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Merry Christmas From Imgur Attention-Bores

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Imgur Bores

  2. #2
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Hi. The Generation of Self Love and Expression Attention Bore

  3. #3
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Oh look. look Hi look at me. I SAID LOOK AT ME. I'm so pretty, yes im pretty...

  4. #4
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
  5. #5
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ Cuties.

    I just think its weird how everyone has to take selfies all of the time. not for their own medical interest to say keep an eye on a mole or how their skin changes but for narcissistic reasons.

    I think I'll start doing it. I did it in new york because you dont hand a camera over to a stranger. plus I was into film making for a long time. so I experiment with light and camera settings on a low budget. but this is like if people in the 1970s (what a boomer would say) brought polaroid or browning Cameras around with them all the time and did the same thing. LOL small cameras existed back then too. no one did this day after day. what the fuck is with everyone today?? "You didn't have the internet to share. no but they had snail mail. stick a stamp on the back of it and write the address. its seen as a postcard. or tape it to the entrance door at highschool or college so everyone can see it. show yourself off to the school. post it on a Post Board. I mean no one fucking did this.

    stupid attention bores

    Change My Mind!
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