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Scientists Predict There's 90% Chance Civilization Will Collapse Within 'Decades'
2020-12-07 at 4:22 AM UTC
2020-12-07 at 4:31 AM UTC
Originally posted by aldra
We have moved to the post industrial economy wow just wow that you haven't been keeping up maybe that in itself is a sign that you have been rendered obsolete.
Us true capitalists and our workers are more productive than ever and we don't you people.
We will soar to new heights without you our productivity miracle has left you behind AI and machine learning.
Not saying you peasants should kill yourselves, but wouldn't it be kinder than the alternative?
Unless you're hot, in which case you can apply for a special concubinage relationship maybe, but pm pics first.
Psychological profile may be required, I'm not dumb, melania was a fucking cunt but surely my hebrew shrinks will harvest you out, this time. -
2020-12-07 at 4:37 AM UTCBack in the '70's, the globalists called it global cooling. Everyone was going to freeze to death within 20 years, unless we let the government pick our pockets and dictate our lives. In the 90's, they called it global warming. We were all going to roast to death within 20 years, unless we let the government pick our pockets and dictate our lives. When neither materialized, the solution of a climate change was arrived at. The term, climate change, covered all the bases nicely. So, now, we're all either going to freeze to death, or we're going to roast to death, or a little bit of both, in 20 years. The climate change moniker covers it all. No need to bother with any specifics now. In 20 years, we will all die of climate changes of some kind, unless we let the government pick our pockets and dictate our lives. A wonderful happy ending to a once-confusing globalist scam.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-12-07 at 4:38 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL Back in the '70's, the globalists called it global cooling. Everyone was going to freeze to death within 20 years, unless we let the government pick our pockets and dictate our lives. In the 90's, they called it global warming. We were all going to roast to death within 20 years, unless we let the government pick our pockets and dictate our lives. When neither materialized, the solution of a climate change was arrived at. The term, climate change, covered all the bases nicely. So, now, we're all either going to freeze to death, or we're going to roast to death, or a little bit of both, in 20 years. The climate change moniker covers it all. No need to bother with any specifics now. In 20 years, we will all die of climate changes of some kind, unless we let the government pick our pockets and dictate our lives. A wonderful happy ending to a once-confusing globalist scam.
You must be glad to have people like Scientologist and dnp1 posting here.
They're basically as retarded as you, but mirror imaged.
Infinite debates, talking past each other, as simpletons are wont to do.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-12-07 at 4:42 AM UTC
2020-12-07 at 4:43 AM UTC
2020-12-07 at 4:46 AM UTC
2020-12-07 at 4:57 AM UTC
2020-12-07 at 12:49 PM UTCThe US is about to be hit by a calamity 100 times worse than 9/11:
Dr. Deborah Birx warned on Sunday that the escalating coronavirus surge is likely to be the most trying event in U.S. history, as hospital systems around the country strain to combat its mounting daily death toll.
“This is not just the worst public health event. This is the worst event that this country will face, not just from a public health side,” Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, said during a masked appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
It is almost certain that the U.S. Hospital system is going to "fail" within the next 15 days. And how long it can remain in a state of failure without causing economic or social collapse is unknown. This is going to be an event without precedent. -
2020-12-07 at 1:27 PM UTCAnal 9/11
2020-12-07 at 3:29 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL Back in the '70's, the globalists called it global cooling. Everyone was going to freeze to death within 20 years, unless we let the government pick our pockets and dictate our lives. In the 90's, they called it global warming. We were all going to roast to death within 20 years, unless we let the government pick our pockets and dictate our lives. When neither materialized, the solution of a climate change was arrived at. The term, climate change, covered all the bases nicely. So, now, we're all either going to freeze to death, or we're going to roast to death, or a little bit of both, in 20 years. The climate change moniker covers it all. No need to bother with any specifics now. In 20 years, we will all die of climate changes of some kind, unless we let the government pick our pockets and dictate our lives. A wonderful happy ending to a once-confusing globalist scam.
Don't forget running out of oil in the 60s.
And 70s
And 80s
And... -
2020-12-07 at 3:30 PM UTC
2020-12-07 at 3:38 PM UTC
Originally posted by Obbe The US is about to be hit by a calamity 100 times worse than 9/11:
Dr. Deborah Birx warned on Sunday that the escalating coronavirus surge is likely to be the most trying event in U.S. history, as hospital systems around the country strain to combat its mounting daily death toll.
“This is not just the worst public health event. This is the worst event that this country will face, not just from a public health side,” Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, said during a masked appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
It is almost certain that the U.S. Hospital system is going to "fail" within the next 15 days. And how long it can remain in a state of failure without causing economic or social collapse is unknown. This is going to be an event without precedent.
It's all a concocted illusion. Almost nobody is really dying of the virus. Almost all the death numbers they are flogging are faked, for the fear and control factors. None of these globalist goons can be trusted. None of their data can be trusted. None of their predictions can be trusted. We are dealing with globalist liars and fraudsters here, nothing more. -
2020-12-07 at 3:54 PM UTC
2020-12-07 at 4:17 PM UTC
2020-12-07 at 4:21 PM UTCWhat the New World Order globalists want to do is eliminate property. You won't be allowed to own any property, goods, money, vehicles, houses, land, water, air, or anything else of value. The globalists will own it all, all the world's water included. This means that they can trade amongst themselves over the value of the world's water, while you get a tiny sliver of it, just enough to keep you alive. The greatest theft in humanity's history. The theft of the entire planet and everything on it.
2020-12-07 at 4:34 PM UTCUN Calls On Humanity To End ‘War On Nature’ And Go Carbon-Free:
https://www.unilad.co.uk/news/un-calls-on-humanity-to-end-war-on-nature-and-go-carbon-free/ -
2020-12-07 at 4:37 PM UTC
Originally posted by joe biden Bullshit. I can dig a hole 5 feet deep anywhere in my yard and get all the fresh water i need.
you must be very lucky.
i know an american who lives in flodida who darent drink his tap water and had to go out and buy drinking waters from the joos and their water industrial complex. on a daily basis.
true story. -
https://futurism.com/the-byte/un-official-warns-famines-biblical-proportions-2021WFP head David Beasley told The Associated Press that the agency needs to raise $5 billion just to avert global famine, and another $10 billion to feed malnourished children around the world.
Just look for billionaires to fund this. Their wealth rose by 30% during this pandemic. 10 billion is chump change.
https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/sep/17/wealth-of-us-billionaires-rises-by-nearly-a-third-during-pandemicThe report calculated that 643 billionaires in the US had racked up $845bn (£642bn) in collective wealth gains since 18 March, when lockdowns began across the US and much of the rest of the world. The collective wealth of the billionaire class increased from $2.95tn to $3.8tn. That works out to gains of $141bn a month, or $4.7bn a day.
2020-12-08 at 6:21 PM UTCFlorida Police Confiscate Property of, Threaten, former DOH employee who outed the real statistics: