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7am'ish as usual

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Loud Traffic Moving up the Hill like a canyon. Every fucking morning or 9/10 morning; Sirens. Usually Ambulance but a lot of times it involved Fire Department or cops. fucking wrecks.

    I'v gotten so used to them I go back to bed. but Im wide eyed right now. Have to take a package to mail off to someone.

    I'm craving a Red Bull. but i want to cut back. Highway looks like shit from way up here. I have to find sideroads to get around the fucking rolling parking lot of fuckery. the first wave of Covid there were hardly any cars but people don't be given fucks now.
  2. #2
    Bugz Space Nigga
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Seven Amish walk into a barn...
  4. #4
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Seven Amish walk into a barn…

    but the 8th one walked around the barn to let the cows out.

    were the 7 injured bad?
  5. #5
    Ghost Black Hole
    all i've heard for the past month is construction sounds all day long

  6. #6
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I use to live on main street in a really shitty part of town.
    Wrecks happened almost every week right outside my door.
    Sometimes minor wrecks but sometimes really bad wrecks.
    Once an ambulance was speeding through a red light with no siren on and t-boned a car that was going through a green light.
    I use to hear gun shots all the time and had the joy of living under a heavily visited drug dealer.
    I remember several times going out to my car in the morning and stepping in hooker shit or walking through a huge swarm of flies that were eating it.
    I'd have people knocking on my door at 2am that were cracked out trying to sell me a soaking wet rug they just carried through the rain in hopes of coming up with drug money.
    I watched 1,000 men pick up an HIV + prostitute that worked right out front.
    Rap music penetrating my ears uninvited from the street.
    It absolutely sucked and there is not sugar coating it.

    Now I live in a much quieter part of town on the top floor of an apartment building where I never have to hear footsteps over head or deal with any of the above.

    Have you though about moving?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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