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California the once Wealthy Gone Nanny State Ghetto

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Because of their Nanny State laws, more and more. Just one more "THis is how you must live" laws. Tesla is leaving, Uber has threatened to leave and more and more companies are downsizing and moving HQ out of state to other states.

    All the people told to stay home to work and those workers who bought houses because they figured "Why rent in San Francisco when my Morgage 90 miles away is cheaper" will find themselves out of work or having to travel 2000 miles ever other week instead of 90 miles.

    Soon Gas prices and Airline Prices will become unafordable because of the Biden Federal version of California's Nanny state laws and jacks up taxes on fuel cost.

    Fucking slimy cunts destroying everything that was prosperous and good.
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