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Yes your life wont get better

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    having a good life is not achievable. its an illusion of feeling security all around at all times.

    but the truth is, bad moments are an experience. an obstacle.

    but then there is torture. emotional and people physically restraining you. Prisons, Mental institutions or just really bad people who probably plan on killing you. there is some terminal disease like cancer or some other shit like alzteimers that will turn you into a fucking fetus at age 60 something and you stop breathing.

    it wont get better. get used to it. we're supposed to learn from this shit. I have come to hate this new America being forced on us. America was just a silly dream that existed here and there. but it's considered either a primative or racist concept of our forefathers and this is the new rules and laws being enforced on us by delussional cunts that think Robots will be our slaves and we all dont have to work and no one owns shit, you just borrow it and use it. it's everyones bike. its everyones car. you leave the keys in it. you dont have to steal it you just drive it and park it and someone else takes it. sometimes you get a beat up clunker and sometimes you got a nice BMW

    I guess this means we all get a turn at being a cop for the day and giving out tickets or maybe you can be a doctor for the day and dice open someones chest, maybe you can be the teacher of a science class you know nothing about.

    I want a ever lasting gobstopper now (ghey)

    Shit, 2021 isn't going to be any fucking different. More wars coming and more people dying of something someone unleashed in a fucking lab. and something something Georgia Stones and something.

    they take but they dont give gifts of need.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    livingelegy motherfucker [my polyoicous forward graciousness]
    Cheer up bugs. Sure the future is going to be an oppressive dystopia but we're all gonna be dead before things get that bad.
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by livingelegy Cheer up bugs. Sure the future is going to be an oppressive dystopia but we're all gonna be dead before things get that bad.

    for a long time it's been a long, slow circle of the drain - it's accepted because it's predictable. even though things are getting worse, the people it affects the most are the people who have no representation and just have to take it. everyone else loses a little but it's cushioned by endless credit, and they're kept busy with gadgets, apps and social networks that allow them to recede into a more optimistic reality - one they're at the centre of. budding virtual reality is just an extension of social networking in this sense.

    the slide is about at its end though. you'll see it unless you OD or get hatecrimed within the next few years.

    the ghost of Yugoslavia will likely visit the US before the end of Kamala's first term.
  4. #4
    rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra for a long time it's been a long, slow circle of the drain - it's accepted because it's predictable. even though things are getting worse, the people it affects the most are the people who have no representation and just have to take it. everyone else loses a little but it's cushioned by endless credit, and they're kept busy with gadgets, apps and social networks that allow them to recede into a more optimistic reality - one they're at the centre of. budding virtual reality is just an extension of social networking in this sense.

    the slide is about at its end though. you'll see it unless you OD or get hatecrimed within the next few years.

    the ghost of Yugoslavia will likely visit the US before the end of Kamala's first term.

    I like you aldra but my god you are such a fag sometimes.

    If I am able to have a decent career in fucking New Zealand then surely you can carve out a happy life for yourself in sunnier, cheaper and richer Australia where people get paid $16 US an hour for work a chimpanzee could literally do.

    What's stopping you - is it all the wealth and optimism dragging you down?
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I like you aldra but my god you are such a fag sometimes.

    If I am able to have a decent career in fucking New Zealand then surely you can carve out a happy life for yourself in sunnier, cheaper and richer Australia where people get paid $16 US an hour for work a chimpanzee could literally do.

    What's stopping you - is it all the wealth and optimism dragging you down?

    whether or not I can 'make' money isn't the issue

    the issue is that the system in place is unsustainable; US hegemony is already disintegrating and things are going to get very bad very fast when they stop being able to operate on unlimited debt
  6. #6
    Unlimited debt is kind of cool tho I keep maxing out my chase card but they just always decide to loan me more. It's kind of like runescape if you're GP can go negative, you can borrow my credit card if you want.
  7. #7
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra for a long time it's been a long, slow circle of the drain - it's accepted because it's predictable. even though things are getting worse, the people it affects the most are the people who have no representation and just have to take it. everyone else loses a little but it's cushioned by endless credit, and they're kept busy with gadgets, apps and social networks that allow them to recede into a more optimistic reality - one they're at the centre of. budding virtual reality is just an extension of social networking in this sense.

    the slide is about at its end though. you'll see it unless you OD or get hatecrimed within the next few years.

    the ghost of Yugoslavia will likely visit the US before the end of Kamala's first term.

    The ghost of Yugoslavia? you mean Bill Clintons attempt at WWIII on Mother Russia's former child?
  8. #8
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bugz The ghost of Yugoslavia? you mean Bill Clintons attempt at WWIII on Mother Russia's former child?

    I mean violent disintegration as a single state
  9. #9
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra I mean violent disintegration as a single state

    Isn't it called Croatia now or some shit?

    Remember those Yugo cars? Ahahah those were goofy
  10. #10
    street_carp African Astronaut
    Thanks to idiots, I now have to have 6 months left on my passport and get in the Brown People No English queue for a 55 minute flight to Amsterdam for a spliff and a coffee.

    Fucking bumheads with diabetes and anger management issues think we're still the same people who colonised India and all that bulldog spirit shit, or they want this country to be USA Jr. and cough all over supermarket workers whilst they drink their flat white.

    This is the real injustice right now.
  11. #11
    rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by street_carp Fucking bumheads with diabetes and anger management issues think we're still the same people who colonised India

    !00% right, the British stock has fallen a great deal.

    If you gave a few hundred 19th century Britons access to 21st century technology and weaponry, they would be running the entire nation in 6 months. And practically everything would improve.
  12. #12
    rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra whether or not I can 'make' money isn't the issue

    the issue is that the system in place is unsustainable; US hegemony is already disintegrating and things are going to get very bad very fast when they stop being able to operate on unlimited debt

    more faggotry. scare quotes around 'money' wtf does that mean?

    Oh yeah US hegemony withstood the soviet fucking union and now chinks are going to run them in the ground, good god.

    even if any of that was actually true... money solves everything related to that.
  13. #13
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by street_carp Thanks to idiots, I now have to have 6 months left on my passport and get in the Brown People No English queue for a 55 minute flight to Amsterdam for a spliff and a coffee.

    Fucking bumheads with diabetes and anger management issues think we're still the same people who colonised India and all that bulldog spirit shit, or they want this country to be USA Jr. and cough all over supermarket workers whilst they drink their flat white.

    This is the real injustice right now.

    just like any race. india has its con artist and "you owe my people" type for a free hand out. And then there are these really really bright ones that advance science. yet many of them also are socialist minded. They come to America to learn. Most want to stay (because India is still very undeveloped with very developed towns popping up). its baby steps right now for them. They're an amazing country. its not so much they're poor. The gap is massive between Have and Have not with the majority being the latter.

    But shit, for a "poor" country it managed to send a probe to mars. and I think the moon recently as well? they have been doing it for some time. they want to get into the game. a lot of them women are pretty and like most asians the guys are kind of squares. but many of them are good natured peeps.

    the coughing part without covering the mouth is a bad habit. and I know the country is cramped, so they brush up against each other. but it violates the western cultures "Personal 3 foot bubble" or 2 or even 1. when you're 6 inches from my face its kind of unamerican.

    hahah but the Westernized ones are just like everyone else. and the cultured ones are interesting and many are friendly to talk too. so I have no problem with them. I dont know any Pakis though. lots here. but Capt Falco clearly has a weird fucked up sense of humor. He fits in totse/zoklet and he can suck my dick. ;)
  14. #14
    street_carp African Astronaut
    Originally posted by rabbitweed !00% right, the British stock has fallen a great deal.

    If you gave a few hundred 19th century Britons access to 21st century technology and weaponry, they would be running the entire nation in 6 months. And practically everything would improve.

    British people have idealised the US and it's nut job political and legal systems since at least the 80's. We're still formally voting for a party here in general elections but most people vote based on which party leader they want to be Prime Minister.

    We've adopted several American traits such as litigiousness and individualism that clash wildly with our own culture and birthright, because our school curriculums are archaic and we supplement our high academia styled learning with politically skewed sociology and economics from the media, instead of getting an unbiased foundational understanding at school.

    Common sense and forward planning is pretty much dead because most people can only think about how they can get more money and stuff for themselves and voting patterns just seem to reflect that. The science and the long term impact is a foreign language to these people because they were never taught how it works.
  15. #15
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by rabbitweed more faggotry. scare quotes around 'money' wtf does that mean?

    might want to reread that

    Originally posted by rabbitweed Oh yeah US hegemony withstood the soviet fucking union and now chinks are going to run them in the ground, good god.

    barely, and at the cost of its own long-term stability. outside influence only adds weight onto the rot.

    do you know what it was that really ended the soviet union? it wasn't outspending to compete with the US militarily.

    Originally posted by rabbitweed even if any of that was actually true… money solves everything related to that.

    you have a limited understanding of what money represents
  16. #16
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Get a house on a lake with no neighbors, a garden a family and 10 guns. Spend your time around people you Love and support and seek to influence others of your way of lyfe. Its all relative but it can definitely get worse.

    Most people are scum who hold no water but improving the collective a modicum is a monumental achievement. Theres not much I really desire besides more women and brief transcendent moments of intoxicated solipsism and universal insight. At least for my selfish side.

    I just wake up and can't belieb I'm alive and relatively free. What the fuck else do you expect? Nothing is promised except to be counted as a statistic, manifest your own destiny or lie down and die like a bitch
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