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Scientists Predict There's 90% Chance Civilization Will Collapse Within 'Decades'
2020-11-29 at 5:55 PM UTC^ The virus has a 99.97 survival rate. Period. End of story. The End.
2020-11-29 at 8:21 PM UTCWhat's cute is acting like the decline of civilization is something you're concerned about while at the same time acting so obnoxiously entitled that being asked to adhere to some simple temporary restrictions for the good of society makes you whine like you're some oppressed victim. You're literally a joke.
2020-11-29 at 9:15 PM UTC
Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.0101110--1-1-----10.-110.1011-----...-.1.0-1-.1010-10--01-0--------.-.--------.-------00------(banned) thats cute how a literal quote of literal election fraud and the literal degradation of the basis of western civilization and american ethics, righteousness, and morality is what you consider worthy of being made fun of.
now stfu and get back to your street corner so the local niggers can use you in the only feasible manner your existence has ever been usable for.
He's clearly talking about the authority that INVESTIGATES voter fraud but you already knew that and got acute, directed retardation due to Biden Derangement Syndrome. -
2020-11-29 at 9:24 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-11-29 at 9:30 PM UTC
2020-11-29 at 9:33 PM UTC
Originally posted by Obbe What's cute is acting like the decline of civilization is something you're concerned about while at the same time acting so obnoxiously entitled that being asked to adhere to some simple temporary restrictions for the good of society makes you whine like you're some oppressed victim. You're literally a joke.
theres no such thing as restriction for the good of society.
your a moron whos better suited for re-parroting information and nothing else.
i dare you, double dare you to write something 1000 words long and ORIGINAL concerning anything. -
2020-11-29 at 9:35 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL The morons are handing out food to rich people, and the rich people aren't so stupid they won't gladly take it. Clown World. That's where we all live now.
the gas they burn on the way and the q to the foodbank probably ckst them mlre than the foods.
and emited more CO² while at it. -
2020-11-29 at 9:37 PM UTC
2020-11-29 at 9:46 PM UTC
2020-11-30 at 11:40 PM UTCMuch of the U.S. Could Be Uninhabitable by 2050:
https://www.downwithtyranny.com/post/much-of-the-u-s-could-be-uninhabitable-by-2050 -
2020-11-30 at 11:42 PM UTC
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny theres no such thing as restriction for the good of society.
your a moron whos better suited for re-parroting information and nothing else.
i dare you, double dare you to write something 1000 words long and ORIGINAL concerning anything.
Some people like to talk so that they will have good voice boxes just in case they ever have anything meaningful to say.
I don't. -
2020-11-30 at 11:57 PM UTCThe "world economic forum" is proposing a reset of society with plans to make a planned economy, coordinate laws and legislator internationally, and create what they call a "stakeholder economy":
2020-12-01 at 1:11 AM UTCThe New Normal. The Great Reset. The New World Order. All one and the same. A world without borders. WorldPharma, WorldEdu, WorldAgro, WorldMed, WorldMil, WorldPol, WorldGov, WorldCourt, WorldCom... it's all coming down the pipe. You don't have a choice. You will obey. You will question nothing. All religion banned, infants disposed of after birth, history erased, depopulation of the elderly, disabled and sick, rights and freedoms banned, personal travel banned, 24/7 surveillance (even in your own home), nanobots in your blood (to monitor and document your thoughts and behaviors). You can't stop it. Resistance is futile. The demons currently have legal control.
2020-12-02 at 12:10 AM UTC
2020-12-02 at 12:32 AM UTC
Originally posted by Obbe The "world economic forum" is proposing a reset of society with plans to make a planned economy, coordinate laws and legislator internationally, and create what they call a "stakeholder economy":
only people with capitals can be stakeholders and stakeholder economy is nothing more than a rebranded capital feudalism.
which most of us are already living under. -
2020-12-02 at 12:36 AM UTC"You will own nothing, and you will love it." ~ The World Economic Forum
2020-12-02 at 12:39 AM UTC
2020-12-02 at 12:46 AM UTCEVENT 201
2020-12-02 at 12:49 AM UTC
2020-12-02 at 12:59 AM UTC