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Meth, typically used by homosexual men in urban centers.

  1. #21
    Ghost Black Hole
    The first time I did it I got a gram from the darknet and I did it alone by myself.

    Only reason I tried it in the first place was because I was extremely depressed, just got out of a 2 year relationship and was very lonely and working a lot, just got the keys to the store and was responsible for opening and closing it while everyone had fun with their families and lovers for the holidays and I spent all day at work to go home alone and have no free time to spend all the money I made

    So i guess that makes me a homosexual and a crack head for wanting to get some enjoyment out of my boring life back then. Not like you would ever understand why people ever use drugs in the first place OP..

    You don't work or participate in society, you don't have girlfriends or get your heart broken. Must be easy staying away from drugs when you don't actually do anything in your life besides huff cat shit and play ps2

  2. #22
    Jesus is king African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost The first time I did it I got a gram from the darknet and I did it alone by myself.

    Only reason I tried it in the first place was because I was extremely depressed, just got out of a 2 year relationship and was very lonely and working a lot, just got the keys to the store and was responsible for opening and closing it while everyone had fun with their families and lovers for the holidays and I spent all day at work to go home alone and have no free time to spend all the money I made

    So i guess that makes me a homosexual and a crack head for wanting to get some enjoyment out of my boring life back then. Not like you would ever understand why people ever use drugs in the first place OP..

    You don't work or participate in society, you don't have girlfriends or get your heart broken. Must be easy staying away from drugs when you don't actually do anything in your life besides huff cat shit and play ps2

    No one cares you white trash retard
  3. #23
    Ghost Black Hole
    i've spent more money on drugs than you will ever make in your entire life lol

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #24
    Ghost Black Hole
    how not to get ripped off from a meth deal: just call all your dealers and set up deals for a gram with them all so if one or two of them tries to scam you, you will end up with drugs by the end of the night eventually
  5. #25
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    anyone with self control could use meth as a study drug, but if they've ever used it recreationally or to get high, there's a lot of abuse potential and it's unlikely they'd be able to study with it.

    it's difficult to dose if you're snorting or smoking it, but if you do a small amount, you won't get that ridiculous abuse-potential prone euphoria, you'll just be able to focus better.

    i'd suggest whatever amphetamine is orally bioavailable the most as route of administration has a lot to do with abuse potential.

    fags will abuse anything they get their hands on, that's how they're wired. doesn't mean the drug itself is bad

    and yes ghost is gay but him and hts have some redeeming qualities
  6. #26
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz anyone with self control could use meth as a study drug, but if they've ever used it recreationally or to get high, there's a lot of abuse potential and it's unlikely they'd be able to study with it.

    it's difficult to dose if you're snorting or smoking it, but if you do a small amount, you won't get that ridiculous abuse-potential prone euphoria, you'll just be able to focus better.

    i'd suggest whatever amphetamine is orally bioavailable the most as route of administration has a lot to do with abuse potential.

    fags will abuse anything they get their hands on, that's how they're wired. doesn't mean the drug itself is bad

    and yes ghost is gay but him and hts have some redeeming qualities


    i know how you guys from sa get down, chicken
  7. #27
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby WOAH, GO SMOKE A GLASS DICK BRO!

    i know how you guys from sa get down, chicken

    i quit using it, won't ever use it again. i didn't use it to study, just for fun when the government was trying to hold me to higher standards, in order to mess with them
  8. #28
    livingelegy motherfucker [my polyoicous forward graciousness]
    Meth sucks ass, makes you sick and intensely suicidal on the comedown and also it makes you ugly. Sure it will help you work or study but if you use it like that you're only damaging your ability to work without using it. And whatever you gain by using it for an extended period won't be worth the damage it will do to the rest of your life.
  9. #29
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by livingelegy Meth sucks ass, makes you sick and intensely suicidal on the comedown and also it makes you ugly. Sure it will help you work or study but if you use it like that you're only damaging your ability to work without using it. And whatever you gain by using it for an extended period won't be worth the damage it will do to the rest of your life.

    that's only with higher doses. a couple mg isn't going to turn someone into a lunatic, at least not when administered properly.

    the only problem i had even with high doses was the slower wound healing and insane sex drive. 10 mg is even a lot compared to a study dose if you smoke it.

    put that in a pipe, fill it with smoke and take a big hit, won't last long at all even with no tolerance, but it's still way too euphoric for studying.

    half a mg is really all anyone would need for studying, and the doses have to be spaced out.
    smoking it has too much abuse potential. taking it orally is the best for studying, but you gotta make damn sure you dose right
  10. #30
    Just get a dexedrine prescription like I did.
  11. #31
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm one to talk, but you could also just you know, study while sober.

    Stimulants are great, but if i get distracted i will get distracted for hours.
  12. #32
    Originally posted by Sophie I'm one to talk, but you could also just you know, study while sober.

    This forum
    Doing anything sober
  13. #33
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^you'll be fine big bromo, wanna play some tetris and have a drink sometime?
  14. #34
  15. #35
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Sober?

    nah dawg what are you some kinda jesuit?
  16. #36
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ^you'll be fine big bromo, wanna play some tetris and have a drink sometime?

  17. #37
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    i've been drinking vodka since like umm, 7 hours ago
  18. #38
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    sux cos i gotta get up early

    i may hav to kill you all
  19. #39
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Kill me with a Psi ball, fag.
  20. #40
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Kill me with a Psi ball, fag.

    you're a funny kid really, you should learn better english
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