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Deleted posts for: infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.1011011--0-1--1--00.-110.11111-----0..-.1.0-0-.1011-10--01-001-----0.-.1--0----.-01---010010-0-(b­anned)

  1. #1
    Originally posted by ORACLE Nah you're gonna be the buttcrack buns for nigger salamis

    trump won in a landslide victory

    camelface harris lost due to excessive fraud and cheating

    youre a dirty nigger

    we have the moral obligation to eat more meat.
  2. #2
    remember kids, just say no to drugs.
  3. #3
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Says my copay is over $2000.00
    Price of meds without insurance is $78000.00
    With insurance my copay is still over $2000.00
    So I had to call for a coupon and finally got it down to $5.00 but it took over an hour on the phone.
    At one point I asked the lady on the phone why it is so damn expensive when in India it is only a few dollars per pill and she got all bitchy with me so I hung up and called back to speak to someone else.
    Health care in the USA is completely fucked and all those Big Pharma mother fuckers should be taken out.
    Fuck them all.

    this is what happens when kikes are allowed out of their cages.
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