming permits in the world. so San Francisco scenes are shot in British Columbia. just stupid shit like this.
  2. #22
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    The far left is a product of massive Mockingbird Media Mind Control over a period of decades. What we're looking at right now is the fruits of those schemes. It's still tied back to the original source of all the world's woes, Big Brother. The Radical left is a Product, not the Cause.
  3. #23
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Opie is a retarded woman
  4. #24
    Originally posted by lannies loose labia longs for the laptop lactation from a laotian ladyboy communism facilitated by j­ews

    nobody said whites couldnt facilitate it.
  5. #25
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    OP was literally never on Totse
  6. #26
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lannies loose labia longs for the laptop lactation from a laotian ladyboy communism facilitated by j­ews

    false J'ews. they're only "J'ewish" for the control of State of Israel. that they're calling "Israel" now.

    some J'ews hate Zionism movement. it is a big mistake they believed from day one. many of these are hasidic or orthodox extreme. they see State of Israel as a False Israel.
  7. #27
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lannies loose labia longs for the laptop lactation from a laotian ladiboy. either way they deserve to be pogromed into extinction.

    Aren't you part J'ew yourself?
  8. #28
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lannies loose labia longs for the laptop lactation from a laotian ladiboy. only my foot when its in some j­ews asshole.

    Again, Finny. wasn't looking at the elongated name. just Lanny's face that looks way to much like Gilbert Gottfried
  9. #29
    nychris22 Yung Blood
    Can I join the new Totse web forum? Also, Fuck Robert Mugabe, Spectral is kinda cool, outdated and prehistoric in a nostalgic sense.
  10. #30
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by nychris22 Can I join the new Totse web forum? Also, Fuck Robert Mugabe, Spectral is kinda cool, outdated and prehistoric in a nostalgic sense.

    It's said he likes to stick straws in his pee hole
  11. #31
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by nychris22 Can I join the new Totse web forum? Also, Fuck Robert Mugabe, Spectral is kinda cool, outdated and prehistoric in a nostalgic sense.

    were you on totse?
  12. #32
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo OP was literally never on Totse

    I started Telnet dialing in back in 1992-93. just 3 years into its existance. but There was some experimentation with RIPTERMinal

    Rip Term was a lot more exciting and made the BBS a more colorful experience. TOTSE dialup never got into it. so I stayed away for a bit and came back. then was a regular for years before getting kicked off

    Go look up Digital Avatar issues with me (Greenspam) which wasn't my first fucking name on there. I had a couple others
  13. #33
    Bugz Space Nigga
    I saw DA on Slash posting in 2018 in search

    this is from TOTSE/ARCHIVE on Wikipedia

    from the user name Digital Avatar

    "That would require Jeff to actually give a shit about what happens on his board. He never has, and he never will. That's why TOTSE went to shit back when it was a dial-up board -- Jeff just didn't give a damn what happened on his board. It was just a place for him to hang out 'whenever', and he expected it to magically run itself. That only worked when there was a community of users who wanted to be there, and who were capable of shouting down idiots when they showed up. Once TOTSE got 4 nodes, then 8, and then NirvanaNet moved beyond the SF Bay Area and became a nation-wide network, the number of clueless fucks multiplied out of control. The signal-to-noise ratio became unacceptable, and the good folk left, which made the SNR worse, accelerating their departure. The classic flood/flamewar by Greenspam in its last few weeks exemplify everything that's wrong with that attitude. Ultimately, TOTSE will probably collapse again after Jeff realizes it will never be 'cool', most people have never heard of it (or him), it's not making any appreciable amount of money, and it's more trouble than it's worth. Until then, enjoy the downward spiral.-- Digital Avatar 05:28, 20 December 2005 (UTC)"
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #34
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    jeff hunter didnt do 9/11 you fucking schizo
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