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Deleted posts for: infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.1101110--0-1-----10.-110.1010-----0..-.1.0-1-.1010-10--01-111-----0.-.1--0----.-01---000010-0-(b­anned)

  1. #1
    Originally posted by benny vader the only thing youll get to deploy is your life ring.

    the only thing youll get to deploy is your tonsils
  2. #2
  3. #3
    still waiting, faggot
  4. #4
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I'm signing up to use your shit pussy as my new fifi , fuck bag, get ready for plundering, you won't be able to shit or cough right in weeks, you nigger

    the extent of your sex life is farm animals. stray livestock, and thawed poultry products.
  6. #6
    Originally posted by Lanny shit, what was that niggas name? Something with a z I think

    ask your mother. she might remember.

    or not, since shes always high on crack.
  7. #7
  8. #8
    Originally posted by infinityshock youre like a pixies asshole. the most adorable shit comes out of you.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Lanny Infinityshock was permabanned for shitposting in that thread originally. He was allowed back for no more reason than I felt like being kind and agreed not to be a shit in the way that got him banned in the first place. I told him very clearly when I removed his last ban not to do the same kind of shit that got him banned the first time. He managed to stick to it for several months, then he didn't, and he didn't listen when I told him to stop. So he's gone again. You're welcome.

    wrong, faggot.

    wrong about me being banned.
  10. #10
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