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I have to leave here soon

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Gigi said she's going to move to Milwaukee Wisconsin next month because she inherited a large house there. Her sister wants her to give the apartment back to the sister.

    I told her there is no way I can live in Milwaukee. though I never been there, I hear its a really shitty city and cold. I told her maybe I'll be visiting her in the summer. but I will be living out of my car for now. maybe I'll pop on with my phone mifi using my laptop but im having to stick my desktop computer in storage.

    I can't afford to be broke so im going to force myself to work. Im thinking of driving out to Las Vegas and just do Airport runs. i have to rent a AirBnB for over a month to get some DMV license sent to its address plus it would be cheaper than a hotel.

    then I'll live out of my car for the most part.
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    why don't you want to move there? sounds like a change might do you good.

    if she has family up there, can she organise a decent job for you?
  3. #3
    blaster master victim of incest
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