Originally posted by BIBLE tHUMPER
Somebody put out a blunt in Nancy Pelosi's office on an empty picture frame. I'm not sure if it was that dude who left a note or not. There was also a pipe bomb in the hallway outside that failed to go off.
They're going to fire police officers (at least up high) and I think the DC Head Police guy stepped down (sorry I dont know the titles)
So fucking disrespectful. this was crazy af though. hopefuly it just calms down. but I tell you right now. Come Jan 20th. Keep every mother fucker back at least 5 miles. and patrol the sky with fighter jets and have drones flying looking for home version of drones equiped with guns or a bomb or some shit.
these people don't represent well at all. they looked like drunken pirate having a blast raping and pillaging the congress building. PATHETIC. The Government has to continue. We need to protect by educating the next generation. I suggest finding people on the Right who are well educated and pass that knowledge at college level early on to children in Large Private schools payed for by anyone who is rich and push it into the main system of control.
and stop being haters. especially these white nationalist. get everyone conservative on board. start making babies and educate them young to be congress, lawyers, cops, firefighters, Doctors or Nurses etc.
teach Joe Shmoe who's good with cars a higher technical training. kids who build cars with their pops should be taught they have to go to technical school and draft and design new technology and try to do your best to keep them in the pool.
teach everyone else who has few skills to stay in the pool as well. treat them well when you're doing better. tip people a buck or two a few times a week. Tip the lower working class. not just waitress. see if you can walk into the back of a restaurant and say loudly (I have 12 singles in my hand, share it equally) if there is 6 guys. at least a few times a year.
everyone will have more money. teach everyone to invest.
And the last tip I can offer you guys ^^even though I am being serious about above is this
Always wash your hands well. sing happy birthday to (yourself) twice. its 10 seconds each round. and then use Anti Germ Gel before you masturbate and once again afterwards. Especially during the Rona periods.
Happy Fapping!