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This is fucking messed up.

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Only a small interior valley of north LA did you have people talk like this. I find it offensive that New Yorkers mock the state like this.

    it's much more subtle. "Dude" is universal. and Brah is as well. Brah is subtle and Bruh is more of an attitude and BroMean is serious between to brahs n stuff.

    Some chick from the Bronx waiting on our table. Loved her classic New York Pocketed The Bronx accent and she was cute and phat Puerto Rican babe. kind of thick. frizzy hair Latina. I would ask her out and bang that ass if i wasnt with Gigi and of course Just because.

  2. #2
    Bugz Space Nigga
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