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I been looking at a home for sell in California..

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    California City. an Apartment Condo. 250 a month HOA fees (doable) and like 68 a month in Property Tax, if I had 17k to put down I could buy it.

    the City Crime index is 14 which is pretty decent for living in a lower employed California town. way safer than Oakland. its 70k and needs a little bit of fixen up. the other next door is 79k (you should be able to find it on Zillow) and one that needs serious loving but is livable is 49k (wonder if it's infested with roaches..saw one on the floor near the oven) that one might make sense to buy, but I will be doing alot of fixer up and it would be cheaper to buy the 79k one that has all beautiful upgrade. it even has the blue protective tape on the face of the dishwasher. all wood floors. and has a man made lake (giant decorative pond) in the backyard. looks very 1960s Modern too which is cool.

    Why its that cheap is it's way the fuck out in nowhere California. Near Edwards AFB which is cool as long as plane nots be crashing. I say that because a Military Corsair crashed near our house once. 5 blocks away.

    anyways, Mash and I will be pseudo-kwazi neighbors.
  2. #2
    Bugz Space Nigga
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