I didn't know she was from Florida. Its no wonder really, all the Florida girls I've met in my years have had that ge ne sais quoi about them, that subtly imperfect rural prettiness.
Originally posted by DontTellEm
First true thread this donkey has ever made. I miss her posts. 🥰😍💖
The hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows…no stranger to u or me.
She never really had much to say. But if you feel that hurt just think about where its coming from your body and allow it. Im going to guess most of the hurt is coming from your cankles
Originally posted by Bill Krozby
She never really had much to say. But if you feel that hurt just think about where its coming from your body and allow it. Im going to guess most of the hurt is coming from your cankles
Where does your hurt come from?
Making fun of other people is a sign of happiness, strength, and intelligence.
Do you have any hurts, lol broom?
(Also please dont make a generic get off the gas comment )
I'm sure the lovely DTE and the almost equally lovely Cainrein don't let the lack of one of them posting on a forum separate their solid friendship, unlike most spaceniggas they likely trust each other implicitly and have other means of communication .